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Attaching Z-Runner to X-Frame

Posted by liammcmullan 
Attaching Z-Runner to X-Frame
August 25, 2014 03:04AM
Hi Everyone,

Started building my first ever printer over the weekend and have run into a small problem.

It is in the attaching of the z-runner to the x-frame. I can get the cap head screw to align perfectly but the counter sunk screw appears to be off by about 2mm.

Have removed, reread the instructions, checked and still I am scratching my head !!

Any help really appreciated as I dont want to continue and attach this to the z axis with one screw only holding the z-runner against the frame.

thanks !

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/25/2014 03:27AM by liammcmullan.
Re: Attaching Z-Runner to X-Frame
August 25, 2014 04:33AM
Just to clarify, it's this section we're talking about, right? The little plastic part with a couple of small bearings that run along the Z aluminium extrusion and screws onto the acrylic X-axis plate.

I don't remember having any particular problems with that, but there were a few places where I had to file at some holes or edges to make everything fit right. That was for fractions of a millimeter though, if something is off by as much as 2mm it sounds like either an incorrectly drilled X arm, or something isn't put together right. Can you post some pictures of how things look, that might give some clues.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/25/2014 04:35AM by jstck.
Re: Attaching Z-Runner to X-Frame
August 25, 2014 05:00AM
That's it alright.

I will post some pictures later this evening when I get home from the day job to show what I am talking about.

Thanks for taking a look !!

Re: Attaching Z-Runner to X-Frame
August 25, 2014 12:16PM
Hi Liam

Sorry you're having trouble putting the x-axis together. Most likely the x-rib, which does have a little play to help fit, has moved along the length of the x-axis-plate towards the idler, so the holes don't line up. It's probably the same for the holes where the z-runner bearing comes through; the x-rib and x-axis-plate cutouts probably don't quit line up there, either. Usually this is because the slot in the printed x-motor-mount that holds the x-rib may need a little plastic trimming, to stop it pushing the x-rib so much. You can usually slacken off the x-motor-mount, shift the x-rib back, then retighten it.

It is also possible your x-rib or x-axis-plate has moved while being laser cut, and the holes aren't in the right places. If it looks like that may be the case, send an email to me with your name, address and order number (we don't have access to the RS customer database), and we'll send you replacements.

RepRapPro tech support
Re: Attaching Z-Runner to X-Frame
August 27, 2014 07:20AM
`Many thanks Ian for all your tips !

I have been successful spinning smiley sticking its tongue out. It did need a little plastic trimming as you suggested and I only really spotted it when I was taking a few photos to place up here to help show my small problem.

So after the trimming and shifting the rib a little all is good !!

Thanks again for the help !!

Getting closer and closer now to having it up and running !!

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