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DUET Burnt out

Posted by mattydoremro 
DUET Burnt out
November 14, 2015 08:36PM
I'm a long time user of the Reprap product (operating a Ormerod 1) but in recent days have been experiencing sufficient problems. It started with errors with the temperature sensors, which I tested the resistance and confirmed it was functioning correctly. Booting up Arduino everything was all good. Fired up the printer through Pronterface and started the heating of the bed and head and within a minute the mircoprocessor and the resistor fried itself below the erase button. Not to be discouraged I purchased another Duet, rewired everything, took it through it's tests running the current software update, which was working under the USB connection. Applied the 12V connection to the board and again the resistor under the erase went up in smoke. I disconnected the heater bed prior to connecting the 12V as I thought this may have caused the problem initially (guess not). Really at a loss with resolving the problem and dont want to commit to purchasing another board to watch it go up in smoke.

The supply I'm using is as 12V power pack similar to ormerod V2 directly connected to the 12v terminal blocks (completed quite a lot of prints in the configuration prior to the meltdown).

open | download - DUET.JPG (145.2 KB)
Re: DUET Burnt out
November 15, 2015 01:44AM
Hi Matty,

I am sorry, thaat you have such problems. But this is a typical situation if the 3.3V generated by the Duet is short cut somehow with the 12V power supply. Really typical: The Thermistor of the Extruder is wrong connected. Other possibilities: The proximity sensor, the Thermistor of the heated bed (maybe it comes in a wrong contact with the heated bed?) or the end stops. As it happens as you start the heating process it seems to be one of the Thermistor.
What about the flat cable? Did you put the connector wrong onto the Duet and missed a pair of pins?
Otherwise I would use a Multimeter measuring the Ohms if you have any connections to the heater cartridge or to the heated bed from any pins of the Thermistors.

Best regards,


Slicer: Simplify3D 4.0; sometimes CraftWare 1.14 or Cura 2.7
Delta with Duet-WiFi, FW: 1.20.1RC2; mini-sensor board by dc42 for auto-leveling
Ormerod common modifications: Mini-sensor board by dc42, aluminum X-arm, 0.4 mm nozzle E3D like, 2nd fan, Z stepper nut M5 x 15, Herringbone gears, Z-axis bearing at top, spring loaded extruder with pneumatic fitting, Y belt axis tensioner
Ormerod 2: FW: 1.19-dc42 on Duet-WiFi. own build, modifications: GT2-belts, silicone heat-bed, different motors and so on. Printed parts: bed support, (PSU holder) and Y-feet.
Ormerod 1: FW: 1.15c-dc42 on 1k Duet-Board. Modifications: Aluminium bed-support, (nearly) all parts reprinted in PLA/ ABS, and so on.
Re: DUET Burnt out
November 15, 2015 04:13AM
Also check for a short between the element of the heater cartridge and the casing. I have heard that they develop such a short sometimes. If you get a short there, it only takes another short from a thermistor wire to the heater block or heatsink to give you that problem.

Large delta printer [miscsolutions.wordpress.com], E3D tool changer, Robotdigg SCARA printer, Crane Quad and Ormerod

Disclosure: I design Duet electronics and work on RepRapFirmware, [duet3d.com].
Re: DUET Burnt out
November 16, 2015 06:56AM
I agree - you either have a short in your wiring that is feeding 12 volts to one of the Duet's inputs or its 3.3V rail or you have mis-wired them to the Duet. If you are certain that all the wires are connected to the correct places on the Duet board, you will need to find the short. There are not that many wires, and you should use a meter to check for a short or low resistance at the Duet end of the wires (with the Duet disconnected). The wires that would cause such a situation if shorted to 12V are: Any of the 4 thermistor wires or the two non-ground wires going to the IR proximity sensor board. Measuring between any pair of thermistor wires or any of the prox sensor wires (with Duet disconnected) should give an infinite resistance to all the other wires. In your case I would expect you to find that that is not the case and once you identify which wires give a resistance reading you should be able to follow the wire and find where the short is. If you cannot find a low resistance path, I would suggest moving things around until you see the short (it is definitely there!). There are several possibilities, and using an ohm-meter will give you the easiest way to find it. It could be a whisker from thermistor connection to the fan connection for example.

I blew my Duet by accidentally plugging in the bed IDC connector 1 pin offset - this shorts the bed thermistor to the 12V bed heater supply.

Re: DUET Burnt out
November 16, 2015 09:14AM
I blew my Duet by accidentally plugging in the bed IDC connector 1 pin offset - this shorts the bed thermistor to the 12V bed heater supply.

This nearly happened to me, too as I reconnected my second replacement Duet board. I have planned to exchange the bed to another one with single wire connections.

Slicer: Simplify3D 4.0; sometimes CraftWare 1.14 or Cura 2.7
Delta with Duet-WiFi, FW: 1.20.1RC2; mini-sensor board by dc42 for auto-leveling
Ormerod common modifications: Mini-sensor board by dc42, aluminum X-arm, 0.4 mm nozzle E3D like, 2nd fan, Z stepper nut M5 x 15, Herringbone gears, Z-axis bearing at top, spring loaded extruder with pneumatic fitting, Y belt axis tensioner
Ormerod 2: FW: 1.19-dc42 on Duet-WiFi. own build, modifications: GT2-belts, silicone heat-bed, different motors and so on. Printed parts: bed support, (PSU holder) and Y-feet.
Ormerod 1: FW: 1.15c-dc42 on 1k Duet-Board. Modifications: Aluminium bed-support, (nearly) all parts reprinted in PLA/ ABS, and so on.
Re: DUET Burnt out
November 16, 2015 12:43PM
I blew my Duet by accidentally plugging in the bed IDC connector 1 pin offset - this shorts the bed thermistor to the 12V bed heater supply.

This nearly happened to me, too as I reconnected my second replacement Duet board. I have planned to exchange the bed to another one with single wire connections.

Or print Pointy's mod:


Re: DUET Burnt out
January 04, 2016 05:25PM
Thanks for the advice and I think I found the short (sigh). I've finally got all my new board however I've noticed reading through the Ormerod v1 & v2 documentation that the power set up is a little different. V2 documentation has the board powered with a dedicated 5V source and changes the jumper to JP10. I don't have this PCB however I was wanting to keep the jumper of JP9 and power the board USB as per the original configuration? Is this a possibility?


Re: DUET Burnt out
January 05, 2016 12:32AM
Hello Matt,

the external PCB board is only needed if you want to fulfill the EMC and CE rules. You can use the board total normally with your Ormerod 1 as I also did meanwhile twice.
Where was your short circuit located?

Best regards,


Edit: Maybe you have to change your config.g regarding from where you get your board. If you have readings about 55°C at room temperature please change your config.g lines to:
M305 P0 R4700 H0 L0	                                ; Put your own H and/or L values here to set the bed thermistor ADC correction
M305 P1 R4700 H0 L0	                		; Put your own H and/or L values here to set the first nozzle thermistor ADC correction
M305 P2 R4700 H0 L0					; Put your own H and/or L values here to set the second nozzle thermistor ADC correction

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/05/2016 12:34AM by Treito.

Slicer: Simplify3D 4.0; sometimes CraftWare 1.14 or Cura 2.7
Delta with Duet-WiFi, FW: 1.20.1RC2; mini-sensor board by dc42 for auto-leveling
Ormerod common modifications: Mini-sensor board by dc42, aluminum X-arm, 0.4 mm nozzle E3D like, 2nd fan, Z stepper nut M5 x 15, Herringbone gears, Z-axis bearing at top, spring loaded extruder with pneumatic fitting, Y belt axis tensioner
Ormerod 2: FW: 1.19-dc42 on Duet-WiFi. own build, modifications: GT2-belts, silicone heat-bed, different motors and so on. Printed parts: bed support, (PSU holder) and Y-feet.
Ormerod 1: FW: 1.15c-dc42 on 1k Duet-Board. Modifications: Aluminium bed-support, (nearly) all parts reprinted in PLA/ ABS, and so on.
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