Ormerod V1 rebuild July 16, 2018 11:38AM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 46 |
SENDING:G32 [ERROR] Can't read from printer (disconnected?) (SerialException): call to ClearCommError failed [ERROR] Can't write to printer (disconnected?) (SerialException): WriteFile failed (WindowsError(22, 'The device does not recognize the command.')) [ERROR] Can't write to printer (disconnected?) (SerialException): WriteFile failed (WindowsError(22, 'The device does not recognize the command.')) [ERROR] Can't write to printer (disconnected?) (SerialException): WriteFile failed (WindowsError(22, 'The device does not recognize the command.')) [ERROR] Can't write to printer (disconnected?) (SerialException): WriteFile failed (WindowsError(22, 'The device does not recognize the command.')) [ERROR] Disconnecting after 4 failed writes. Disconnected.
Communication Error An AJAX error has been reported, so the current session has been terminated. Please check if your printer is still on and try to connect again. Error reason: SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected and of data at line 1 column 1 of JSON data
I did check to see what the response look like but there is no response to the rr_config call.
Re: Ormerod V1 rebuild July 16, 2018 06:00PM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 14,684 |
Re: Ormerod V1 rebuild July 17, 2018 01:00PM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 46 |
Re: Ormerod V1 rebuild July 17, 2018 05:00PM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 14,684 |
; Ormerod 1 config file for dc42 Duet firmware M111 S0 ; Debug off M550 POrmerod ; Set the machine's name M551 Preprap ; Set the password M552 S1 M555 P2 ; Emulate Marlin USB output M575 P1 B57600 S1 ; Comms parameters for PanelDue M912 S-14 ; CPU temperature calibration G21 ; Work in mm G90 ; Absolute positioning M83 ; Extrusions relative ;M569 P0 S0 ; drive 0 goes backwards M569 P0 S1 M569 P1 S0 M569 P2 S0 M569 P3 S0 M569 P4 S0 M574 X1 S2 ; use Z probe for X homing at low end M574 Y2 Z0 U2 S1 ; set endstop configuration (Y endstop only, at high end, active high) M201 X1200 Y1200 Z20 U1200 E1000 ; set accelerations M203 X12000 Y12000 Z250 U15000 E3600 ; set XYZ and extruder speeds M566 X1800 Y1800 Z40 U1800 E300 ; Maximum instantaneous speed changes mm/minute M208 X212 Y210 Z190 U210 ; set axis maxima M208 X-8 Y0 Z-1 S1 ; set axis minima M906 X1000 Y1000 Z800 E1000 ; Motor currents (mA) ; Heaters ;M305 P0 T10000 R4700 H18.2 L-14 ; set thermistor parameters and ADC correction ;M305 P1 T100000 R4700 H18.2 L-14 ; set thermistor parameters and ADC correction ;M305 P2 T100000 R4700 H18.2 L-14 ; set thermistor parameters and ADC correction M305 P0 T10000 R2200 ; set thermistor parameters M305 P1 T100000 R2200 ; set thermistor parameters M305 P2 T100000 R2200 ; set thermistor parameters M307 H0 A99.6 C496.1 D12.4 B0 ; heater 0 model, use PID M307 H1 A542.8 C76.1 D5.1 S0.80 B0 ; heater 1 model, use PID ; Tools M563 P0 D0 H1 S"Nozzle 1" ; Define tool 0 G10 P0 X-11 Y0 Z0 S0 R0 ; Set tool 0 offset, operating and standby temperatures M563 P1 D1 H2 S"Nozzle 2" ; Define tool 1 G10 P1 X11 Y0.4 Z0 S0 R0 ; Set tool 1 offset, operating and standby temperatures M92 E420:420 ; Set extruder steps/mm ; Fans M106 P1 S1 H1:2 T45 ; Z probe M558 P1 H3 A4 ; enable differential IR sensor G31 P500 X-23 Y0 Z2.4 ; set probe height, threshold and XY offsets M557 X10:185 Y20:200 S43 ; define grid M671 X-4:-4:209 Y220:0:110 S0.5 ; 3 leadscrews at Ormerod adjusting screw positions M557 X25:185 Y25:185 S40 ; grid for bed compensation M556 S78 X0 Y0 Z0 ; Put your axis compensation here G1 F6000 ; Set default feed rate M572 D0:1 S0.1 ; Pressure advance M501 T0 ; select the first head
Re: Ormerod V1 rebuild July 17, 2018 06:08PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 123 |
There is currently a mirror of the Ormerod documentation at [reprappro.cheeseandham.me.uk].
Re: Ormerod V1 rebuild July 19, 2018 03:16PM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 383 |
Re: Ormerod V1 rebuild July 20, 2018 01:44PM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 46 |
Re: Ormerod V1 rebuild July 20, 2018 04:16PM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 14,684 |
Re: Ormerod V1 rebuild July 20, 2018 06:25PM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 46 |
Temperature fault on heater 1, T = -14.7
M572 D0 S0.1 ; Pressure advance
M501 ; Read parameters from EEPROM
T0 ; select first hot end
Re: Ormerod V1 rebuild July 21, 2018 01:43AM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 14,684 |
Re: Ormerod V1 rebuild July 23, 2018 02:05PM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 46 |
Re: Ormerod V1 rebuild July 25, 2018 01:56PM |
Registered: 7 years ago Posts: 174 |