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What can be done about the horrible noise from my smartrapcore alu?

Posted by errore1202 
What can be done about the horrible noise from my smartrapcore alu?
October 10, 2016 05:19AM

My printer had the problem of the not orthogonal x axis to the y axis. I fixed it with this.

I'm still getting this noise from my smartrapcore alu, but I have no idea where it's actually coming from or what the problem is. I have recorded some of this here.

Anyone have a clue what the problem is?

Re: What can be done about the horrible noise from my smartrapcore alu?
October 10, 2016 03:04PM
Hi glad you found that guide useful.

Motors are the main culprit. What model are they? The motors I got with my Scalu kit were only 0.4A units, as such you have to run them at high current for these motors to avoid skipping steps which generates a lot of motor resonance. I think this is your problem as I can see your b motor belt resonating in the video when the noise happens.

I swapped them for 1.68A units, left the stepper current the same and carried on with much less noise.

How many steps per mm are you using for X and y if it's less than 80 then your not on 1/16th microstepping. More microstepping equals less noise.

Next its the frame, tighten all your frame bolts, and anything clipped to your frame with t nuts.

Look at the motor mounts, see my things I've made in my signature, I've remixed the motor mounts both the original ones and made some fully adjustable ones which position the motors away from the frame.

It will be one of these things.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/10/2016 03:06PM by DjDemonD.

Simon Khoury

Co-founder of [www.precisionpiezo.co.uk] Accurate, repeatable, versatile Z-Probes
Re: What can be done about the horrible noise from my smartrapcore alu?
October 10, 2016 04:55PM
Hi DjDemonD.

Motors are the main culprit. What model are they? The motors I got with my Scalu kit were only 0.4A units, as such you have to run them at high current for these motors to avoid skipping steps which generates a lot of motor resonance. I think this is your problem as I can see your b motor belt resonating in the video when the noise happens.

My motors are "Casun Stepping motor, type 17hd202-3c, 150917 0980600". I can't find the data sheet but here they write it's a 0.5A unit.

I swapped them for 1.68A units, left the stepper current the same and carried on with much less noise.

Is "JKM Nema 17 0.9 Degree 42 Two Phase Hybrid Stepper Motor 40mm 1.68A" OK?

How many steps per mm are you using for X and y if it's less than 80 then your not on 1/16th microstepping. More microstepping equals less noise.

Where can I check the steps per mm and change the number? If it doesn't work, I'll buy 2 1.68A units.

Look at the motor mounts, see my things I've made in my signature, I've remixed the motor mounts both the original ones and made some fully adjustable ones which position the motors away from the frame.

I'll do it.

open | download - scalu_stepper_Casun_type _17hd202-3c.JPG (567.6 KB)
Re: What can be done about the horrible noise from my smartrapcore alu?
October 10, 2016 05:04PM
I'd probably not buy 0.9deg motors, they have 400 steps per revolution. The reason is that you have to send them twice as many step pulses per mm of movement and the ramps/mega controller struggles to do this at higher speeds so you get stuttering motion.

The motors you have are the ones I had and got rid of.

Get some 1.68A 1.8deg steppers. Longer ones ie 48mm will not get as hot for any given current but it takes a little more to get them moving as they have larger coils/magnets, and they don't reverse direction as readily. I'm using 38mm motors.

Steps per mm are in your marlin configuration.h or by sending m503. It will say M92 X80 Y80 Z80 E300 or something like that.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/10/2016 05:08PM by DjDemonD.

Simon Khoury

Co-founder of [www.precisionpiezo.co.uk] Accurate, repeatable, versatile Z-Probes
Re: What can be done about the horrible noise from my smartrapcore alu?
October 10, 2016 05:44PM

Steps per mm are in your marlin configuration.h or by sending m503. It will say M92 X80 Y80 Z80 E300 or something like that.

Pronterface writes this:

echo: Steps per unit:
echo: M92 X80.00 Y80.00 Z80.00 E140.00
echo: Maximum feedrates (mm/s):
echo: M203 X500.00 Y500.00 Z70.00 E50.00
echo: Maximum Acceleration (mm/s2):
echo: M201 X6000 Y6000 Z2000 E10000
echo: Acceleration: S=acceleration, T=retract acceleration
echo: M204 S3000.00 T3000.00
echo: Advanced variables: S=Min feedrate (mm/s), T=Min travel feedrate (mm/s), B=minimum segment time (ms), X=maximum XY jerk (mm/s), Z=maximum Z jerk (mm/s), E=maximum E jerk (mm/s)
echo: M205 S0.00 T0.00 B20000 X20.00 Z10.00 E5.00
echo:Home offset (mm):
echo: M206 X0.00 Y0.00 Z0.00
echo: PID settings:
echo: M301 P22.20 I1.08 D114.00

Do I try to change something in configuration.h or is it correct?

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 10/10/2016 05:45PM by errore1202.
Re: What can be done about the horrible noise from my smartrapcore alu?
October 10, 2016 06:24PM
No that's fine, but if you had 0.9 deg steppers you'd have to change x and y steps per mm to 160. As I said before the controller probably would struggle so use 1.8 deg steppers.

As for setting motor currents google it, there's tons of info.

Maybe set your z Jerk to 1.0mm a value of 10mm means your z axis can be commanded to move 10mm instantly which is possible with a belt driven axis but is never required.

You could change that in configuration.h then upload.
Its worth setting your eeprom to be on (depends on marlin version but look for //#define EEPROM_SETTINGS and //#define eeprom chitchat and uncomment them).

Then you can send a command like

M205 Z1 which sets Z jerk to 1mm/sec without having to upload a new firmware. Then send m500 and it saves it to eeprom and loads when you power up. Just saves you time.

Simon Khoury

Co-founder of [www.precisionpiezo.co.uk] Accurate, repeatable, versatile Z-Probes
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