### Version 4.1.4
* Add Debug_info. Repetier button info for enabled or disabled, or M111 S2 for enabled and M111 S0 for disabled.
* Improved Topography Auto Bed Level.
* Add Dryrun ABL and verbose width command G29 D or G29 V(0-4).
* Improve Autoconfiguration for Delta printer.
* Add support (test only) for NEXTION HMI LCD.
* Improved firmare test dialog.
* Bugfix for SDCONFIG routine. Now the configuration file will be readed and created only on the root of the SD.
* Improved "Thermal Runaway Protection" now the system will be halted also if the thermistor is missing before the temperature is reached as suggested in Issue #35.
* Improved "Extruder Idle Oozing Prevention" by adding a more efficient way to detect planned movements. Now this feature seems stable and can be used by anyone.
* Bugfix for sdinit.
* Removed tab character from the code.
* Removed some unuseful spacing from the code.
### Version 4.1.3
* Improved support for Delta, SCARA, COREXY & COREXZ kinematics.
* Improved stepper timer for high velocity driver and not.
* Add calibrate surface width DELTA.
* Improved serial comunication width most popular Host.
* Add Acceleration retraction for extruder.
* Add EJerk for extruder.
* Remove limit for virtual extruder to 4. Now width MKR4 or NPr2 is possible have infinite extruder...
* Add M92 T* E (Set step per unit for any extruder).
* Add M203 T* E (Set max feedrate for any extruder).
* Add M204 T* R (Set acc retraction for any extruder).
* Add M205 T* E (Set E Jerk for any extruder).
* Add Slot for G60 & G61.
* G60 Save current position coordinates (all axes, for active extruder). S - specifies memory slot # (0-based) to save into (default 0).
* G61 Apply/restore saved coordinates to the active extruder. X Y Z E - Value to add at stored coordinates. F - Set Feedrate. S - specifies memory slot # (0-based) to save into (default 0).
### Version 4.1.2
* Serial message function standardized for a better code style.
* Auto-Create configuration file if not exist.
* FIX for sdcard crash problem during configuration file reading.
* FIX for some undefined SCARA defines.
### Version 4.1.1
* Added Power (Watt) Sensor.
* Added Anti OOZING.
* Add Power Consumation and Power On Time.
* Configurations stored in the SD are updated in real-time (every SD_CFG_SECONDS seconds) also if you remove-insert the sd or you start your printer without the SD card.
* Reduced code size, maybe a lot depending on your configuration.
* Improved support for Delta, SCARA, and COREXY kinematics.
* Move parts of Configuration files to `Conditionals.h` and `SanityCheck.h`.
* Clean up of temperature code.
* Enhanced `G29` with improved grid bed leveling based on Roxy code. See documentation.
* EEPROM layout updated to `V21`.
* Added `M204` travel acceleration options.
* `M204` "`P`" parameter replaces "`S`." "`S`" retained for backward compatibility.
* `M404` "`N`" parameter replaced with "`W`." ("`N`" is for line numbers only).
* Much cleanup of the code.
* Improved support for Cyrillic and accented languages.
* LCD controller knob acceleration.
* Improved compatibility with various sensors, MAX6675 thermocouple.
* Filament runout sensor support.
* Filament width measurement support.
* Support for TMC and L6470 stepper drivers.
* Better support of G-Code `;` comments, `\`, `N` line numbers, and `*` checksums.
* Moved GCode handling code into individual functions per-code.
### Version 4.1.0
* Initial release.
Grazie a Simone Primarosa che continua a darmi aggiornamenti e fix...
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/10/2015 02:43PM by MagoKimbra.
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