June 08, 2016 04:23PM
Ciao a tutti, qualcuno conosce (o ancora meglio usa) la scheda di controllo Makerbase MKS SBASE [] ?
E' sostanzialmente un clone della smoothieboard ed usa ovviamente il firmware smoothie. Ha dei DRV8825 integrati con controllo della corrente via firmware (con possibilità di collegare driver esterni), porta ethernet, possibilità di collegare i classici lcd senza adattatore, e soprattutto un prezzo interessante (ad oggi 44€).

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/08/2016 04:24PM by campe89.

Motedis_kossel delta printer
Ramps1.4 for Due
Re: Board MAKERBASE SBASE 32 bit
July 03, 2016 06:12PM
I don't speak italian, sorry about that, but I just wanted to point out that Smoothie is an open-source project, made by hundreds of volunteers, and that the MKS folks are a cancer that is destroying that project.

If you buy a MKS it is because you like Smoothie's features, but by buying the board, you are destroying the project that created those features.

Sorry for disturbing.

Re: Board MAKERBASE SBASE 32 bit
July 04, 2016 02:41AM
Concordo in pieno con arthurwolf... Comprare cloni che distruggono i progetti iniziali vuol dire ucciderli...
Se vuoi andare su Smoothie allora prenditi la scheda originale cosi finanzi anche il loro progetto....

I agree in full with arthurwolf ... Buy clones that destroy the initial projects means kill them ...
If you want to go on Smoothie then take the original card so also finance their project ....

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/04/2016 02:43AM by MagoKimbra.

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Alberto C. felice possessore di una Kossel K2
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