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How about this ormerod? Do you like it?

Posted by peter_xm 
How about this ormerod? Do you like it?
March 11, 2015 01:37PM
Hey, guys.
We team make an ormerod and see the pectures. Looks great! But, still some small problems!
Firstly, the nozzle! It seems the nozzle need to be improved, because this one is not a standard part in the market! It's not easy to buy the part.
Secondly, The Z axis is 5mm diameter.If it change to 8mm, it will be more stable.

How do you like it then?

Everything of 3D printer. www.3dminions.com
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Re: How about this ormerod? Do you like it?
March 11, 2015 02:01PM
Nice build, look very pretty in orange! - no I don't think the printer will be more stable changing the treaded rod to 5mm, it will carry the weight of the x-axis just fine as is, yes the nut should be changed for a longer one in brass or bronze but same goes for 8mm

..but your elephant would be more stable with at thicker trunk ;-)

LeFabShop Elephant with thicker trunk:

Re: How about this ormerod? Do you like it?
March 11, 2015 02:47PM
I think there was a reason for using a 5mm rod. I think it was the rounding errors compared to the steps of the motor?
Re: How about this ormerod? Do you like it?
March 12, 2015 12:09AM
I think the rod could only be improved by switching to like Acme threads (or even ball bearing nut threads), which are designed for wear resistance. However, they are sooooo insanely expensive that it's just cheaper (and well worth the hassle) of replacing the rod & Nut now and then.

Firstly, the nozzle! It seems the nozzle need to be improved, because this one is not a standard part in the market! It's not easy to buy the part.

It's true the nozzle isn't easy to source, but it is (or is at least close) to an all mettle hot end which is nice.

If you find that the cost of shipping nozzles to you is too expensive, or you can't get them from RRP for some reason. The technical drawings for all the parts are on GitHub and under an open source licence... if you know a machine shop that can fabricate parts for you, it might be cheaper.....

Link to Nozzle PDF technical drawing on GitHUb
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