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Printer stops printing half way by itself

Posted by Sardi 
Printer stops printing half way by itself
April 29, 2014 12:35PM

Funny, this happened as I walked out of the room.. Just a few seconds before it stoped I was in the room, I got out, he stops thumbs up
Dont know why.. Everything seemed ok.
Re: Printer stops printing half way by itself
April 29, 2014 12:47PM
Various things for you to check:

- Which firmware are you using?
- Have you removed the M111 S1 command from config.g, or alternatively, did you send M111 S0 before printing?
- Did the PC go into sleep mode?

btw it looks to me from the photos that the extruder is too hot, you may not have increased retraction to 4mm in slic3r, and the print head is sagging.

Large delta printer [miscsolutions.wordpress.com], E3D tool changer, Robotdigg SCARA printer, Crane Quad and Ormerod

Disclosure: I design Duet electronics and work on RepRapFirmware, [duet3d.com].
Re: Printer stops printing half way by itself
April 29, 2014 01:05PM
- Which firmware are you using?

- Have you removed the M111 S1 command from config.g, or alternatively, did you send M111 S0 before printing?
No I didt not. Should I?

- Did the PC go into sleep mode?

btw it looks to me from the photos that the extruder is too hot, you may not have increased retraction to 4mm in slic3r, and the print head is sagging.
I lowered the temperature for the first layer to 195, and the second to 190. I am using the PLA provided with the kit.
I will increase the retraction to 4mm now, forgot to do it.

I believe the fan duct underneath the fan is whats causing the problems.

(not the pic of my ormerod)

It sometimes scrapes the surface of the print while the head is moving about.
With that first print it was not a problem, but with this one, it seems that it is, and I cant lower the nozzle any more. (right now its max 1mm under the fan duct)
Re: Printer stops printing half way by itself
April 29, 2014 01:44PM
I suspect your hotend is tilted (sagging) and that causes the fan cover to be too low. If that is the case, fit a 10mm bearing on the X runner to lift it, and ensure the bearing is pushed in the slot to lift the hotend level (fettle the slot if necessary to make it longer). As a quick fix if you don't have a 10mm bearing to hand, glue or tape a hacksaw blade along the perspex X arm so the hotend bearing runs on the blade.

Re: Printer stops printing half way by itself
April 29, 2014 02:12PM
As a quick fix if you don't have a 10mm bearing to hand, glue or tape a hacksaw blade along the perspex X arm so the hotend bearing runs on the blade.

This my friend was a brilliant idea thumbs up
I have implemented it, and will give the print a try winking smiley
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