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Abilitare lcd 12864 RIAPERTO

Posted by xmarco69 
Re: Abilitare lcd 12864 RIAPERTO
July 07, 2014 05:25AM
Hai troppo roba abilitata questo deve rimanere cosi e abilitare solo il display come hai fatto e tutto deve andare...Se vedi che hai ancora problemi controlla il display dato che ha me è arrivato con 1 pin in veno del display e il contrasto non andava e il cavo piattina invertito. Fai le tue verifiche.
//#define ULTRA_LCD //general LCD support, also 16x2
//#define DOGLCD // Support for SPI LCD 128x64 (Controller ST7565R graphic Display Family)
//#define SDSUPPORT // Enable SD Card Support in Hardware Console
//#define SDSLOW // Use slower SD transfer mode (not normally needed - uncomment if you're getting volume init error)
//#define ENCODER_PULSES_PER_STEP 1 // Increase if you have a high resolution encoder
//#define ENCODER_STEPS_PER_MENU_ITEM 5 // Set according to ENCODER_PULSES_PER_STEP or your liking
//#define ULTIMAKERCONTROLLER //as available from the Ultimaker online store.
//#define ULTIPANEL //the UltiPanel as on Thingiverse
//#define LCD_FEEDBACK_FREQUENCY_HZ 1000 // this is the tone frequency the buzzer plays when on UI feedback. ie Screen Click
//#define LCD_FEEDBACK_FREQUENCY_DURATION_MS 100 // the duration the buzzer plays the UI feedback sound. ie Screen Click

Mi aggrego alla discussione dato che ho problemi anche io; configurazione:
-ramps 1.4
-lcd [reprap.org]
-marlin v1 così configurato
//LCD and SD support
#define ULTRA_LCD  //general LCD support, also 16x2
#define DOGLCD  // Support for SPI LCD 128x64 (Controller ST7565R graphic Display Family)
#define SDSUPPORT // Enable SD Card Support in Hardware Console
#define SDSLOW // Use slower SD transfer mode (not normally needed - uncomment if you're getting volume init error)
#define ENCODER_PULSES_PER_STEP 1 // Increase if you have a high resolution encoder
#define ENCODER_STEPS_PER_MENU_ITEM 5 // Set according to ENCODER_PULSES_PER_STEP or your liking
//#define ULTIMAKERCONTROLLER //as available from the Ultimaker online store.
//#define ULTIPANEL  //the UltiPanel as on Thingiverse
#define LCD_FEEDBACK_FREQUENCY_HZ 1000	// this is the tone frequency the buzzer plays when on UI feedback. ie Screen Click
#define LCD_FEEDBACK_FREQUENCY_DURATION_MS 100 // the duration the buzzer plays the UI feedback sound. ie Screen Click

// The MaKr3d Makr-Panel with graphic controller and SD support
// [reprap.org]
//#define MAKRPANEL

// The RepRapDiscount Smart Controller (white PCcool smiley
// [reprap.org]

// The GADGETS3D G3D LCD/SD Controller (blue PCcool smiley
// [reprap.org]
//#define G3D_PANEL

// The RepRapDiscount FULL GRAPHIC Smart Controller (quadratic white PCcool smiley
// [reprap.org]
// ==> REMEMBER TO INSTALL U8glib to your ARDUINO library folder: [code.google.com]

// The RepRapWorld REPRAPWORLD_KEYPAD v1.1
// [reprapworld.com]
//#define REPRAPWORLD_KEYPAD_MOVE_STEP 10.0 // how much should be moved when a key is pressed, eg 10.0 means 10mm per click

// The Elefu RA Board Control Panel
// [www.elefu.com]
// REMEMBER TO INSTALL LiquidCrystal_I2C.h in your ARUDINO library folder: [github.com]

-libreria u8glib installata come dice anche sul sito

Il problema è che il display viasualizza tutte le informazioni correttamente, ma il tasto e l'encoder rotativo non funzionano; possibile soluzione?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/07/2014 05:31AM by Galeots.
Re: Abilitare lcd 12864 RIAPERTO
July 07, 2014 06:17AM
Ciao, appena sono a casa provo e verifico, grazie mille.
Potresti spiegare meglio la storia del pin mancante e l'inversione dei cavi? (magari con delle foto).
Io per il collegamento dei cavi sono andato a logica, dato che non ho trovato info a riguardo; ammettendo di avere sbagliato verso, si brucia tutto oppure funziona non correttamente?

Motedis_kossel delta printer
Ramps1.4 for Due
Re: Abilitare lcd 12864 RIAPERTO
July 08, 2014 05:00AM
Disabilita tutte le voci sotto da ultra lcd a lcd feedback e lascia attivato solo lcd come hai fatto sotto.
Controlla se lcd mancano pin e ecc. da me è arrivato che mancava un pin del display e il contrasto non si regolava, controlla anche i cavi flat se sono pinzati bene, anch'essi mi sono arrivati invertiti.

Mi aggrego alla discussione dato che ho problemi anche io; configurazione:
-ramps 1.4
-lcd [reprap.org]
-marlin v1 così configurato
//LCD and SD support
#define ULTRA_LCD  //general LCD support, also 16x2
#define DOGLCD  // Support for SPI LCD 128x64 (Controller ST7565R graphic Display Family)
#define SDSUPPORT // Enable SD Card Support in Hardware Console
#define SDSLOW // Use slower SD transfer mode (not normally needed - uncomment if you're getting volume init error)
#define ENCODER_PULSES_PER_STEP 1 // Increase if you have a high resolution encoder
#define ENCODER_STEPS_PER_MENU_ITEM 5 // Set according to ENCODER_PULSES_PER_STEP or your liking
//#define ULTIMAKERCONTROLLER //as available from the Ultimaker online store.
//#define ULTIPANEL  //the UltiPanel as on Thingiverse
#define LCD_FEEDBACK_FREQUENCY_HZ 1000	// this is the tone frequency the buzzer plays when on UI feedback. ie Screen Click
#define LCD_FEEDBACK_FREQUENCY_DURATION_MS 100 // the duration the buzzer plays the UI feedback sound. ie Screen Click

// The MaKr3d Makr-Panel with graphic controller and SD support
// [reprap.org]
//#define MAKRPANEL

// The RepRapDiscount Smart Controller (white PCcool smiley
// [reprap.org]

// The GADGETS3D G3D LCD/SD Controller (blue PCcool smiley
// [reprap.org]
//#define G3D_PANEL

// The RepRapDiscount FULL GRAPHIC Smart Controller (quadratic white PCcool smiley
// [reprap.org]
// ==> REMEMBER TO INSTALL U8glib to your ARDUINO library folder: [code.google.com]

// The RepRapWorld REPRAPWORLD_KEYPAD v1.1
// [reprapworld.com]
//#define REPRAPWORLD_KEYPAD_MOVE_STEP 10.0 // how much should be moved when a key is pressed, eg 10.0 means 10mm per click

// The Elefu RA Board Control Panel
// [www.elefu.com]
// REMEMBER TO INSTALL LiquidCrystal_I2C.h in your ARUDINO library folder: [github.com]

-libreria u8glib installata come dice anche sul sito

Il problema è che il display viasualizza tutte le informazioni correttamente, ma il tasto e l'encoder rotativo non funzionano; possibile soluzione?
Re: Abilitare lcd 12864 RIAPERTO
July 11, 2014 06:16AM
Ho modificato il file configuration.h come scritto qua sotto, ma continua a non funzionare...

//LCD and SD support
//#define ULTRA_LCD  //general LCD support, also 16x2
//#define DOGLCD  // Support for SPI LCD 128x64 (Controller ST7565R graphic Display Family)
//#define SDSUPPORT // Enable SD Card Support in Hardware Console
//#define SDSLOW // Use slower SD transfer mode (not normally needed - uncomment if you're getting volume init error)
//#define ENCODER_PULSES_PER_STEP 1 // Increase if you have a high resolution encoder
//#define ENCODER_STEPS_PER_MENU_ITEM 5 // Set according to ENCODER_PULSES_PER_STEP or your liking
//#define ULTIMAKERCONTROLLER //as available from the Ultimaker online store.
//#define ULTIPANEL  //the UltiPanel as on Thingiverse
//#define LCD_FEEDBACK_FREQUENCY_HZ 1000	// this is the tone frequency the buzzer plays when on UI feedback. ie Screen Click
//#define LCD_FEEDBACK_FREQUENCY_DURATION_MS 100 // the duration the buzzer plays the UI feedback sound. ie Screen Click

// The MaKr3d Makr-Panel with graphic controller and SD support
// [reprap.org]
//#define MAKRPANEL

// The RepRapDiscount Smart Controller (white PCcool smiley
// [reprap.org]

// The GADGETS3D G3D LCD/SD Controller (blue PCcool smiley
// [reprap.org]
//#define G3D_PANEL

// The RepRapDiscount FULL GRAPHIC Smart Controller (quadratic white PCcool smiley
// [reprap.org]
// ==> REMEMBER TO INSTALL U8glib to your ARDUINO library folder: [code.google.com]

// The RepRapWorld REPRAPWORLD_KEYPAD v1.1
// [reprapworld.com]
//#define REPRAPWORLD_KEYPAD_MOVE_STEP 10.0 // how much should be moved when a key is pressed, eg 10.0 means 10mm per click

// The Elefu RA Board Control Panel
// [www.elefu.com]
// REMEMBER TO INSTALL LiquidCrystal_I2C.h in your ARUDINO library folder: [github.com]

Motedis_kossel delta printer
Ramps1.4 for Due
Re: Abilitare lcd 12864 RIAPERTO
July 11, 2014 08:08AM
verifica di avere una versione aggiornata del firmware perchè con le vecchie non va...esperienza personale.

R2 Evo-Prometeo-Poseidon-Titan0
Multiextruder NPr3-WR4
Licenza Creative Commons
Re: Abilitare lcd 12864 RIAPERTO
July 11, 2014 10:30AM
ho marlin v1 preso da qua [github.com]
esiste una versione più aggiornata?

Motedis_kossel delta printer
Ramps1.4 for Due
Re: Abilitare lcd 12864 RIAPERTO
August 26, 2014 11:27AM
Io invece ho un errore di compilazione, libreria installata correttamente con Arduino 1.0.5, Marlin ultima versione , ma mi esce questo errore e non so cosa andare a toccare:

In file included from /dogm_lcd_implementation.h:38,
from ultralcd.cpp:35:
dogm_font_data_marlin.h:13: error: 'u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t' does not name a type
dogm_font_data_marlin.h:172: error: 'u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t' does not name a type
In file included from /dogm_lcd_implementation.h:40,
from ultralcd.cpp:35:
ultralcd_st7920_u8glib_rrd.h:43: error: 'u8g_t' was not declared in this scope
ultralcd_st7920_u8glib_rrd.h:43: error: 'u8g' was not declared in this scope
ultralcd_st7920_u8glib_rrd.h:43: error: 'u8g_dev_t' was not declared in this scope
ultralcd_st7920_u8glib_rrd.h:43: error: 'dev' was not declared in this scope
ultralcd_st7920_u8glib_rrd.h:43: error: expected primary-expression before 'msg'
ultralcd_st7920_u8glib_rrd.h:43: error: expected primary-expression before 'void'
ultralcd_st7920_u8glib_rrd.h:43: error: initializer expression list treated as compound expression
ultralcd_st7920_u8glib_rrd.h:44: error: expected ',' or ';' before '{' token

il display è questo:

configuration.h :
//LCD and SD support
//#define ULTRA_LCD  //general LCD support, also 16x2
//#define DOGLCD  // Support for SPI LCD 128x64 (Controller ST7565R graphic Display Family)
//#define SDSUPPORT // Enable SD Card Support in Hardware Console
//#define SDSLOW // Use slower SD transfer mode (not normally needed - uncomment if you're getting volume init error)
//#define SD_CHECK_AND_RETRY // Use CRC checks and retries on the SD communication
//#define ENCODER_PULSES_PER_STEP 1 // Increase if you have a high resolution encoder
//#define ENCODER_STEPS_PER_MENU_ITEM 5 // Set according to ENCODER_PULSES_PER_STEP or your liking
//#define ULTIMAKERCONTROLLER //as available from the Ultimaker online store.
//#define ULTIPANEL  //the UltiPanel as on Thingiverse
//#define LCD_FEEDBACK_FREQUENCY_HZ 1000	// this is the tone frequency the buzzer plays when on UI feedback. ie Screen Click
//#define LCD_FEEDBACK_FREQUENCY_DURATION_MS 100 // the duration the buzzer plays the UI feedback sound. ie Screen Click

// The MaKr3d Makr-Panel with graphic controller and SD support
// [reprap.org]
//#define MAKRPANEL

// The RepRapDiscount Smart Controller (white PCcool smiley
// [reprap.org]

// The GADGETS3D G3D LCD/SD Controller (blue PCcool smiley
// [reprap.org]
//#define G3D_PANEL

// The RepRapDiscount FULL GRAPHIC Smart Controller (quadratic white PCcool smiley
// [reprap.org]
// ==> REMEMBER TO INSTALL U8glib to your ARDUINO library folder: [code.google.com]

// The RepRapWorld REPRAPWORLD_KEYPAD v1.1
// [reprapworld.com]
//#define REPRAPWORLD_KEYPAD_MOVE_STEP 10.0 // how much should be moved when a key is pressed, eg 10.0 means 10mm per click

// The Elefu RA Board Control Panel
// [www.elefu.com]
// REMEMBER TO INSTALL LiquidCrystal_I2C.h in your ARUDINO library folder: [github.com]

//automatic expansion
#if defined (MAKRPANEL)
 #define DOGLCD
 #define SDSUPPORT
 #define ULTIPANEL
 #define NEWPANEL

 #define DOGLCD
 #define U8GLIB_ST7920

 #define ULTIPANEL
 #define NEWPANEL

  #define NEWPANEL
  #define ULTIPANEL
#if defined(RA_CONTROL_PANEL)
 #define ULTIPANEL
 #define NEWPANEL
 #define LCD_I2C_TYPE_PCA8574
 #define LCD_I2C_ADDRESS 0x27   // I2C Address of the port expander


  // This uses the LiquidCrystal_I2C library ( [bitbucket.org] )
  // Make sure it is placed in the Arduino libraries directory.
  #define LCD_I2C_TYPE_PCF8575
  #define LCD_I2C_ADDRESS 0x27   // I2C Address of the port expander
  #define NEWPANEL
  #define ULTIPANEL

// PANELOLU2 LCD with status LEDs, separate encoder and click inputs
//#define LCD_I2C_PANELOLU2
  // This uses the LiquidTWI2 library v1.2.3 or later ( [github.com] )
  // Make sure the LiquidTWI2 directory is placed in the Arduino or Sketchbook libraries subdirectory.
  // (v1.2.3 no longer requires you to define PANELOLU in the LiquidTWI2.h library header file)
  // Note: The PANELOLU2 encoder click input can either be directly connected to a pin
  //       (if BTN_ENC defined to != -1) or read through I2C (when BTN_ENC == -1).
  #define LCD_I2C_TYPE_MCP23017
  #define LCD_I2C_ADDRESS 0x20 // I2C Address of the port expander
  #define LCD_USE_I2C_BUZZER //comment out to disable buzzer on LCD
  #define NEWPANEL
  #define ULTIPANEL





// Panucatt VIKI LCD with status LEDs, integrated click & L/R/U/P buttons, separate encoder inputs
//#define LCD_I2C_VIKI
#ifdef LCD_I2C_VIKI
  // This uses the LiquidTWI2 library v1.2.3 or later ( [github.com] )
  // Make sure the LiquidTWI2 directory is placed in the Arduino or Sketchbook libraries subdirectory.
  // Note: The pause/stop/resume LCD button pin should be connected to the Arduino
  //       BTN_ENC pin (or set BTN_ENC to -1 if not used)
  #define LCD_I2C_TYPE_MCP23017
  #define LCD_I2C_ADDRESS 0x20 // I2C Address of the port expander
  #define LCD_USE_I2C_BUZZER //comment out to disable buzzer on LCD (requires LiquidTWI2 v1.2.3 or later)
  #define NEWPANEL
  #define ULTIPANEL

// Shift register panels
// ---------------------
// 2 wire Non-latching LCD SR from:
// [bitbucket.org]
//#define SR_LCD
#ifdef SR_LCD
   #define SR_LCD_2W_NL    // Non latching 2 wire shift register
   //#define NEWPANEL

//  #define NEWPANEL  //enable this if you have a click-encoder panel
  #define SDSUPPORT
  #define ULTRA_LCD
  #ifdef DOGLCD // Change number of lines to match the DOG graphic display
    #define LCD_WIDTH 20
    #define LCD_HEIGHT 5
    #define LCD_WIDTH 20
    #define LCD_HEIGHT 4
#else //no panel but just LCD
  #ifdef ULTRA_LCD
  #ifdef DOGLCD // Change number of lines to match the 128x64 graphics display
    #define LCD_WIDTH 20
    #define LCD_HEIGHT 5
    #define LCD_WIDTH 16
    #define LCD_HEIGHT 2

// default LCD contrast for dogm-like LCD displays
#ifdef DOGLCD
# endif

// Increase the FAN pwm frequency. Removes the PWM noise but increases heating in the FET/Arduino
//#define FAST_PWM_FAN

// Temperature status LEDs that display the hotend and bet temperature.
// If all hotends and bed temperature and temperature setpoint are < 54C then the BLUE led is on.
// Otherwise the RED led is on. There is 1C hysteresis.
//#define TEMP_STAT_LEDS

// Use software PWM to drive the fan, as for the heaters. This uses a very low frequency
// which is not ass annoying as with the hardware PWM. On the other hand, if this frequency
// is too low, you should also increment SOFT_PWM_SCALE.
//#define FAN_SOFT_PWM

// Incrementing this by 1 will double the software PWM frequency,
// affecting heaters, and the fan if FAN_SOFT_PWM is enabled.
// However, control resolution will be halved for each increment;
// at zero value, there are 128 effective control positions.
#define SOFT_PWM_SCALE 0

// M240  Triggers a camera by emulating a Canon RC-1 Remote
// Data from: [www.doc-diy.net]
// #define PHOTOGRAPH_PIN     23

// SF send wrong arc g-codes when using Arc Point as fillet procedure
//#define SF_ARC_FIX

// Support for the BariCUDA Paste Extruder.
//#define BARICUDA

//define BlinkM/CyzRgb Support
//#define BLINKM

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/26/2014 11:32AM by amario57.

Prusa I3 R2 di Nicola P. Hotend IeC 1.75
Delta Kossel V250 in costruzione
Re: Abilitare lcd 12864 RIAPERTO
August 26, 2014 02:32PM
Se ti dice così non penso che sia tutto installato bene! Ricontrolla!
Le librerie si devono installare se hai abilitato il display da fw.

Io invece ho un errore di compilazione, libreria installata correttamente con Arduino 1.0.5, Marlin ultima versione , ma mi esce questo errore e non so cosa andare a toccare:

In file included from /dogm_lcd_implementation.h:38,
from ultralcd.cpp:35:
dogm_font_data_marlin.h:13: error: 'u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t' does not name a type
dogm_font_data_marlin.h:172: error: 'u8g_fntpgm_uint8_t' does not name a type
In file included from /dogm_lcd_implementation.h:40,
from ultralcd.cpp:35:
ultralcd_st7920_u8glib_rrd.h:43: error: 'u8g_t' was not declared in this scope
ultralcd_st7920_u8glib_rrd.h:43: error: 'u8g' was not declared in this scope
ultralcd_st7920_u8glib_rrd.h:43: error: 'u8g_dev_t' was not declared in this scope
ultralcd_st7920_u8glib_rrd.h:43: error: 'dev' was not declared in this scope
ultralcd_st7920_u8glib_rrd.h:43: error: expected primary-expression before 'msg'
ultralcd_st7920_u8glib_rrd.h:43: error: expected primary-expression before 'void'
ultralcd_st7920_u8glib_rrd.h:43: error: initializer expression list treated as compound expression
ultralcd_st7920_u8glib_rrd.h:44: error: expected ',' or ';' before '{' token

il display è questo:

configuration.h :
//LCD and SD support
//#define ULTRA_LCD  //general LCD support, also 16x2
//#define DOGLCD  // Support for SPI LCD 128x64 (Controller ST7565R graphic Display Family)
//#define SDSUPPORT // Enable SD Card Support in Hardware Console
//#define SDSLOW // Use slower SD transfer mode (not normally needed - uncomment if you're getting volume init error)
//#define SD_CHECK_AND_RETRY // Use CRC checks and retries on the SD communication
//#define ENCODER_PULSES_PER_STEP 1 // Increase if you have a high resolution encoder
//#define ENCODER_STEPS_PER_MENU_ITEM 5 // Set according to ENCODER_PULSES_PER_STEP or your liking
//#define ULTIMAKERCONTROLLER //as available from the Ultimaker online store.
//#define ULTIPANEL  //the UltiPanel as on Thingiverse
//#define LCD_FEEDBACK_FREQUENCY_HZ 1000	// this is the tone frequency the buzzer plays when on UI feedback. ie Screen Click
//#define LCD_FEEDBACK_FREQUENCY_DURATION_MS 100 // the duration the buzzer plays the UI feedback sound. ie Screen Click

// The MaKr3d Makr-Panel with graphic controller and SD support
// [reprap.org]
//#define MAKRPANEL

// The RepRapDiscount Smart Controller (white PCcool smiley
// [reprap.org]

// The GADGETS3D G3D LCD/SD Controller (blue PCcool smiley
// [reprap.org]
//#define G3D_PANEL

// The RepRapDiscount FULL GRAPHIC Smart Controller (quadratic white PCcool smiley
// [reprap.org]
// ==> REMEMBER TO INSTALL U8glib to your ARDUINO library folder: [code.google.com]

// The RepRapWorld REPRAPWORLD_KEYPAD v1.1
// [reprapworld.com]
//#define REPRAPWORLD_KEYPAD_MOVE_STEP 10.0 // how much should be moved when a key is pressed, eg 10.0 means 10mm per click

// The Elefu RA Board Control Panel
// [www.elefu.com]
// REMEMBER TO INSTALL LiquidCrystal_I2C.h in your ARUDINO library folder: [github.com]

//automatic expansion
#if defined (MAKRPANEL)
 #define DOGLCD
 #define SDSUPPORT
 #define ULTIPANEL
 #define NEWPANEL

 #define DOGLCD
 #define U8GLIB_ST7920

 #define ULTIPANEL
 #define NEWPANEL

  #define NEWPANEL
  #define ULTIPANEL
#if defined(RA_CONTROL_PANEL)
 #define ULTIPANEL
 #define NEWPANEL
 #define LCD_I2C_TYPE_PCA8574
 #define LCD_I2C_ADDRESS 0x27   // I2C Address of the port expander


  // This uses the LiquidCrystal_I2C library ( [bitbucket.org] )
  // Make sure it is placed in the Arduino libraries directory.
  #define LCD_I2C_TYPE_PCF8575
  #define LCD_I2C_ADDRESS 0x27   // I2C Address of the port expander
  #define NEWPANEL
  #define ULTIPANEL

// PANELOLU2 LCD with status LEDs, separate encoder and click inputs
//#define LCD_I2C_PANELOLU2
  // This uses the LiquidTWI2 library v1.2.3 or later ( [github.com] )
  // Make sure the LiquidTWI2 directory is placed in the Arduino or Sketchbook libraries subdirectory.
  // (v1.2.3 no longer requires you to define PANELOLU in the LiquidTWI2.h library header file)
  // Note: The PANELOLU2 encoder click input can either be directly connected to a pin
  //       (if BTN_ENC defined to != -1) or read through I2C (when BTN_ENC == -1).
  #define LCD_I2C_TYPE_MCP23017
  #define LCD_I2C_ADDRESS 0x20 // I2C Address of the port expander
  #define LCD_USE_I2C_BUZZER //comment out to disable buzzer on LCD
  #define NEWPANEL
  #define ULTIPANEL





// Panucatt VIKI LCD with status LEDs, integrated click & L/R/U/P buttons, separate encoder inputs
//#define LCD_I2C_VIKI
#ifdef LCD_I2C_VIKI
  // This uses the LiquidTWI2 library v1.2.3 or later ( [github.com] )
  // Make sure the LiquidTWI2 directory is placed in the Arduino or Sketchbook libraries subdirectory.
  // Note: The pause/stop/resume LCD button pin should be connected to the Arduino
  //       BTN_ENC pin (or set BTN_ENC to -1 if not used)
  #define LCD_I2C_TYPE_MCP23017
  #define LCD_I2C_ADDRESS 0x20 // I2C Address of the port expander
  #define LCD_USE_I2C_BUZZER //comment out to disable buzzer on LCD (requires LiquidTWI2 v1.2.3 or later)
  #define NEWPANEL
  #define ULTIPANEL

// Shift register panels
// ---------------------
// 2 wire Non-latching LCD SR from:
// [bitbucket.org]
//#define SR_LCD
#ifdef SR_LCD
   #define SR_LCD_2W_NL    // Non latching 2 wire shift register
   //#define NEWPANEL

//  #define NEWPANEL  //enable this if you have a click-encoder panel
  #define SDSUPPORT
  #define ULTRA_LCD
  #ifdef DOGLCD // Change number of lines to match the DOG graphic display
    #define LCD_WIDTH 20
    #define LCD_HEIGHT 5
    #define LCD_WIDTH 20
    #define LCD_HEIGHT 4
#else //no panel but just LCD
  #ifdef ULTRA_LCD
  #ifdef DOGLCD // Change number of lines to match the 128x64 graphics display
    #define LCD_WIDTH 20
    #define LCD_HEIGHT 5
    #define LCD_WIDTH 16
    #define LCD_HEIGHT 2

// default LCD contrast for dogm-like LCD displays
#ifdef DOGLCD
# endif

// Increase the FAN pwm frequency. Removes the PWM noise but increases heating in the FET/Arduino
//#define FAST_PWM_FAN

// Temperature status LEDs that display the hotend and bet temperature.
// If all hotends and bed temperature and temperature setpoint are < 54C then the BLUE led is on.
// Otherwise the RED led is on. There is 1C hysteresis.
//#define TEMP_STAT_LEDS

// Use software PWM to drive the fan, as for the heaters. This uses a very low frequency
// which is not ass annoying as with the hardware PWM. On the other hand, if this frequency
// is too low, you should also increment SOFT_PWM_SCALE.
//#define FAN_SOFT_PWM

// Incrementing this by 1 will double the software PWM frequency,
// affecting heaters, and the fan if FAN_SOFT_PWM is enabled.
// However, control resolution will be halved for each increment;
// at zero value, there are 128 effective control positions.
#define SOFT_PWM_SCALE 0

// M240  Triggers a camera by emulating a Canon RC-1 Remote
// Data from: [www.doc-diy.net]
// #define PHOTOGRAPH_PIN     23

// SF send wrong arc g-codes when using Arc Point as fillet procedure
//#define SF_ARC_FIX

// Support for the BariCUDA Paste Extruder.
//#define BARICUDA

//define BlinkM/CyzRgb Support
//#define BLINKM

Re: Abilitare lcd 12864 RIAPERTO
August 26, 2014 05:37PM
Gli esempi della libreria li compila

Prusa I3 R2 di Nicola P. Hotend IeC 1.75
Delta Kossel V250 in costruzione
Re: Abilitare lcd 12864 RIAPERTO
July 19, 2015 09:15AM

non sono riuscito a capere se vi funziona o no!

A me non funziona, potete ancora aiutarmi?

Re: Abilitare lcd 12864 RIAPERTO
July 20, 2015 12:47PM
Che problema vi da!? Io avevo un problema hardware.
Re: Abilitare lcd 12864 RIAPERTO
July 20, 2015 12:48PM
Che problema vi da!? Io avevo un problema hardware.


non sono riuscito a capere se vi funziona o no!

A me non funziona, potete ancora aiutarmi?

Re: Abilitare lcd 12864 RIAPERTO
August 10, 2015 05:47PM
ho comprato un lcd con lettore di sainsmart sainsmart-smart-controller-ramps-1-4-lcd-12864 Ps arduino2560 Ramps 1.4 Marlin V_1

Io ho lo stesso LCD stessa marca e va tranquillamente sia su ramps 1.4 che su Ramps-FD
FW provati sia Marlin classico MarlinKimba Marlin4DUE MarlinKimba4DUE e RepiterFirmware
Premesso che hai le librerie installare sul PC Usi una IDE arduino superiore alla 1.5 e che hai giocato con il trimer del contrastro LCD e che hai settato il Jumper Luce sempre attiva
Se non ti va ho hai invertito i cavi o ti è capitato un LCD difettoso hai provato a premere sulla carcassa metallica del LCD per vedere che non sia un falso contatto ?
Fa una cosa se hai una Ramps 1.4 vai qui [marlinkimbra.it] ti carici il files che ti ho allegato che è quello che uso io e vedi se ti va
Sicuramente tutto il resto non ti si trova ma LCD che è lo stesso mio ti dovrebbe andare se cosi non va è un problema fisico del tuo LCD e non del FW e suo settaggio

www.saviot.com Stampante Prusa I3 R2.2 By Nicola P.
Ramps 1.4 Con FW MarlinKimba Fusore HE IeC 1.75mm Con Flusso Canalizzatore Estrusori BullDog XL
Piano maggiorato 240*311mm pilotato da SSR 24V con letto scaldante autocostruito
Lavori in Corso Prossimetro Autolivellamento Z Gestione Remota Raspberry PI 2 con OctoPrint
Rilevamento ottico Fine Filo Illuminazione e Visione AreaStampa Remotata In costruzione Trafilatore TL-Plastic
open | download - Configuration.h (37.3 KB)
assi Prusa i3 hephestos
December 12, 2016 07:48AM
un Saluto a tutti Voi, che a quanto si legge dai post siete ormai in avanzato stato di stampa 3D: sono nuovo in questo forum e da aprile 2016 ho acquistato una Prusa i3 Hephestos per un neofita è ottima perché la assembli
come da istruzioni e parte senza troppi problemi ma il bello arriva quando la vuoi modificare: aggiunto piatto largo 200x300 tutto ok firmware casa madre a posto; LCD full graphic 12864 configurato e funzionante (lui) ma non più gli assi della stampante, ho utilizzato MK4 duo ma niente: devo modificare forse gli step e se si dove ho provato a lanciare una stampa ma i motori si muovono in modo anomalo.
Potete darmi una mano?

ringrazio e saluto oghigna
Re: assi Prusa i3 hephestos
December 16, 2016 02:46AM
un Saluto a tutti Voi, che a quanto si legge dai post siete ormai in avanzato stato di stampa 3D: sono nuovo in questo forum e da aprile 2016 ho acquistato una Prusa i3 Hephestos per un neofita è ottima perché la assembli
come da istruzioni e parte senza troppi problemi ma il bello arriva quando la vuoi modificare: aggiunto piatto largo 200x300 tutto ok firmware casa madre a posto; LCD full graphic 12864 configurato e funzionante (lui) ma non più gli assi della stampante, ho utilizzato MK4 duo ma niente: devo modificare forse gli step e se si dove ho provato a lanciare una stampa ma i motori si muovono in modo anomalo.
Potete darmi una mano?

ringrazio e saluto oghigna

Ma sei passato dal firmware originale..... quale?
A MK e nel compilatore hai settato i parametri del firmware originale ?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/16/2016 02:46AM by paolopa.
Re: Abilitare lcd 12864 RIAPERTO
September 01, 2017 01:32PM
ciao ragazzi io ho un problema simile con l'lcd Sainsmart e ramps 1.4. L'lcd se la ramps è alimentata con il cavo a computer o a trasformatore a muro da 5v funziona ma nel momento in cui non lo è flasha in continuazione senza però mostrare dati. La ramps ha già il diodo in posizione D1 ma nonostante questo ho questo problema. C'è qualcosa da decommentare a livello software? grazie per l'aiuto
Re: Abilitare lcd 12864 RIAPERTO
October 06, 2018 09:38AM
Buonasera ragazzi,
e' la prima volta che scrivo su questo forum, ho bisogno di aiuto. Ho assemblato da poco una Stampante Prusa con firmaware Marlin 1.1, perche già elaborato, intatti funziona tutto ad eccezione del display (Smart Discount controller). O meglio all'avvio della stampante il display si accende entro nelle varie pagine e scorre le righe di ogni pagina correttamente, fatta eccezzione del menu "Preparazione", ossia riesco a selezionare voce Home degli Assi, Disattiva motori, invece le righe Preriscalrda PLA-ABS e successive le salta per giungere direttamente alla riga Muovi assi.
Allego il mio configuration.h:

//LCD and SD support
//#define ULTRA_LCD //general lcd support, also 16x2
//#define DOGLCD // Support for SPI LCD 128x64 (Controller ST7565R graphic Display Family)
//#define SDSUPPORT // Enable SD Card Support in Hardware Console

//#define ULTIMAKERCONTROLLER //as available from the ultimaker online store.
#define ULTIPANEL //the ultipanel as on thingiverse

// The RepRapDiscount Smart Controller (white PCcool smiley
// [reprap.org]

// The GADGETS3D G3D LCD/SD Controller (blue PCcool smiley
// [reprap.org]
#define G3D_PANEL

//automatic expansion
#define NEWPANEL

// Preheat Constants
#define PLA_PREHEAT_FAN_SPEED 255 // Insert Value between 0 and 255

#define ABS_PREHEAT_FAN_SPEED 255 // Insert Value between 0 and 255

#define NEWPANEL //enable this if you have a click-encoder panel
#define ULTRA_LCD
#ifdef DOGLCD // Change number of lines to match the DOG graphic display
#define LCD_WIDTH 20
#define LCD_HEIGHT 5
#define LCD_WIDTH 20
#define LCD_HEIGHT 4
#else //no panel but just lcd
#ifdef ULTRA_LCD
#ifdef DOGLCD // Change number of lines to match the 128x64 graphics display
#define LCD_WIDTH 20
#define LCD_HEIGHT 5
#define LCD_WIDTH 16
#define LCD_HEIGHT 2
Grazie Saluti
Re: Abilitare lcd 12864 RIAPERTO
October 13, 2018 05:30AM
Mi sa che hai sbagliato thread, questo ha due problemi:

1) è vecchio
2) non riguarda il tuo problema

In più il tuo display funziona, hai solo problemi di utilizzo del menu

Difficilmente riuscirai a ottenere un aiuto.

Prova nella sezione apposita "Stampa 3D per principianti"


Carlo D.

P3Steel - MKS GEN v1.2 e REPRAP_DISCOUNT_FULL_GRAPHIC_SMART_CONTROLLER + Gen 7 MOSFET (HotBed) + alimentatore step-down 12V -> 5V
Firmware MK4duo 4.3.6 con ABL induttivo con LJ18A3 - Slic3R (Originale) ed ESP3D per controllare la stampante da remoto.
HotEnd Cinese V6 clone con ugello da 0.4mm.

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