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V1.2x issues

Posted by smerrett79 
V1.2x issues
July 19, 2015 11:23AM
I know there are comments on the Youmagine page and a French forum on smartfriendz.com but I have a question about V1.2 and thought it might be useful to collect comments/issues in one thread.

My own first question is how to print the Y axis bearing holders which also hold the X axis rods. There's a split in the rod holding holes and I can't see how you can successfully print the part in any orientation because these splits cause one side to be floating if you keep them the same way up as the openjscad parts plate. I thought the parts were designed to avoid needing support material but even with support material the bridging looks tricky. Can anyone who's printed a V1.2 let me know how they got it to work? Thanks
Re: V1.2x issues
July 19, 2015 12:57PM
Having the same problem trying to separate the pieces to fit on the bed...
Re: V1.2x issues
July 19, 2015 01:24PM
Some people use Cura to divide stl plates. I use the cut function in netfab which lets you save the sections you cut the plate into as stls. Is that what you're struggling with?
Re: V1.2x issues
July 20, 2015 02:16PM
I tried using Cura but I do not have the right-click option to separate the plate for some reason.

I have found someone that will print the parts for my printer (at a price of course) and he will print the "latest version" but now I'm worried that the latest stls will have critical errors in them and getting things re-printed is going to be a pain without access to a printer.

Are updates and issues like these discussed more frequently in the French language forum? Is there a formal listing of what the changes are between versions?
Re: V1.2x issues
July 20, 2015 02:20PM
I remember V1.2 being announced but can't remember which post. Perhaps search Serge's posts (smartfriendz). I'd play it safe with the older version if you don't already have a printer. I'm afraid I don't speak French at all well and google translate only takes things so far, so I don't really know whether it's a better level of support. Someone started a smartcore facebook group which I haven't joined but you might want to check out. Sorry I can't be more help with V1.2 yet - we'll get there though!
Re: V1.2x issues
July 20, 2015 06:12PM
Some people use Cura to divide stl plates. I use the cut function in netfab which lets you save the sections you cut the plate into as stls. Is that what you're struggling with?

Actually yes.. I'm trying to use the plates on the openjscad .. as it will give me the dimensions of the box and rods.. thanks mike ,,
Re: V1.2x issues
July 21, 2015 03:59AM
I'd go for netfab then. There's a 10 second delay before it let's you open the free version unless you register. I tried registering but the delay is still there. The cut function is on the tools to the right of the screen. I'm sure there are tutorials out there but the key bit after pressing cut and then execute cut is to find the cut part you're interested in on the text description in the top of the right side of the screen. It should be highlighted green while the parts you don't want to save at that point in time are grey. Then there's an option to export if you right click on the text description of the cut part and you can choose stl then. The rest is normal naming and location as for a normal file save.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/21/2015 04:08AM by smerrett79.
Re: V1.2x issues
July 21, 2015 09:24AM
If you would like to use Cura to separate out the parts: It's a little tedious but it works.

Once the entire printed parts plate appears in OpenJSCad:

1. Click on get stl.
2. Once the stl file is downloaded to your pc give it a name like Master plate.
3. Open it up in Cura.
4. In Cura right click on the part and select separate object into parts and give it some time
5. Once done delete parts that you do not want or delete parts to fit on the plate. For example keep only the motor mounts.
6. Save it as a plate. For example save it as motor mounts.
7. Reload the master stl and repeat the process until you have stl files with parts you want
Re: V1.2x issues
July 23, 2015 07:03PM
Has anyone printed a V1.2?
Re: V1.2x issues
July 29, 2015 11:49AM
If you would like to use Cura to separate out the parts: It's a little tedious but it works.

Once the entire printed parts plate appears in OpenJSCad:

1. Click on get stl.
2. Once the stl file is downloaded to your pc give it a name like Master plate.
3. Open it up in Cura.
4. In Cura right click on the part and select separate object into parts and give it some time
5. Once done delete parts that you do not want or delete parts to fit on the plate. For example keep only the motor mounts.
6. Save it as a plate. For example save it as motor mounts.
7. Reload the master stl and repeat the process until you have stl files with parts you want

Thanks for your help.. I have been busy with My Folger 2020 kit trying to get it squared away...
Re: V1.2x issues
August 01, 2015 05:06PM
I tried using Cura but I do not have the right-click option to separate the plate for some reason.

I have found someone that will print the parts for my printer (at a price of course) and he will print the "latest version" but now I'm worried that the latest stls will have critical errors in them and getting things re-printed is going to be a pain without access to a printer.

Are updates and issues like these discussed more frequently in the French language forum? Is there a formal listing of what the changes are between versions?

Did you ever get an answer? its seems this project is a hit or miss project.. with very little standards,, and not a whole lot of help,, I Have ordered all the parts to build a SmartRap core using 18mm ply and all 8mm rods,, but can't get the parts setup to print when I get my printer back working.. and like you not entirely sure which to print,,,rcjoseb videos and blog has been great help in understanding the building of the printer

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 08/01/2015 05:23PM by mike3.
Re: V1.2x issues
August 01, 2015 05:49PM
I never did get an answer. I emailed Smartfriendz through their site and didn't get an answer there either. The OpenJSCAD at youmagine.com apparently is not the latest version (1.2.3 versus 1.2.4 as the latest). In the end, I asked the guy that is printing my parts (an ebay seller of printed parts for printers) to use the .stl files from github. He assured me that he could print the parts for 19mm walls (3/4") and 8mm rods on all axes. Apparently he has printed the latest parts for the Smart Core before. Fingers crossed!
Re: V1.2x issues
August 01, 2015 06:00PM
I haven't had a response about the 1.4 but there is support for these printers - I've had replies from Serge before and you'll see him on these forums. I have a 1.01 (I think) printing really well compared to my first QUBD two up. Just reprinted parts for it and have made the leap to ABS. For info, I used the openjscad printer plate and had 18mm mdf and 8mm dia rods all round.
Re: V1.2x issues
August 01, 2015 06:43PM
I haven't had a response about the 1.4 but there is support for these printers - I've had replies from Serge before and you'll see him on these forums. I have a 1.01 (I think) printing really well compared to my first QUBD two up. Just reprinted parts for it and have made the leap to ABS. For info, I used the openjscad printer plate and had 18mm mdf and 8mm dia rods all round.

Hello I am in need of the files for 18mm plywood and 8mm rod all around .. if you have the stl files already separated ready to be printed could you share them;;? thanks mike
Re: V1.2x issues
August 02, 2015 02:57AM
Is anyone able to get the v1.2.x versions working ok on the openjscad.org site? I get errors when rendering most of the different views when selecting them in the 'what to show' dropdown menu.

The error:
TypeError: Object doesn't support property or method 'join'
Stack trace:
TypeError: Object doesn't support property or method 'join'
   at CSG.Polygon.Shared.prototype.getHash (http://openjscad.org/csg.js:2944:13)
   at CSG.fuzzyCSGFactory.prototype.getPolygonShared (http://openjscad.org/csg.js:4615:13)
   at Anonymous function (http://openjscad.org/csg.js:689:21)
   at Array.prototype.map (native code)
   at CSG.prototype.reTesselated (http://openjscad.org/csg.js:687:17)
   at CSG.prototype.union (http://openjscad.org/csg.js:240:13)
   at union (http://openjscad.org/openscad.js:329:7)
   at motorXY (blob:9778A84D-D4BB-41BC-8063-E2D804F9B194:534:5)
   at main (blob:9778A84D-D4BB-41BC-8063-E2D804F9B194:1416:9)
   at OpenJsCad.runMainInWorker (http://openjscad.org/openjscad.js:580:5)

I tried different browsers on different computers and am only able to show the seperate parts itself from the list (not the 'parts only' option), except the 'motor xy' which returns the same error.
So no 'all printer assemby' or 'printed parts plate' etc. The 'walls and rod sizes' option renders ok though.

Even tried al different versions from the v1.2.x branch, which worked before, even without making any changes to the default parameters. Same error when rendering! Is JAVA broken with a recent update?
Anyone experiencing this behaviour?
Any clue or solution for this?
Re: V1.2x issues
August 02, 2015 08:09AM
I don't know if it is related but youmagine.com seems to be having some significant issues with the flash/javascript/java on their site.
Re: V1.2x issues
August 02, 2015 10:24PM
Is anyone able to get the v1.2.x versions working ok on the openjscad.org site? I get errors when rendering most of the different views when selecting them in the 'what to show' dropdown menu.

It works before until sometime around this:

Still can render here:
Re: V1.2x issues
August 03, 2015 07:17AM
Is anyone able to get the v1.2.x versions working ok on the openjscad.org site? I get errors when rendering most of the different views when selecting them in the 'what to show' dropdown menu.

The error:

I just tested this, in firefox, with the copy of v.1.2.x that I had downloaded a few weeks ago and it did render at the [create.youmagine.com] site as suggested. I have attached that copy of the v1.2.x that worked.
open | download - smartcore-v1.2.jscad (61 KB)
Re: V1.2x issues
August 03, 2015 08:24AM
Is anyone able to get the v1.2.x versions working ok on the openjscad.org site? I get errors when rendering most of the different views when selecting them in the 'what to show' dropdown menu.

The error:

I just tested this, in firefox, with the copy of v.1.2.x that I had downloaded a few weeks ago and it did render at the [create.youmagine.com] site as suggested. I have attached that copy of the v1.2.x that worked.

I downloaded your attachment but what do I do with it?
Re: V1.2x issues
August 03, 2015 08:52AM
Go to [create.youmagine.com] . At the bottom of the page you'll see an area outlined in dashed lines. With your mouse, drag the downloaded .jscad file into that area. The page will load the jscad file and render it (not sure if it renders it automatically or if you have to click a button for it)
Re: V1.2x issues
August 03, 2015 09:49AM
Go to [create.youmagine.com] . At the bottom of the page you'll see an area outlined in dashed lines. With your mouse, drag the downloaded .jscad file into that area. The page will load the jscad file and render it (not sure if it renders it automatically or if you have to click a button for it)

Thanks very much .. it works...
Re: V1.2x issues
August 03, 2015 02:45PM
Thank you MichaelBrock!

The OpenJSCAD version that Youmagine is using (v0.017) still works ok with the latest 1.2.x versions.
On the http://openjscad.org/ site, the current version is v0.3.0, which is not rendering the exact same smartrapcore-v1.2.jscad files anymore and results in the error I mentioned above.

I was now able to render al views and download the stl's, in the configuration I want to build.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/03/2015 02:45PM by 3DFreezeMe.
Re: V1.2x issues
August 03, 2015 02:48PM
@3DFreezeMe please let me know how you print the V1.2 Y axis bearing holders which also hold the X axis rods.
Re: V1.2x issues
August 03, 2015 03:15PM
I already have printed those and have used Meshmixer to create custom support where needed (the open circles print ok without support).
Orientation and support like the picture shows:

Re: V1.2x issues
August 03, 2015 04:31PM
The v1.2.4 plates at github have this part lying on its side, which makes more sense:

Re: V1.2x issues
August 03, 2015 04:44PM
I have read somewhere that people who tried that, had issues with the two split parts where the rods are fastened.
I believe that is why smerrett79 did ask that question.
Re: V1.2x issues
August 03, 2015 04:47PM
You're right, that's why I asked the question, however I'd be interested to hear if you suffer any strength issues with the layers oriented the way you have them. I'd be worried about delamination as you try and tighten the LM8UU clamp.
Re: V1.2x issues
August 03, 2015 04:49PM
That is one of my concerns exactly. I have printed them in ABS, but have not build the printer yet and tried their strength.
Re: V1.2x issues
August 03, 2015 04:52PM
I'm sure it's possible to design the x rod clamps in a more printable way but I don't have the skills to model what I'm thinking. Slot orientated vertically?
Re: V1.2x issues
August 03, 2015 04:52PM
Ah, my 3d printing ignorance showing through smiling smiley Having never printed anything, these subtleties aren't in my mindset.
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