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New PanelDue firmware released

Posted by dc42 
New PanelDue firmware released
November 25, 2015 05:37PM
I have just released firmware 1.13 beta 1. The main changes this time are:

- Added Extrude popup
- Support subdirectories in macro and file lists
- Allow a different page to be selected even when there is a popup. Preserve the keyboard popup on the Console page.
- Allow other options on the Settings tab to be pressed even if there is already a Settings popup

Pre-built binaries are at [github.com]. Don't forget to use the Raw button to download the binary you want.

Large delta printer [miscsolutions.wordpress.com], E3D tool changer, Robotdigg SCARA printer, Crane Quad and Ormerod

Disclosure: I design Duet electronics and work on RepRapFirmware, [duet3d.com].

Re: New PanelDue firmware released
November 27, 2015 01:36PM
Thanks David, I've just tried your latest beta and it's working well on my printer. I really like the new icons too, and I can confirm that all of your changes are working well on my 4.3'' display.

One more suggestion: Could you remove the asterisk from the directory buttons in one of your next releases?
Re: New PanelDue firmware released
November 29, 2015 04:22AM
One more suggestion: Could you remove the asterisk from the directory buttons in one of your next releases?

Why would you want that?

Re: New PanelDue firmware released
November 29, 2015 06:33AM
One more suggestion: Could you remove the asterisk from the directory buttons in one of your next releases?

Why would you want that?


It's no big deal, but I'd change it for optical reasons. I don't find an asterisk in a directory name very pretty, but maybe it would be better to replace it with an icon for users who don't know their own file structure.
Re: New PanelDue firmware released
December 06, 2015 06:00PM
I have now released PanelDue firmware 1.13 at [github.com] (follow the link to the version you want and click Raw to download it). This version includes extruder control, better home icons, better command line history, and picks up the fan speed from the Duet if it is running 1.09m-dc42 firnware

Large delta printer [miscsolutions.wordpress.com], E3D tool changer, Robotdigg SCARA printer, Crane Quad and Ormerod

Disclosure: I design Duet electronics and work on RepRapFirmware, [duet3d.com].
Re: New PanelDue firmware released
December 07, 2015 03:52AM
Any details on the changes made with 1.09m over 1.09k? Thanks! Edit: nvm, found the thread: [forums.reprap.org]

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/07/2015 03:56AM by n8bot.
Re: New PanelDue firmware released
December 13, 2015 03:26AM
One small thing that I do not like very much. If I pause and cancel a print the heaters will be turned off. I would prefer if they would keep on. It is strange as I tested the PanelDue with FW 1.09n-ch and using Firefox the heaters stay on. Why there is a difference between Duet-FW and PanelDue-FW? At least this is really confusing.
I would suggest that both type of firmware will run a macro and this decide if the heaters will stay on or will be turned off. So there would be no dependence on the firmware used.

BTW I was not able to calibrate the Touchpanel at first startup so I had to flash the firmware

Slicer: Simplify3D 4.0; sometimes CraftWare 1.14 or Cura 2.7
Delta with Duet-WiFi, FW: 1.20.1RC2; mini-sensor board by dc42 for auto-leveling
Ormerod common modifications: Mini-sensor board by dc42, aluminum X-arm, 0.4 mm nozzle E3D like, 2nd fan, Z stepper nut M5 x 15, Herringbone gears, Z-axis bearing at top, spring loaded extruder with pneumatic fitting, Y belt axis tensioner
Ormerod 2: FW: 1.19-dc42 on Duet-WiFi. own build, modifications: GT2-belts, silicone heat-bed, different motors and so on. Printed parts: bed support, (PSU holder) and Y-feet.
Ormerod 1: FW: 1.15c-dc42 on 1k Duet-Board. Modifications: Aluminium bed-support, (nearly) all parts reprinted in PLA/ ABS, and so on.
Re: New PanelDue firmware released
December 13, 2015 03:55AM
One small thing that I do not like very much. If I pause and cancel a print the heaters will be turned off. I would prefer if they would keep on. It is strange as I tested the PanelDue with FW 1.09n-ch and using Firefox the heaters stay on. Why there is a difference between Duet-FW and PanelDue-FW? At least this is really confusing.
I would suggest that both type of firmware will run a macro and this decide if the heaters will stay on or will be turned off. So there would be no dependence on the firmware used.

BTW I was not able to calibrate the Touchpanel at first startup so I had to flash the firmware

What I think is needed is a separate "Abandon print" gcode, that in RepRapFirmware would run a macro. In the absence of such a gcode, PanelDue sends M0, which I thought is also what the web interface sends.

Touch panels vary in their orientation and their registration with respect to the screen, so I am not surprised that yours didn't work as shipped.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/13/2015 03:57AM by dc42.

Large delta printer [miscsolutions.wordpress.com], E3D tool changer, Robotdigg SCARA printer, Crane Quad and Ormerod

Disclosure: I design Duet electronics and work on RepRapFirmware, [duet3d.com].
Re: New PanelDue firmware released
December 13, 2015 04:26AM
Hello David,

of course I know that mine did not work. At work we supplied 24" Touch monitors for PC connections. Even with this type of touch panels you cannot connect the monitor easily to another PC. Often it works, but sometimes it fails in the same way like my display with your PCB: Thinking of CAD it seems that all points are mirrored according to a point at the center, more or less.
It would have been nice if the setup procedure would have been run after connection. On the other hand you ensure that the firmware will be updated. How often I thought why did the people do not upgrade the firmware? Many are using FW 0.78 and they are wondering why something does not work as aspected even though there are 3 times the order to update the firmware.

What I think is needed is a separate "Abandon print" gcode, that in RepRapFirmware would run a macro. In the absence of such a gcode, PanelDue sends M0, which I thought is also what the web interface sends.

That is the way that I was talking about. I think it is important that the PanelDue behaves like the web-interface and the user should have a choice to get the behavior he likes. I often use the cancel function if something goes wrong with the first layer. If there was some ooze for example or the layer height was wrong starting the print.

BTW I am happy that I have a 5V DC regulator board from Replikeo where some terminals are missing. I do not know how to add a heatsink at the linear regulator with the original board. I have found an effective and cheap heatsink which is not very tall for the heatsink dissipation, but it needs the space of the connectors. But hey, I have never experineced before that this heatsink is getting hot, 95°C that is nearly too much (Acoording to the datasheet 125°C). Okay once my case for the board is finished I will add a fan for additional cooling. Regarding your connectors: For the black connectors you have slightly better crimp contacts as it seems you have a better material. However the white one looks better, but I have a different type. The nose-pieces are longer and the crimp contacts are a little bit easier to handle with my crimping tool. At least I am not a big fan of the black connectors but I did not find a suitable alternative and I have about 950 crimp contacts here. grinning smiley
Here is the datasheet of the heatsink:
Which minimum thermal resistance should I use? I am afraid that another heatsink will not fir anymore. I hope it is okay to ask this here or should I open a new thread?

Best regards,


Slicer: Simplify3D 4.0; sometimes CraftWare 1.14 or Cura 2.7
Delta with Duet-WiFi, FW: 1.20.1RC2; mini-sensor board by dc42 for auto-leveling
Ormerod common modifications: Mini-sensor board by dc42, aluminum X-arm, 0.4 mm nozzle E3D like, 2nd fan, Z stepper nut M5 x 15, Herringbone gears, Z-axis bearing at top, spring loaded extruder with pneumatic fitting, Y belt axis tensioner
Ormerod 2: FW: 1.19-dc42 on Duet-WiFi. own build, modifications: GT2-belts, silicone heat-bed, different motors and so on. Printed parts: bed support, (PSU holder) and Y-feet.
Ormerod 1: FW: 1.15c-dc42 on 1k Duet-Board. Modifications: Aluminium bed-support, (nearly) all parts reprinted in PLA/ ABS, and so on.
Re: New PanelDue firmware released
December 13, 2015 04:57AM
If you are using a 4.3" screen then the total current draw on 5V of the PanelDue + Duet should be no more than 600mA I think (it might be below 500mA, I haven't measured the 5V current taken by a Duet). Using 12V power to the regulator, that makes (12 - 5) * 0.6 = 4.2W power dissipation. The maximum junction temperature for a 7805 is 125C, so if we allow for 40C ambient temperature, then the maximum total thermal resistance should be (125-40)/4.2 = 20 degC/W. The 7805 has 5 degC/W junction to case, which leaves 15 degC/W for the heatsink + the joint between the heatsink and case.

Large delta printer [miscsolutions.wordpress.com], E3D tool changer, Robotdigg SCARA printer, Crane Quad and Ormerod

Disclosure: I design Duet electronics and work on RepRapFirmware, [duet3d.com].
Re: New PanelDue firmware released
December 13, 2015 05:14AM
Oh it was long long ago... (4 years by now as I trained for my advanced profession)
Many thanks. The temperature stabilized itself now by 102°C. So as I used a heatsink with 13.5 degC/W (using your unit description) it seems to fit. Your calculation is very theoretically that means you have not much space left. If I had use a 15 degC/W heatsink I would risk the thermal shutdown. I am not a friend of temperature climbing over 100°C. Practically it shows that your calculation is perfectly right. I do not calculate the heat-conductive paste as it does not affect the calculation very much because of the short distance. But calculated I will end up at 97°C. Okay the thermometer I use has an allowed deviation of 2°C and there are maybe some other faulty values. Especially I guess the given 13.5 K/W are wrong as the slightly "bigger" version is given with 14 K/W.

So next time I will order at my shop I will buy a heatsink with 9.5 K/W. It is of the same type like the one mentioned above but only higher. And the case will be equipped with a small cooler. Did you get any response how to use the original 5V regulator board with a heat sink?

Slicer: Simplify3D 4.0; sometimes CraftWare 1.14 or Cura 2.7
Delta with Duet-WiFi, FW: 1.20.1RC2; mini-sensor board by dc42 for auto-leveling
Ormerod common modifications: Mini-sensor board by dc42, aluminum X-arm, 0.4 mm nozzle E3D like, 2nd fan, Z stepper nut M5 x 15, Herringbone gears, Z-axis bearing at top, spring loaded extruder with pneumatic fitting, Y belt axis tensioner
Ormerod 2: FW: 1.19-dc42 on Duet-WiFi. own build, modifications: GT2-belts, silicone heat-bed, different motors and so on. Printed parts: bed support, (PSU holder) and Y-feet.
Ormerod 1: FW: 1.15c-dc42 on 1k Duet-Board. Modifications: Aluminium bed-support, (nearly) all parts reprinted in PLA/ ABS, and so on.
Re: New PanelDue firmware released
December 13, 2015 05:42AM
The RepRapPro linear regulator board without a heatsink is not suitable for driving a Duet + PanelDue. One user tried it and the regulator failed after a while. I think most people with a PanelDue probably use the Duet's switching regulator instead of an external one. RepRapPro's Fisher kit uses the on-board regulator too.

Regarding the touch panel orientation, in future I'll do a Factory Reset after testing the board, so that it will start up at the touch calibration screen.

Large delta printer [miscsolutions.wordpress.com], E3D tool changer, Robotdigg SCARA printer, Crane Quad and Ormerod

Disclosure: I design Duet electronics and work on RepRapFirmware, [duet3d.com].
Re: New PanelDue firmware released
December 13, 2015 06:04AM
Regarding the touch panel orientation, in future I'll do a Factory Reset after testing the board, so that it will start up at the touch calibration screen.
That would be really nice. Many thanks. Otherwise if you do not do this you can assure that the users are doing a firmware upgrade. grinning smiley Seriously this could be indeed an advantage like I said before. BTW I have to rethink my macros. I am using your macros (delivered with your 1.09k-firmware) and accidentally tipped on "Load filament" instead of "Retract 5mm". My extruder motor was not amused very much. My fingers are a little bit too big.
I was also considering to get rid of the expansion board as it is only needed for EMC reasons and I am not very interesting in this as private users until the official measuring device is in front of my house as the neighbours complains of having trouble with their TV program grinning smiley
Of course the switching regulator is much more effective so besides getting rid of the heat sink it will also save costs for energy. So the internal regulator is doing its job with the PanelDue well?
Seriously As I am reaching more than 100°C with heat sink it is of course not a good idea to use it without. Okay the PCB seems to provide a very small copper heatsink, but this is not nearly good enough. And as the complete PCB may get hot in this case it is no wonder that his board failed. But the regulator itself was broken? Even with the thermal shutdown?

Slicer: Simplify3D 4.0; sometimes CraftWare 1.14 or Cura 2.7
Delta with Duet-WiFi, FW: 1.20.1RC2; mini-sensor board by dc42 for auto-leveling
Ormerod common modifications: Mini-sensor board by dc42, aluminum X-arm, 0.4 mm nozzle E3D like, 2nd fan, Z stepper nut M5 x 15, Herringbone gears, Z-axis bearing at top, spring loaded extruder with pneumatic fitting, Y belt axis tensioner
Ormerod 2: FW: 1.19-dc42 on Duet-WiFi. own build, modifications: GT2-belts, silicone heat-bed, different motors and so on. Printed parts: bed support, (PSU holder) and Y-feet.
Ormerod 1: FW: 1.15c-dc42 on 1k Duet-Board. Modifications: Aluminium bed-support, (nearly) all parts reprinted in PLA/ ABS, and so on.
Re: New PanelDue firmware released
December 13, 2015 08:34AM
So the internal regulator is doing its job with the PanelDue well?..

Works just fine with my two Ormerod1's and the 4,3" display, "fine" may not be the word, in the category of 3D printers, more like "best thing since sliced prints"

Re: New PanelDue firmware released
December 13, 2015 09:27AM
The internal regulator has a theoretical current rating of 2A, so about 3 times what you need for the Duet + PanelDue.

Large delta printer [miscsolutions.wordpress.com], E3D tool changer, Robotdigg SCARA printer, Crane Quad and Ormerod

Disclosure: I design Duet electronics and work on RepRapFirmware, [duet3d.com].
Re: New PanelDue firmware released
December 13, 2015 09:42AM
Is there no heat dissipation needed? I was not asking because of the current which can be delivered. I was asking because of a missing heat sink. I know it will produce less heat due to the switching regulator design, but no heat? I will have to check the datasheet once I found out which type is used. But now I am on a new problem. Thread is coming soon.

Slicer: Simplify3D 4.0; sometimes CraftWare 1.14 or Cura 2.7
Delta with Duet-WiFi, FW: 1.20.1RC2; mini-sensor board by dc42 for auto-leveling
Ormerod common modifications: Mini-sensor board by dc42, aluminum X-arm, 0.4 mm nozzle E3D like, 2nd fan, Z stepper nut M5 x 15, Herringbone gears, Z-axis bearing at top, spring loaded extruder with pneumatic fitting, Y belt axis tensioner
Ormerod 2: FW: 1.19-dc42 on Duet-WiFi. own build, modifications: GT2-belts, silicone heat-bed, different motors and so on. Printed parts: bed support, (PSU holder) and Y-feet.
Ormerod 1: FW: 1.15c-dc42 on 1k Duet-Board. Modifications: Aluminium bed-support, (nearly) all parts reprinted in PLA/ ABS, and so on.
Re: New PanelDue firmware released
December 14, 2015 08:01AM
Is there no heat dissipation needed? I was not asking because of the current which can be delivered. I was asking because of a missing heat sink. I know it will produce less heat due to the switching regulator design, but no heat? I will have to check the datasheet once I found out which type is used. But now I am on a new problem. Thread is coming soon.

A switching regulator dissipates (wastes) very little power even at quite high currents, so there is rarely any need for a heat sink until the amps get into double figures.

Re: New PanelDue firmware released
December 14, 2015 06:39PM
Okay there would be one question left:
In the case of the Duet Version 0.6: What gives me a better and more stable 5V DC voltage?

So BTT: You may call me fussy, but the time left indication is swapped compared to the Web-interface. The WI starts with the time left based on the filament length and the PanelDue starts with the time left based on the file usage. What can I say? Software developers are the worst and most annoying persons even though I am more in hardware development. Lucky me. grinning smiley

Slicer: Simplify3D 4.0; sometimes CraftWare 1.14 or Cura 2.7
Delta with Duet-WiFi, FW: 1.20.1RC2; mini-sensor board by dc42 for auto-leveling
Ormerod common modifications: Mini-sensor board by dc42, aluminum X-arm, 0.4 mm nozzle E3D like, 2nd fan, Z stepper nut M5 x 15, Herringbone gears, Z-axis bearing at top, spring loaded extruder with pneumatic fitting, Y belt axis tensioner
Ormerod 2: FW: 1.19-dc42 on Duet-WiFi. own build, modifications: GT2-belts, silicone heat-bed, different motors and so on. Printed parts: bed support, (PSU holder) and Y-feet.
Ormerod 1: FW: 1.15c-dc42 on 1k Duet-Board. Modifications: Aluminium bed-support, (nearly) all parts reprinted in PLA/ ABS, and so on.
Re: New PanelDue firmware released
December 15, 2015 03:55AM
You don't need to have a very stable 5V because 5V is used on the Duet only to provide the mosfet gate drive and to provide the input to the 3.3V regulator. On the Panel Due, some displays drive the backlight inverter from 5V. Everything else uses 3.3V.

I'll change PanelDue to display filament before file in the next firmware version.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/15/2015 03:55AM by dc42.

Large delta printer [miscsolutions.wordpress.com], E3D tool changer, Robotdigg SCARA printer, Crane Quad and Ormerod

Disclosure: I design Duet electronics and work on RepRapFirmware, [duet3d.com].
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