Ormerod 2 displays wrong temperature after firmware upgrade to 1.09k-dc42
January 03, 2016 06:54AM

My original problem was that when trying to do an auto bed compensation the web interface would always crash with a AJAX error straight after the termination of the calibration process (Windows 8 - tried Chrome-Waterfox-Explorer all the same result).

Reading several posts on the forum I thought I might try to upgrade to 1.09k-dc42, but as soon as I opened the web interface I saw the wrong temperatures. Both sensors read around 55 degrees Celsius, where the temperature readings should be around 18 degrees.
Also, trying home all axes, the z axis crashed on the bed and the homing process never ended.

Any clues?
Re: Ormerod 2 displays wrong temperature after firmware upgrade to 1.09k-dc42
January 03, 2016 07:09AM

My original problem was that when trying to do an auto bed compensation the web interface would always crash with a AJAX error straight after the termination of the calibration process (Windows 8 - tried Chrome-Waterfox-Explorer all the same result).

Reading several posts on the forum I thought I might try to upgrade to 1.09k-dc42, but as soon as I opened the web interface I saw the wrong temperatures. Both sensors read around 55 degrees Celsius, where the temperature readings should be around 18 degrees.
Also, trying home all axes, the z axis crashed on the bed and the homing process never ended.

Any clues?
as for the Temperature its usauly the resistors your duet uses if you have a newer ormerod it probably uses 4.7k check your duet:

They 4.7k are marked ‘472’, ‘4701’ or ’66b’ or measure the resistance yourself.

If you used pre 0.78c firmware the pins changed for the Z probe(check take a peice of paper and put it under the probe( raise z to 50mm) it should at abaut 20mm over the paper reading should be very small like 20 if you put it close it should read somewhere over 900. You may need to set the (G31 Z2.7 P500 ; Set the probe height and threshold (put your own values here)) to a new value to home Z correctly aswell. Take a peice of paper and lower the Z axis manualy till it touches the paper then send G92 Z0 and raise till you have a number araund 600 and put the numbers in the G31 command.
Re: Ormerod 2 displays wrong temperature after firmware upgrade to 1.09k-dc42
January 03, 2016 07:14AM
Yes, the resistors are indeed 4K7, I bought the printer in September 2015. Regarding the firmware I was using RepRapFirmware-1.09 and besides the AJAX error during auto bed compensation all else worked fine.

I think I will switch back to RepRapFirmware-1.09 and try to solve the AJAX error

Thanks for your help!
Re: Ormerod 2 displays wrong temperature after firmware upgrade to 1.09k-dc42
January 03, 2016 07:19AM
I forgot to mention you need to put the 4.7k here in the R value if you havent got it otherwise i dont know what could be making the wrong readings: M305 P1 R4700 H0 L0 ; Put your own H and/or L values here to set the first nozzle thermistor ADC correction
Re: Ormerod 2 displays wrong temperature after firmware upgrade to 1.09k-dc42
January 03, 2016 07:34AM
Oh now I see, I need to change the value in the config.g file. The default value in the dc42 firmware is R1000 so I need to change this to R4700.

Thanks a lot for your help!
Re: Ormerod 2 displays wrong temperature after firmware upgrade to 1.09k-dc42
January 03, 2016 07:45AM
Your welcome

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/03/2016 07:45AM by Darathy.
Re: Ormerod 2 displays wrong temperature after firmware upgrade to 1.09k-dc42
January 03, 2016 08:52AM
I'll change the M305 R parameters to 4700 in the config.g file for Ormerod 2 in my next release.

Large delta printer [miscsolutions.wordpress.com], E3D tool changer, Robotdigg SCARA printer, Crane Quad and Ormerod

Disclosure: I design Duet electronics and work on RepRapFirmware, [duet3d.com].
Re: Ormerod 2 displays wrong temperature after firmware upgrade to 1.09k-dc42
January 03, 2016 11:04AM
Thanks dc42! May I also ask why there's no bed.g file in your firmware? Is it ok if I put the bed.g commands from the 1.09 firmware into the new dc42 config.g file? Will bed compensation work like that? At the moment during z axis homing the head crashes into the bed and the motor keeps lowering the head until I manually stop it.
Re: Ormerod 2 displays wrong temperature after firmware upgrade to 1.09k-dc42
January 03, 2016 11:37AM
It seems the z-axis IR sensor is not taken into account... although I can see from the web interface that the values are changing while altering the height.

I have copied these commands from my old 1.09 version firmware into the new (1.09-dc42) config.g file, where the z-axis homing was working

G31 Z0.80 P602 ; Set the probe height and threshold (put your own values here)

and also copied the bed compensation points into the config.g file

M557 P0 X50 Y3.3 ; Four
M557 P1 X215 Y3.3 ; probe points
M557 P2 X215 Y184.58 ; for bed
M557 P3 X58.86 Y184.58 ; levelling

but still the bed crashes on the bed

Is there a command to enable the IR sensor?

But the command is already there, just before the "G31 Z0.80 P602" command...

M558 P2 ; Use a simple modulated Z probe (change to P1 for an intelligent Z probe)

So what might the problem be?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/03/2016 11:39AM by kpapr1.
Re: Ormerod 2 displays wrong temperature after firmware upgrade to 1.09k-dc42
January 03, 2016 12:27PM
OK, I have discovered that M558 P1 works for me, this means I don't have a differential probe, but M558 P2 worked in 1.09 version (I was getting 2 values - one inside parenthesis, now I only get one value and z-homing works)...

... BUT after auto bed compensation I still get the AJAX error, any ideas about that?
Re: Ormerod 2 displays wrong temperature after firmware upgrade to 1.09k-dc42
January 03, 2016 12:36PM
OK, I have discovered that M558 P1 works for me, this means I don't have a differential probe, but M558 P2 worked in 1.09 version (I was getting 2 values - one inside parenthesis, now I only get one value and z-homing works)...

... BUT after auto bed compensation I still get the AJAX error, any ideas about that?

Please check that you are using the latest version of the web interface files in /www on the SD card, You can get them from [github.com]. Also, try clearing cookies from your browser.

Large delta printer [miscsolutions.wordpress.com], E3D tool changer, Robotdigg SCARA printer, Crane Quad and Ormerod

Disclosure: I design Duet electronics and work on RepRapFirmware, [duet3d.com].
Re: Ormerod 2 displays wrong temperature after firmware upgrade to 1.09k-dc42
January 03, 2016 01:10PM
Updated web interface files on the SD card with latest (I think I had already done that), also cleaned cookies from Chrome browser, AJAX error still there. Just after bed compensation is done.

I also hear a bleeping sound at that point from the printer not sure from where, but it's not from the PC...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/03/2016 01:19PM by kpapr1.
Re: Ormerod 2 displays wrong temperature after firmware upgrade to 1.09k-dc42
January 03, 2016 02:50PM
Updated web interface files on the SD card with latest (I think I had already done that), also cleaned cookies from Chrome browser, AJAX error still there. Just after bed compensation is done.

I also hear a bleeping sound at that point from the printer not sure from where, but it's not from the PC...

The Duet has no beeper (PanelDue has one). My guess is that the noise is coming from your power supply, shutting down and then starting up again. If so, you probably need a new power supply, unless the problem is caused by a short between the back of the Duet and the metal enclosure when the Duet has warmed up a little.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/03/2016 02:51PM by dc42.

Large delta printer [miscsolutions.wordpress.com], E3D tool changer, Robotdigg SCARA printer, Crane Quad and Ormerod

Disclosure: I design Duet electronics and work on RepRapFirmware, [duet3d.com].
Re: Ormerod 2 displays wrong temperature after firmware upgrade to 1.09k-dc42
January 03, 2016 03:42PM
Yes, the sound is probably coming from the PS, but why only when doing auto bed compensation? and always at exactly the same time? I have been printing (well, testing and solving problems really) for a while with no problem from the PS. This is strange. 2 and 3 hour prints complete without any problem from the PS. I will run the bed.g commands manually one-by-one and see which command causes the problem.
Re: Ormerod 2 displays wrong temperature after firmware upgrade to 1.09k-dc42
January 03, 2016 04:34PM
OK, this is what happens: Below is the bed.g code which I run manually one command each time.

G1 Z10 F200
G1 X49.97 Y3.3 F2000
G30 P0 Z-100000
G1 Z10 F200
G1 X214.96 Y3.3 F2000
G30 P1 Z-100000
G1 Z10 F200
G1 X214.96 Y184.58 F2000
G30 P2 Z-100000
G1 Z10 F200
G1 X58.86 Y184.58 F2000
G30 P3 S Z-100000 ; ************ this is the command that causes the problem ***********
G4 P1500 ; Leave the probe there to give the web interface time to report the plane points
G1 Z10 F200

When I run the command "G30 P3 S Z-100000" then I immediately get the AJAX error without any beeping sound.

Any ideas?
Re: Ormerod 2 displays wrong temperature after firmware upgrade to 1.09k-dc42
January 03, 2016 04:38PM
That is no wonder. The probing point should build a rectangular.
It should be:
G1 X49.97 Y184.58 F2000
G30 P3 S Z-100000 ; ************ this is the command that causes the problem ***********

Why you use such kind of values?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/03/2016 04:39PM by Treito.

Slicer: Simplify3D 4.0; sometimes CraftWare 1.14 or Cura 2.7
Delta with Duet-WiFi, FW: 1.20.1RC2; mini-sensor board by dc42 for auto-leveling
Ormerod common modifications: Mini-sensor board by dc42, aluminum X-arm, 0.4 mm nozzle E3D like, 2nd fan, Z stepper nut M5 x 15, Herringbone gears, Z-axis bearing at top, spring loaded extruder with pneumatic fitting, Y belt axis tensioner
Ormerod 2: FW: 1.19-dc42 on Duet-WiFi. own build, modifications: GT2-belts, silicone heat-bed, different motors and so on. Printed parts: bed support, (PSU holder) and Y-feet.
Ormerod 1: FW: 1.15c-dc42 on 1k Duet-Board. Modifications: Aluminium bed-support, (nearly) all parts reprinted in PLA/ ABS, and so on.
Re: Ormerod 2 displays wrong temperature after firmware upgrade to 1.09k-dc42
January 03, 2016 04:49PM
This is my bed.g file:
M561 ; clear any existing bed transform
G30 P0 X50 Y30 Z-99999 H0.1 ; define 4 points in a clockwise direction around the bed, starting near (0,0)
G30 P1 X50 Y190 Z-99999 H0.1
G30 P2 X190 Y190 Z-99999 H0.1
G30 P3 X190 Y30 Z-99999 H0.1
G30 P4 X110 Y100 Z-99999 S0 ; finally probe bed centre, and calculate compensation

Dont mind the P4 it is becouse i used DC42s sensor it allows for the fifth point to be added.
Re: Ormerod 2 displays wrong temperature after firmware upgrade to 1.09k-dc42
January 03, 2016 04:55PM
I found this:

dc42 [ PM ]
Re: New firmware 1.09k-dc42
October 09, 2015 02:31PM Registered: 2 years ago
Posts: 8,344
Thanks, looks like the firmware is producing a spurious message when you use S0 or just S on the last G30 command. Changing to to S5 (as you have 5 probe points in the file) will probably avoid it. But I'll investigate it with a view to implementing a fix in the next release.

Could it be related?
Re: Ormerod 2 displays wrong temperature after firmware upgrade to 1.09k-dc42
January 03, 2016 04:57PM
I found this:

dc42 [ PM ]
Re: New firmware 1.09k-dc42
October 09, 2015 02:31PM Registered: 2 years ago
Posts: 8,344
Thanks, looks like the firmware is producing a spurious message when you use S0 or just S on the last G30 command. Changing to to S5 (as you have 5 probe points in the file) will probably avoid it. But I'll investigate it with a view to implementing a fix in the next release.

Could it be related?

I am using 1.09m atm and have no issues with that S0

Oh and i do have ocasionaly when the printer stops some small beeping sound but it usualy goes away fast. think its the motors tho.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/03/2016 04:59PM by Darathy.
Re: Ormerod 2 displays wrong temperature after firmware upgrade to 1.09k-dc42
January 03, 2016 05:04PM
kpapr1 please try a rectangular first.

That is the bed.g of my Ormerod 1 (The MK2 would only confuse);
M561                  ; Zero any previous bed compensation
 G1 Z8 F300          ; Move 10mm off the bed
 G1 X50 Y10 F12000      ; *** First probe point
 G30 P0 Z-100000      ; Probe the bed
 G1 Z8 F300          ; Move back up
 G1 X50 Y184 F12000    ; *** Second probe point
 G30 P1 Z-100000      ; Probe the bed
 G1 Z10 F300          ; Move back up
 G1 X200 Y184 F12000   ; *** Third probe point
 G30 P2 Z-100000      ; Probe the bed
 G1 Z10 F300          ; Move back up
 G1 X200 Y10 F12000     ; *** Fourth probe point
 G30 P3 Z-100000 S     ; Probe the bed
 G1 Z5 F300          ; Move back up
 ;G1 X120 Y110 F12000    ; *** Fifth probe point
 ;G30 P4 Z-100000 S    ; Probe the bed and use the five measured points to set the bed equation
 G4 P1500             ; Pause to give the web interface time to report the points
 G1 Z8               ; Move back up

It runs the same FW.

Slicer: Simplify3D 4.0; sometimes CraftWare 1.14 or Cura 2.7
Delta with Duet-WiFi, FW: 1.20.1RC2; mini-sensor board by dc42 for auto-leveling
Ormerod common modifications: Mini-sensor board by dc42, aluminum X-arm, 0.4 mm nozzle E3D like, 2nd fan, Z stepper nut M5 x 15, Herringbone gears, Z-axis bearing at top, spring loaded extruder with pneumatic fitting, Y belt axis tensioner
Ormerod 2: FW: 1.19-dc42 on Duet-WiFi. own build, modifications: GT2-belts, silicone heat-bed, different motors and so on. Printed parts: bed support, (PSU holder) and Y-feet.
Ormerod 1: FW: 1.15c-dc42 on 1k Duet-Board. Modifications: Aluminium bed-support, (nearly) all parts reprinted in PLA/ ABS, and so on.
Re: Ormerod 2 displays wrong temperature after firmware upgrade to 1.09k-dc42
January 03, 2016 05:07PM
I tried correcting the X Y values in order to create a rectangular --> no luck

I tried putting S0 in the end like Darathy's bed.g file --> no luck

But at least we have spotted the problem :-)
So it will be solved sooner or later...

I'm currently using firmware 1.09o-dc42
Re: Ormerod 2 displays wrong temperature after firmware upgrade to 1.09k-dc42
January 03, 2016 05:17PM
AT LAST !!!!!!!!!

It finally worked, I don't know if it's important to put the points in a clockwise manner, but it now works!


Too late now to print, going to sleep and trying a print tomorrow.

My bed.g file:

G1 Z10 F200
G1 X65 Y5 F2000
G30 P0 Z-100000
G1 Z10 F200
G1 X65 Y188 F2000
G30 P1 Z-100000
G1 Z10 F200
G1 X229 Y188 F2000
G30 P2 Z-100000
G1 Z10 F200
G1 X229 Y5 F2000
G30 P3 Z-100000 S
G4 P1500 ; Leave the probe there to give the web interface time to report the plane points
G1 Z10 F200
Re: Ormerod 2 displays wrong temperature after firmware upgrade to 1.09k-dc42
January 04, 2016 04:05AM
Yes the points need to be clockwise around the bed, with a 5th point at the centre if you want and your Z probe can probe there. I'll look at adding a check for this in my next release.

Large delta printer [miscsolutions.wordpress.com], E3D tool changer, Robotdigg SCARA printer, Crane Quad and Ormerod

Disclosure: I design Duet electronics and work on RepRapFirmware, [duet3d.com].
Re: Ormerod 2 displays wrong temperature after firmware upgrade to 1.09k-dc42
January 04, 2016 10:48AM
It's OK as long as people know, maybe add it in the documentation for now.
Re: Ormerod 2 displays wrong temperature after firmware upgrade to 1.09k-dc42
January 04, 2016 12:10PM
It's OK as long as people know, maybe add it in the documentation for now.

it is actually

"Make sure you set them in clockwise order round the rectangle, starting near the origin"

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