Hi guys, I have a little problem, since a few months, my homemade GCode file for easy filament change won't work anymore.
I don't understand why but something broke somewhere.
My file does homing, then retract slowly for a few mm, then retracts quicker, waits 5 seconds, and then takes back the new filament inside, slowly, quickly, and again slowly when it comes to the extruder.
I don't know what I am doing wrong but it was working and now it's not working anymore.
Here's the code :
G21 ; unites en millimetres
M107 ; eteindre ventil
M109 S210 ; temperature de chauffage 210 celsius (M109)
G28 X0 Y0 ; home X Y
G1 X40 Y50 F3000 ;bouger vers le centre
G90 ; set absolute coordinates
G92 E0 ; reset extruder distance
G90 ; use absolute coordinates
G92 E0 ;
M82 ; distance absolue pour extru
; IMPORTANT f = vitesseminute e = extru, E-n = sortir, E+n = rentrer
; IMPORTANT inserer des " G92 E0 " entre les commandes de mouvement G1 (sinon part de la position d avant)
G1 F120 E-50
G92 E0
G1 F1200 E-700
G92 E0
;M104 S210 ; temperature de chauffage 210 celsius
G4 P5000 ; attente 5 000 ms (sinon m600 z1)
M109 S210
G1 F120 E20
G92 E0
G1 F1200 E570
G92 E0
G1 F100 E90
G92 E0
M104 S210 ; maintenir extru
G28 X0 ; home axe X
M104 S20 ; eteindre extru
When I send direct commands from the computer, with Repetier Host, it works flawlessly (G1 F1200 E20 extrudes 20mm quickly, but when I write it on my gcode file on the SD card, the printer does some weird things, like go 10times slower, inverting speeds...)
What should i do please ?
Thanks a lot