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Laser cut Aluminium X-Arm & Rib kits....

Posted by Davek0974 
Re: Laser cut Aluminium X-Arm & Rib kits....
July 08, 2017 05:04PM
Karoo Klong

How do you find the machine/kit number?
I would really like to know and use it's number.

The first 500 was version 383 (RS red printed parts), the later was named ver. 384

You can download the source codes here:


Re: Laser cut Aluminium X-Arm & Rib kits....
July 11, 2017 08:15AM
Thank you Erik

I will ask Greg if he perhaps still have that certificate.
Re: Laser cut Aluminium X-Arm & Rib kits....
July 15, 2017 09:15AM
..I think the secret is getting the cooling block in the right place..

Agreed...and a lot of cooling added to the cooling block

The downside is that the low mounted fan do not leave much space to ad proper cooling to the print but one can fix that by adding another cooling block on top of the original one (and that also ads more thermal mass to the cooling block) - its a prototype so looks a bit messy, and prolly better to make the cooling block as one part, but screwed together with heat paste between it works just fine

The treads are in the lower part, upper part is free-bored, so a really easy mod to make if one has an extra cooling block

BTW, the centrifugal blower used is a Delta Electronic BUB0512HB DC12 0.24A, moves a lot of air


...and using reasonable retraction settings.

I retract 10.0mm at 60mm/sec in the end script and it do not give me any trouble

Re: Laser cut Aluminium X-Arm & Rib kits....
July 18, 2017 09:59AM


...and using reasonable retraction settings.

I retract 10.0mm at 60mm/sec in the end script and it do not give me any trouble


I was using something similar with the stock 0.5 nozzle in a quickset hot end but now I use a 0.3 nozzle and have been able to reduce it to 2.6 mm but slower at 30 mm/s for PLA. I find ABS needs a bit more retraction at about 5 mm With the quickset hot end if the cooling block is slightly above or below the shoulder it will jam with very large retraction settings.
Re: Laser cut Aluminium X-Arm & Rib kits....
November 29, 2017 07:39AM
Hi all,

Christmas is coming - we still supply the bed and arm kits for mk1's and bed kits for mk2's smiling smiley

Another RS Ormerod Mk1 meets the world smiling smiley

Retired now but I used to make....
CNC Machined Mk1 aluminium bed support plates for the Ormerod
CNC machined X-plates and ribs for Mk1 & Mk2 Ormerods
CNC machined bed support arms for the Mk2 Ormerod.
Dual Hot-End heatsink blocks.
Re: Laser cut Aluminium X-Arm & Rib kits....
November 29, 2017 03:36PM
Hi all,

Christmas is coming - we still supply the bed and arm kits for mk1's and bed kits for mk2's smiling smiley

Also have stock of the Ormerod MK2 printer support bed 3D Print and Stuff - Printer Bed Support
Improves the levelness of print bed and won't bend or warp like the original MDF one.

Supporting 3D Printers with Parts and Build services.
Printer: Ormerod 2 (528.4) Duel extruder set-up with Aluminium X-Rib, RRPro Firmware v1.11-ch (2016-04-08)
Re: Laser cut Aluminium X-Arm & Rib kits....
August 31, 2018 02:50AM
Hi all,

As a reminder to those new here, I'm the guy that makes the aluminium replacement beds and X-arms for the Ormerod winking smiley

I just thought i'd ask to see if there were any other parts that could be made to improve or modify the Ormerod or indeed any other printer??

I have CNC capability in aluminium, steel, brass etc up to a fairly large size now as well as bead-blasting for finish, diamond engraving and powder-coating.

Would be happy to provide special prices to forum members as before.

Feel free to let me know.



Another RS Ormerod Mk1 meets the world smiling smiley

Retired now but I used to make....
CNC Machined Mk1 aluminium bed support plates for the Ormerod
CNC machined X-plates and ribs for Mk1 & Mk2 Ormerods
CNC machined bed support arms for the Mk2 Ormerod.
Dual Hot-End heatsink blocks.
Re: Laser cut Aluminium X-Arm & Rib kits....
October 02, 2018 04:20PM

This is no use to me now, as I've already purchased the parts I've needed for a Railcore printer (an open source printer) from the US with a big old import duty - as there are no UK/EU suppliers for these parts.

[railcore.org] - there are fusion360 models here which you can download and then export the stl or dwg of any part you desire.

The aluminium parts are

There are also HDPE panels [www.kraegar.com]

There is some demand for these parts, more than Ormerod I would imagine. I do know the heated beds that were available a week or so ago sold out in less than 24 hours.
Re: Laser cut Aluminium X-Arm & Rib kits....
October 02, 2018 05:24PM
Hi Dave,

Expect an order soon from Glasgow uni. We've just purchased a v1 Ormerod (and a Huxley) from eBay very cheaply. They need some rebuilding but otherwise seem serviceable. I miss RepRap, their printers are so easily adapted to do other things! Two of your aluminium arms (I was at Liverpool uni when I bought them back then, three [!!!] years ago) are still going strong on Ormerod v2 printers in my house and at work. Also dc42's z-probe and dual-extruder adapter... :-) Thanks for making them!

Re: Laser cut Aluminium X-Arm & Rib kits....
October 28, 2018 05:07AM
What are the bed support arms you mention in your signature? I've got the three piece bed support and x-arm kit but can't find anything else on your or 3D Print & Stuff's website?
Re: Laser cut Aluminium X-Arm & Rib kits....
January 20, 2019 09:04AM
the 3-piece bed support kit IS the bed support arms i mentioned winking smiley

Apologies for the late reply, i don't seem to get any notifications now sad smiley


Another RS Ormerod Mk1 meets the world smiling smiley

Retired now but I used to make....
CNC Machined Mk1 aluminium bed support plates for the Ormerod
CNC machined X-plates and ribs for Mk1 & Mk2 Ormerods
CNC machined bed support arms for the Mk2 Ormerod.
Dual Hot-End heatsink blocks.
Re: Laser cut Aluminium X-Arm & Rib kits....
May 08, 2020 05:07AM
Hi Dave (and anyone else who can help)
I fitted both the X axis arm kit and the 3D printer Bed support some time ago and it was a massive improvement. Thank you,
However afer some time not using the printer I find that although the bed is now much bore stable it still rocks from side to side!
I believe this is due to the way that the wooden support rests on the bearing.
Have you or anyone else experienced this problem and found a solution?
The bed rocks from side to side by as much as 2mm which makes bed compensation both impossible and pointless.
Any thoughts?
Re: Laser cut Aluminium X-Arm & Rib kits....
May 08, 2020 05:50AM
There's no wood on bearings if you are using the bed support kit?
Re: Laser cut Aluminium X-Arm & Rib kits....
May 08, 2020 08:03AM
When I bought my bed support it only consisted of a triangular aluminium plate and a few screws.
The original heated bed support (as shown in the attached photo) consisted of a Y shaped wooden (MDF) panel with a second wooden (MDF) piece dove-tailed into it at right angles. This piece had a semicircular cut-out on the underside which fit over the bearing on the front rail.
In fitting the new aluminium bed support I replaced the Y shaped MDF panel with the aluminium one, keeping the other parts including the vertical MDF piece which still fits over the bearing.
It is this piece which rocks on the bearing causing the whole bed to rock!
Were there some parts missing from my bed support kit? Is there anything I can do to prevent this rocking?
open | download - ORM2-y-carriage-build-01-300x225.jpg (12.4 KB)
open | download - ORM2-heated-bed-52-300x225.jpg (14 KB)
Re: Laser cut Aluminium X-Arm & Rib kits....
May 08, 2020 09:45AM
I would check with the person that sold you the upgrade kit for the MK2 printer.

There shouldn't be any wooden parts within a kit.
Davek0974 made the kit parts for me to order and I sold them upon my website 3DPrint and Stuff, which is now closed.
Might have one on the stock shelf, will need to check.

Check the image attached showing the kit made by Dave and sold by myself.


Supporting 3D Printers with Parts and Build services.
Printer: Ormerod 2 (528.4) Duel extruder set-up with Aluminium X-Rib, RRPro Firmware v1.11-ch (2016-04-08)
Re: Laser cut Aluminium X-Arm & Rib kits....
May 08, 2020 10:18AM
Hi all, the Mk1 bed used the original support frames, the Mk2 model had the aluminium supports as shown by Chris above.

There was never a full kit for the Mk1 model Ormerod winking smiley

Another RS Ormerod Mk1 meets the world smiling smiley

Retired now but I used to make....
CNC Machined Mk1 aluminium bed support plates for the Ormerod
CNC machined X-plates and ribs for Mk1 & Mk2 Ormerods
CNC machined bed support arms for the Mk2 Ormerod.
Dual Hot-End heatsink blocks.
Re: Laser cut Aluminium X-Arm & Rib kits....
May 08, 2020 11:23AM
As Davek0974 rightly guessed, I have a Mk 1 Ormerod printer and the bed support is the single plate as offered on his website at https://ddmetalproducts.co.uk/product/printer-bed-support/
Am I right in assuming that the kit described by orictosh will not fit the Mk 1? Is there a similar solution for the Mk 1? Could one be made? Would a possible solution be just to glue the MDF on to the bearing?
I don't have any engineering facilities myself but would be willing to pay someone to make something for me at a reasonable cost.

Re: Laser cut Aluminium X-Arm & Rib kits....
May 08, 2020 11:35AM
Yes, the chances are that your wood parts have shrunk/expanded over time and are now loose.

The best solution I would go for would be a drop or two of superglue, epoxy etc just to firm it all up again.

To design, test and product the parts in metal would take considerable effort and as the machine is no longer a production model, sales would likely be minimal.

Nice to hear they are still running though.

Another RS Ormerod Mk1 meets the world smiling smiley

Retired now but I used to make....
CNC Machined Mk1 aluminium bed support plates for the Ormerod
CNC machined X-plates and ribs for Mk1 & Mk2 Ormerods
CNC machined bed support arms for the Mk2 Ormerod.
Dual Hot-End heatsink blocks.
Re: Laser cut Aluminium X-Arm & Rib kits....
May 08, 2020 11:50AM
Davek0974 made the kit parts for me to order and I sold them upon my website 3DPrint and Stuff, which is now closed.
Might have one on the stock shelf, will need to check.

Oooh, is this an aluminium bed kit for the Mk2 Ormerod? If so, can you check (double-check) your stock shelf? I'd take one or two off your hands. I can pay in pasta and loo roll if that's still a thing. Otherwise money. spinning smiley sticking its tongue out

Nice to hear they are still running though.

Hell yes! I've got two chugging away right now printing the face shield frames for 3dcrowd! smiling smiley

Re: Laser cut Aluminium X-Arm & Rib kits....
May 08, 2020 12:51PM
I'll vouch for the alloy bed plates! Running two sets here, also hammering out face shield frames.

@orictosh hello! The filamentive clear PETG that you sold me when closing down the website is working great on the frames. More than can be said for a alternate 'snow white' PETG which is proving brittle. Did you get left with any more DHT sensors that you would still like to shift? I would be interested if so.
Re: Laser cut Aluminium X-Arm & Rib kits....
May 11, 2020 06:54AM
As Davek0974 rightly guessed, I have a Mk 1 Ormerod printer and the bed support is the single plate as offered on his website at https://ddmetalproducts.co.uk/product/printer-bed-support/

Hi Peter,
You could print this one (if you can print that is) - I did in ABS and it works great
One-piece Ormerod bed support:

Re: Laser cut Aluminium X-Arm & Rib kits....
May 11, 2020 07:42AM
Over the weekend I found the screws fitting the MDF onto the two rear bearing retainers were loose, probably due to the fact that the holes in the MDF were too large! Also, the dovetail between the two pieces of MDF was loose.
Countersunk screws, Wood glue, and epoxy apprear to have made the bed much more rigid.
You could print this one (if you can print that is) - I did in ABS and it works great
One-piece Ormerod bed support:


However your solution looks much more elegant and durable. Thank you.
As you may have guessed I am not in a position to print anything just yet, so will have to find someone who can do it for me. Does it need to be ABS, or will PLA work just as well?
Re: Laser cut Aluminium X-Arm & Rib kits....
May 11, 2020 01:26PM

As you may have guessed I am not in a position to print anything just yet, so will have to find someone who can do it for me. Does it need to be ABS, or will PLA work just as well?

PLA will be fine for normal printing, the bed will actually be a bit stiffer than in ABS as long as you keep the room temperature below 30 degrees or so - I do sometime print ABS in a heat chamber, therefore
But if your fix hold, why bother :-)
Re: Laser cut Aluminium X-Arm & Rib kits....
May 21, 2020 05:09AM
I'll vouch for the alloy bed plates! Running two sets here, also hammering out face shield frames.

@orictosh hello! The filamentive clear PETG that you sold me when closing down the website is working great on the frames. More than can be said for a alternate 'snow white' PETG which is proving brittle. Did you get left with any more DHT sensors that you would still like to shift? I would be interested if so.

Regarding the DHT sensors have placed a post in the for sale section [reprap.org]

Looked for some more MK2 printer plates, afraid wasn't able to find any.

Maybe contact @Davek0974 to produce a few more of them;

Supporting 3D Printers with Parts and Build services.
Printer: Ormerod 2 (528.4) Duel extruder set-up with Aluminium X-Rib, RRPro Firmware v1.11-ch (2016-04-08)
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