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Lcd connessione Seriale I2c

Posted by maralb 
Lcd connessione Seriale I2c
September 11, 2014 11:06AM
sapete se è possibile configurare questo tipo di LCD sui firmware delle nostre stampanti?
avrei intenzione di mettere tutte le periferiche separate su di un pannello:
tipo lettore Sd,encoder,buzzer, e se possibile qualche led che indica lo stato delle parti in funzione.
l'LCD che uso sulla mia delta ha una connesione con solo 2 fili per quanto riguarda la visualizzazione
poi ce ne sono altri 2 per l'encoder, 5V e negativo, e poi la connessione sd con i soliti 6 fili.
sarebbe bello sperimentare qualcosa del genere

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 09/11/2014 03:58PM by maralb.

DELTA Printer - Duet -Touch5" - E3D_V6
Re: Lcd connessione Seriale I2c
February 05, 2015 11:09AM
sono riuscito a configurare la Sola Visualizzazione sullo schermo
ho dovuto modificare uiconfig.h di repetier ed usare la porta I2c della mia Azteeg X3 con soli 4 fili (SCL/SDA/Negativo e 5V)
solo che lo schermo in questione non abbastanza pin liberi da collegarci anche l'encoder.angry smileyangry smiley

sotto le righe da modificare

What display type do you use?
0 = No display
1 = LCD Display with 4 bit data bus
2 = LCD Display with 8 bit data bus (currently not implemented, fallback to 1)
3 = LCD Display with I2C connection, 4 bit mode
4 = Use the slower LiquiedCrystal library bundled with arduino.
IMPORTANT: You need to uncomment the LiquidCrystal include in Repetier.pde for it to work.
If you have Sanguino and want to use the library, you need to have Arduino 023 or older. (13.04.2012)
5 = U8G supported display

#if UI_DISPLAY_TYPE == 5 // Special case for graphic displays

#define U8GLIB_ST7920 // Currently only this display from u8g lib is included.
#define UI_LCD_WIDTH 128
#define UI_LCD_HEIGHT 64

//select font size
#define UI_FONT_6X10 //default font
#ifdef UI_FONT_6X10
#define UI_FONT_WIDTH 6
#define UI_FONT_HEIGHT 10
#define UI_FONT_DEFAULT repetier_6x10
#define UI_FONT_SMALL repetier_5x7
#define UI_FONT_SMALL_WIDTH 5 //smaller font for status display
#define UI_ANIMATION false // Animations are too slow

//calculate rows and cols available with current font
/** Number of columns per row
Typical values are 16 and 20
#define UI_COLS 20
Rows of your display. 2 or 4
#define UI_ROWS 4

/* What type of chip is used for I2C communication
0 : PCF8574 or PCF8574A or compatible chips.
1 : MCP23017
// 0x40 till 0x4e for PCF8574, 0x40 for the adafruid RGB shield, 0x40 - 0x4e for MCP23017
// Official addresses have a value half as high!
// For MCP 23017 define which pins should be output
// Set the output mask that is or'd over the output data. This is needed to activate
// a backlight switched over the I2C.
// The adafruit RGB shields enables a light if the bit is not set. Bits 6-8 are used for backlight.
// For MCP which inputs are with pullup. 31 = pins 0-4 for adafruid rgb shield buttons
/* How fast should the I2C clock go. The PCF8574 work only with the lowest setting 100000.
A MCP23017 can run also with 400000 Hz */
#define UI_I2C_CLOCKSPEED 100000L
Define the pin
#if UI_DISPLAY_TYPE==3 // I2C Pin configuration
#define UI_DISPLAY_RS_PIN _BV(0)
#define UI_DISPLAY_RW_PIN _BV(1)
//#define UI_DISPLAY_D0_PIN _BV(0)
//#define UI_DISPLAY_D1_PIN _BV(1)
//#define UI_DISPLAY_D2_PIN _BV(2)
//#define UI_DISPLAY_D3_PIN _BV(3)
#define UI_DISPLAY_D4_PIN _BV(4)
#define UI_DISPLAY_D5_PIN _BV(5)
#define UI_DISPLAY_D6_PIN _BV(6)
#define UI_DISPLAY_D7_PIN _BV(7)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/05/2015 11:10AM by maralb.

DELTA Printer - Duet -Touch5" - E3D_V6
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