Smart Ramps 32Bit September 04, 2015 12:09PM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 860 |
Pin Assignments: SMART RAMPS uses the allmost same pin definitions as 1.4. Here are the pin definitions for this board. #if MOTHERBOARD == 408 #ifndef __SAM3X8E__ #error Oops! Make sure you have 'Arduino Due' selected from the 'Tools -> Boards' menu. #endif #define KNOWN_BOARD #define CPU_ARCH ARCH_ARM /***************************************************************** * Arduino Due Pin Assignments ******************************************************************/ #define ORIG_X_STEP_PIN 54 #define ORIG_X_DIR_PIN 55 #define ORIG_X_MIN_PIN 3 #define ORIG_X_MAX_PIN 2 #define ORIG_X_ENABLE_PIN 38 #define ORIG_Y_STEP_PIN 60 #define ORIG_Y_DIR_PIN 61 #define ORIG_Y_MIN_PIN 14 #define ORIG_Y_MAX_PIN 15 #define ORIG_Y_ENABLE_PIN 56 #define ORIG_Z_STEP_PIN 46 #define ORIG_Z_DIR_PIN 48 #define ORIG_Z_MIN_PIN 18 #define ORIG_Z_MAX_PIN 19 #define ORIG_Z_ENABLE_PIN 62 // Note that on the Due pin A0 on the board is channel 2 on the ARM chip #define HEATER_0_PIN 10 #define TEMP_0_PIN 11 // Due analog pin # #define HEATER_1_PIN 8 #define TEMP_1_PIN 12 // Due analog pin # #define HEATER_2_PIN 9 #define TEMP_2_PIN 13 // Due analog pin # #define ORIG_E0_STEP_PIN 26 #define ORIG_E0_DIR_PIN 28 #define ORIG_E0_ENABLE_PIN 24 #define ORIG_E1_STEP_PIN 36 #define ORIG_E1_DIR_PIN 34 #define ORIG_E1_ENABLE_PIN 30 #define SDPOWER -1 #define SDSS 53 // 10 if using HW SPI. 53 if using SW SPI #define LED_PIN 13 #define ORIG_FAN_PIN 9 #define PS_ON_PIN 12 #define KILL_PIN -1 #define SUICIDE_PIN -1 //PIN that has to be turned on right after start, to keep power flowingSe il Mago riesce ha tempo per aggiungerla nelle schede per il DUE provo a vedere come va
Re: Smart Ramps 32Bit September 08, 2015 04:46AM |
Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 203 |
Re: Smart Ramps 32Bit September 08, 2015 05:10AM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 860 |
Re: Smart Ramps 32Bit September 28, 2015 03:56AM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 860 |
Re: Smart Ramps 32Bit October 01, 2015 10:45AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 44 |
Re: Smart Ramps 32Bit October 01, 2015 12:15PM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 860 |
#if MOTHERBOARD == 408 #ifndef __SAM3X8E__ #error Oops! Make sure you have 'Arduino Due' selected from the 'Tools -> Boards' menu. #endif #define KNOWN_BOARD #define CPU_ARCH ARCH_ARM /***************************************************************** * Arduino Due Pin Assignments ******************************************************************/ #define ORIG_X_STEP_PIN 54 // A0 #define ORIG_X_DIR_PIN 55 // A1 #define ORIG_X_MIN_PIN 3 #define ORIG_X_MAX_PIN 2 #define ORIG_X_ENABLE_PIN 38 #define ORIG_Y_STEP_PIN 60 // A6 #define ORIG_Y_DIR_PIN 61 // A7 #define ORIG_Y_MIN_PIN 14 #define ORIG_Y_MAX_PIN 15 #define ORIG_Y_ENABLE_PIN 56 // A2 #define ORIG_Z_STEP_PIN 46 #define ORIG_Z_DIR_PIN 48 #define ORIG_Z_MIN_PIN 18 #define ORIG_Z_MAX_PIN 19 #define ORIG_Z_ENABLE_PIN 62 // A8 // Note that on the Due pin A0 on the board is channel 2 on the ARM chip #define HEATER_0_PIN 10 #define TEMP_0_PIN 11 // Due analog pin # #define HEATER_1_PIN 8 #define TEMP_1_PIN 12 // Due analog pin # #define HEATER_2_PIN 9 #define TEMP_2_PIN 13 // Due analog pin # #define ORIG_E0_STEP_PIN 26 #define ORIG_E0_DIR_PIN 28 #define ORIG_E0_ENABLE_PIN 24 #define ORIG_E1_STEP_PIN 36 #define ORIG_E1_DIR_PIN 34 #define ORIG_E1_ENABLE_PIN 30 #define SDPOWER -1 #define SDSS 53 // 10 if using HW SPI. 53 if using SW SPI #define LED_PIN 13 #define ORIG_FAN_PIN 9 #define PS_ON_PIN 12 #define KILL_PIN -1 #define SUICIDE_PIN -1 //PIN that has to be turned on right after start, to keep power flowing. #define SDA_PIN 20 // 20 or 70 #define SCL_PIN 21 // 21 or 71 #define E0_PINS ORIG_E0_STEP_PIN,ORIG_E0_DIR_PIN,ORIG_E0_ENABLE_PIN, #define E1_PINS ORIG_E1_STEP_PIN,ORIG_E1_DIR_PIN,ORIG_E1_ENABLE_PIN, #define TWI_CLOCK_FREQ 400000 // see eeprom device data sheet for the following values, these are for 24xx256 #define EEPROM_SERIAL_ADDR 0x50 // 7 bit i2c address (without R/W bit) #define EEPROM_PAGE_SIZE 64 // page write buffer size #define EEPROM_PAGE_WRITE_TIME 7 // page write time in milliseconds (docs say 5ms but that is too short) // TWI_MMR_IADRSZ_1_BYTE for 1 byte, or TWI_MMR_IADRSZ_2_BYTE for 2 byte #define EEPROM_ADDRSZ_BYTES TWI_MMR_IADRSZ_2_BYTE #define EEPROM_AVAILABLE 1 #endif
//Mods for a smart ramps replace the original pins of mini display. #define UI_DISPLAY_RS_PIN 45//16 #define UI_DISPLAY_RW_PIN -1 #define UI_DISPLAY_ENABLE_PIN 42//17 #define UI_DISPLAY_D0_PIN 40 //23 #define UI_DISPLAY_D1_PIN 83 //25 #define UI_DISPLAY_D2_PIN 82 //27 #define UI_DISPLAY_D3_PIN 81 //29 #define UI_DISPLAY_D4_PIN 40 //23 #define UI_DISPLAY_D5_PIN 83 //25 #define UI_DISPLAY_D6_PIN 82 //27 #define UI_DISPLAY_D7_PIN 81 //29 /* #define UI_DISPLAY_RS_PIN 16 #define UI_DISPLAY_RW_PIN -1 #define UI_DISPLAY_ENABLE_PIN 17 #define UI_DISPLAY_D0_PIN 23 #define UI_DISPLAY_D1_PIN 25 #define UI_DISPLAY_D2_PIN 27 #define UI_DISPLAY_D3_PIN 29 #define UI_DISPLAY_D4_PIN 23 #define UI_DISPLAY_D5_PIN 25 #define UI_DISPLAY_D6_PIN 27 #define UI_DISPLAY_D7_PIN 29 */ #if MINILCD_VER == 11 #define BEEPER_PIN 67 #define UI_ENCODER_CLICK 66 #elif MINILCD_VER == 21 #define BEEPER_PIN 66 #define UI_ENCODER_CLICK 67 #endif #if MINILCD_ENCODER_INVERTING #define UI_ENCODER_A 58 #define UI_ENCODER_B 40 #else #define UI_ENCODER_A 40 #define UI_ENCODER_B 58 #endif
Re: Smart Ramps 32Bit November 21, 2015 05:39PM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 25 |
Re: Smart Ramps 32Bit November 21, 2015 06:19PM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 860 |
Re: Smart Ramps 32Bit December 27, 2015 08:16AM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 42 |
Re: Smart Ramps 32Bit December 27, 2015 08:36AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 545 |
Re: Smart Ramps 32Bit December 27, 2015 04:03PM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 860 |
Re: Smart Ramps 32Bit January 03, 2016 06:53AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 545 |
Re: Smart Ramps 32Bit January 03, 2016 11:56AM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 860 |
Grazie per la Dritta credevo che i drivers fossero già loro optoisolati sui contatti step dir in ingressoQuote
secondo me collegare i pin di arduino due direttamente sui drv stepper non e' una buona idea
Re: Smart Ramps 32Bit January 04, 2016 12:10AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 545 |
Grazie per la Dritta credevo che i drivers fossero già loro optoisolati sui contatti step dir in ingressoQuote
secondo me collegare i pin di arduino due direttamente sui drv stepper non e' una buona idea
Una volta ho visto un modulo che si collegava al posto del drivers e ti dava il conttettore per avere step e dir ed enable cosi da usare drivers esterni
anche piu potenti pro non l'ho mai trovato in commercio forse perche non so come si chiama
Tu per caso lo conosci ?
Re: Smart Ramps 32Bit September 20, 2017 06:51PM |
Registered: 12 years ago Posts: 80 |