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Dev firmware 4.2 Pronterface can't conect

Posted by randyf1965 
Dev firmware 4.2 Pronterface can't conect
October 18, 2015 02:32PM
I am trying to install the latest dev version 4.2, I have configured using the online configurator and have downloaded the file. Using the latest veriosn of the Aurduino IDE after uploading Pronterface will not connect. When I click the connect button in Pronterface it appears to reset my controller becasue the LCD screen clears then displays the Kimbra marlin 4.2 screen then the printer info screen.

I have verified the COM port and baud rate are correct. I flashed the old Kimbra Marlin 4.1.2 and it works as expected (other than the random issue of G28 rapidly moving Z up faster than my steppers can handle stalling them)
Re: Dev firmware 4.2 Pronterface can't conect
October 18, 2015 02:39PM

In the Configuration_Overall.h the line #define SERIAL_PORT 3 doesn't mean COM3...... my old config listed it as #define SERIAL_PORT 0 which works prefectly in 4.2.0
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