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problema compilatore CHIUSO!

Posted by kespettakolo 
problema compilatore CHIUSO!
December 11, 2016 10:55AM
salve a tutti, ho un problema assurdo..utilizzo Arduino 1.6.5 per installare il firmware Marlin_Kimbra sulla mia scheda Saintsmart 2 in 1 (una ramps in pratica), fino a due giorni fa compilavo il firmware e installavo senza problemi, oggi mi dice continuamente : ops. make sure you have " Arduino due" selected.."
Ripeto, non ho toccato nulla dall'ultima volta...etcc... Provo a cambiare scheda mettendo Arduino Mega ADK, niente...cambio con Arduino or Mega 2560 nulla....Arduino Duemilanove ..nulla....
Ma che cavolo succede?

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 12/12/2016 01:55PM by kespettakolo.
Re: problema complitaroe
December 11, 2016 11:21AM
Ma che scheda hai impostato nel fw? Controlla!!!

COMPRA ITALIANO - sostieni le nostre aziende - sostieni la nostra gente - sostieni il tuo popolo - sosterrai te stesso.
Alberto C. felice possessore di una Kossel K2
My Blog - My Thingiverse
Re: problema complitaroe
December 11, 2016 11:33AM
quella solita la 33 Ramps FEB
Re: problema complitaroe
December 11, 2016 11:39AM
MA non è che stai scaricando MK4due??

COMPRA ITALIANO - sostieni le nostre aziende - sostieni la nostra gente - sostieni il tuo popolo - sosterrai te stesso.
Alberto C. felice possessore di una Kossel K2
My Blog - My Thingiverse
Re: problema complitaroe
December 11, 2016 11:48AM
No Mago non ricordo che versione è ma la uso da oltre un anno..non ho mai avuto difficoltà a caricarla...non ho cambiato nessun parametro...è questa la cosa che mi sembra strana
Ho eseguito con estrema facilità questa procedura due giorni fa senza nessun problerma
Re: problema complitaroe
December 11, 2016 11:52AM
A bo... Ma arduino 1.6.5 non è un po vecchiotto???

COMPRA ITALIANO - sostieni le nostre aziende - sostieni la nostra gente - sostieni il tuo popolo - sosterrai te stesso.
Alberto C. felice possessore di una Kossel K2
My Blog - My Thingiverse
Re: problema complitaroe
December 11, 2016 12:01PM
Ho provato anche l'ultima release....uguale
Re: problema complitaroe
December 11, 2016 12:04PM
mi mandi il fw per email o allegato qui!!!

COMPRA ITALIANO - sostieni le nostre aziende - sostieni la nostra gente - sostieni il tuo popolo - sosterrai te stesso.
Alberto C. felice possessore di una Kossel K2
My Blog - My Thingiverse
Re: problema complitaroe
December 11, 2016 12:10PM
Dammi la Mail
Re: problema complitaroe
December 11, 2016 12:12PM
Eccolo mago
open | download - HAMLET.ino (1.8 KB)
Re: problema complitaroe
December 11, 2016 12:13PM
Ma no tutto il fw mica solo il file ino!!!

COMPRA ITALIANO - sostieni le nostre aziende - sostieni la nostra gente - sostieni il tuo popolo - sosterrai te stesso.
Alberto C. felice possessore di una Kossel K2
My Blog - My Thingiverse
Re: problema complitaroe
December 11, 2016 12:18PM
Re: problema complitaroe
December 11, 2016 12:26PM
come faccio ad allegare tutta la cartella?
Re: problema complitaroe
December 11, 2016 12:47PM
Serve altro MAGO?
(scusa l'ignoranza smiling smiley )
open | download - Configuration_Cartesian.h (10.5 KB)
open | download - Configuration.h (36.7 KB)
open | download - HAMLET.ino (1.8 KB)
Re: problema complitaroe
December 11, 2016 01:05PM
Zippa tutta la cartella e mandi un unico file... Se c'è qualcosa corrotto come me ne accorgo se uso il mio..

cmq Perché hai #define BOARD_RAMPS_13_EFB 33

invece di #define MOTHERBOARD BOARD_RAMPS_13_HFB

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/11/2016 01:07PM by MagoKimbra.

COMPRA ITALIANO - sostieni le nostre aziende - sostieni la nostra gente - sostieni il tuo popolo - sosterrai te stesso.
Alberto C. felice possessore di una Kossel K2
My Blog - My Thingiverse
Re: problema complitaroe
December 11, 2016 01:08PM
Questo è il messaggio che mi da

Arduino:1.6.2 (Windows 8), Scheda:"Arduino Duemilanove or Diecimila, ATmega328"

In file included from conditionals.h:253:0,

from Configuration_adv.h:529,

from Configuration.h:608,

from Marlin.h:25,

from blinkm.cpp:5:

pins.h:1673:6: error: #error Oops! Make sure you have 'Arduino Mega' selected from the 'Tools -> Boards' menu.

#error Oops! Make sure you have 'Arduino Mega' selected from the 'Tools -> Boards' menu.


pins.h:2189:3: error: #error Oops! Make sure you have 'Arduino Due' selected from the 'Tools -> Boards' menu.

#error Oops! Make sure you have 'Arduino Due' selected from the 'Tools -> Boards' menu.


Errore durante la compilazione

Questo report potrebbe essere più ricco
di informazioni con
"Mostra un output dettagliato durante la compilazione"
abilitato in "File > Impostazioni"
Re: problema complitaroe
December 11, 2016 01:11PM
Ecco...spero tu possa aiutarmi...ti ringrazio smiling smiley
open | download - HAMLET.rar (349.8 KB)
Re: problema complitaroe
December 11, 2016 01:25PM
Metti BOARD_RAMPS_13_EFB in quello che hai tu era cosi!!!

COMPRA ITALIANO - sostieni le nostre aziende - sostieni la nostra gente - sostieni il tuo popolo - sosterrai te stesso.
Alberto C. felice possessore di una Kossel K2
My Blog - My Thingiverse
Re: problema complitaroe
December 11, 2016 01:27PM
Arduino:1.6.2 (Windows 8), Scheda:"Arduino Mega or Mega 2560, ATmega2560 (Mega 2560)"

Opzioni di compilazione cambiate, ricompilo tutto

In file included from conditionals.h:253:0,

from Configuration_adv.h:529,

from Configuration.h:608,

from Marlin.h:25,

from blinkm.cpp:5:

pins.h:2189:3: error: #error Oops! Make sure you have 'Arduino Due' selected from the 'Tools -> Boards' menu.

#error Oops! Make sure you have 'Arduino Due' selected from the 'Tools -> Boards' menu.


In file included from Configuration.h:13:0,

from Marlin.h:25,

from blinkm.cpp:5:

boards.h:17:33: error: expected unqualified-id before numeric constant

#define BOARD_RAMPS_13_EFB 33 // RAMPS 1.3 / 1.4 (Power outputs: Hotend, Fan, Bed)


Configuration.h:18:1: note: in expansion of macro 'BOARD_RAMPS_13_EFB'



Errore durante la compilazione

Questo report potrebbe essere più ricco
di informazioni con
"Mostra un output dettagliato durante la compilazione"
abilitato in "File > Impostazioni"
Re: problema complitaroe
December 11, 2016 01:39PM
Devi mettere

COMPRA ITALIANO - sostieni le nostre aziende - sostieni la nostra gente - sostieni il tuo popolo - sosterrai te stesso.
Alberto C. felice possessore di una Kossel K2
My Blog - My Thingiverse
Re: problema complitaroe
December 11, 2016 01:49PM
Arduino:1.6.2 (Windows 8), Scheda:"Arduino Mega or Mega 2560, ATmega2560 (Mega 2560)"

In file included from dogm_lcd_implementation.h:54:0,

from ultralcd.cpp:50:

dogm_font_data_Marlin_symbols.h:12:25: fatal error: utility/u8g.h: No such file or directory



compilation terminated.

Errore durante la compilazione

Questo report potrebbe essere più ricco
di informazioni con
"Mostra un output dettagliato durante la compilazione"
abilitato in "File > Impostazioni"
Re: problema complitaroe
December 11, 2016 02:06PM
Arduino:1.6.13 (Windows 8), Scheda:"Arduino/Genuino Mega or Mega 2560, ATmega2560 (Mega 2560)"

Opzioni di compilazione cambiate, ricompilo tutto
In file included from sketch\dogm_lcd_implementation.h:54:0,

from sketch\ultralcd.cpp:50:

sketch\dogm_font_data_Marlin_symbols.h:12:25: fatal error: utility/u8g.h: No such file or directory



compilation terminated.

exit status 1
Errore durante la compilazione per la scheda Arduino/Genuino Mega or Mega 2560.

Questo report potrebbe essere più ricco di informazioni abilitando l'opzione
"Mostra un output dettagliato durante la compilazione"
in "File -> Impostazioni"
Re: problema complitaroe
December 11, 2016 02:23PM
Arduino:1.6.13 (Windows 8), Scheda:"Arduino/Genuino Mega or Mega 2560, ATmega2560 (Mega 2560)"

In file included from sketch\Configuration_adv.h:529:0,

from sketch\Configuration.h:610,

from C:\Users\domenico\Desktop\nuovo_Firmware_mago\MarlinKimbra\MarlinKimbra.ino:31:

sketch\conditionals.h:238:0: warning: "DRIVER_EXTRUDERS" redefined

#define DRIVER_EXTRUDERS EXTRUDERS // This defines the number of Driver extruder


In file included from C:\Users\domenico\Desktop\nuovo_Firmware_mago\MarlinKimbra\MarlinKimbra.ino:31:0:

sketch\Configuration.h:78:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition



In file included from sketch\conditionals.h:253:0,

from sketch\Configuration_adv.h:529,

from sketch\Configuration.h:610,

from C:\Users\domenico\Desktop\nuovo_Firmware_mago\MarlinKimbra\MarlinKimbra.ino:31:

sketch\pins.h:5191:0: warning: "X_MAX_PIN" redefined

#define X_MAX_PIN -1


sketch\pins.h:865:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define X_MAX_PIN 2


sketch\pins.h:5197:0: warning: "Y_MAX_PIN" redefined

#define Y_MAX_PIN -1


sketch\pins.h:872:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define Y_MAX_PIN 15


sketch\pins.h:5203:0: warning: "Z_MAX_PIN" redefined

#define Z_MAX_PIN -1


sketch\pins.h:883:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define Z_MAX_PIN 19


sketch\pins.h:5207:0: warning: "Z_PROBE_PIN" redefined

#define Z_PROBE_PIN -1


sketch\pins.h:884:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define Z_PROBE_PIN 19


In file included from sketch\Configuration_adv.h:529:0,

from sketch\Configuration.h:610,

from sketch\Marlin.h:25,

from sketch\MarlinSerial.cpp:23:

sketch\conditionals.h:238:0: warning: "DRIVER_EXTRUDERS" redefined

#define DRIVER_EXTRUDERS EXTRUDERS // This defines the number of Driver extruder


In file included from sketch\Marlin.h:25:0,

from sketch\MarlinSerial.cpp:23:

sketch\Configuration.h:78:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition



In file included from sketch\conditionals.h:253:0,

from sketch\Configuration_adv.h:529,

from sketch\Configuration.h:610,

from sketch\Marlin.h:25,

from sketch\MarlinSerial.cpp:23:

sketch\pins.h:5191:0: warning: "X_MAX_PIN" redefined

#define X_MAX_PIN -1


sketch\pins.h:865:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define X_MAX_PIN 2


sketch\pins.h:5197:0: warning: "Y_MAX_PIN" redefined

#define Y_MAX_PIN -1


sketch\pins.h:872:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define Y_MAX_PIN 15


sketch\pins.h:5203:0: warning: "Z_MAX_PIN" redefined

#define Z_MAX_PIN -1


sketch\pins.h:883:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define Z_MAX_PIN 19


sketch\pins.h:5207:0: warning: "Z_PROBE_PIN" redefined

#define Z_PROBE_PIN -1


sketch\pins.h:884:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define Z_PROBE_PIN 19


In file included from sketch\Configuration_adv.h:529:0,

from sketch\Configuration.h:610,

from sketch\Marlin.h:25,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:22:

sketch\conditionals.h:238:0: warning: "DRIVER_EXTRUDERS" redefined

#define DRIVER_EXTRUDERS EXTRUDERS // This defines the number of Driver extruder


In file included from sketch\Marlin.h:25:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:22:

sketch\Configuration.h:78:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition



In file included from sketch\conditionals.h:253:0,

from sketch\Configuration_adv.h:529,

from sketch\Configuration.h:610,

from sketch\Marlin.h:25,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:22:

sketch\pins.h:5191:0: warning: "X_MAX_PIN" redefined

#define X_MAX_PIN -1


sketch\pins.h:865:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define X_MAX_PIN 2


sketch\pins.h:5197:0: warning: "Y_MAX_PIN" redefined

#define Y_MAX_PIN -1


sketch\pins.h:872:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define Y_MAX_PIN 15


sketch\pins.h:5203:0: warning: "Z_MAX_PIN" redefined

#define Z_MAX_PIN -1


sketch\pins.h:883:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define Z_MAX_PIN 19


sketch\pins.h:5207:0: warning: "Z_PROBE_PIN" redefined

#define Z_PROBE_PIN -1


sketch\pins.h:884:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define Z_PROBE_PIN 19


In file included from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:0:

sketch\language.h:230:0: warning: "MSG_WATCHDOG_RESET" redefined

#define MSG_WATCHDOG_RESET "Something is wrong, please turn off the printer."


In file included from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:0:

sketch\language.h:93:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define MSG_WATCHDOG_RESET " Watchdog Reset"


In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:69:45: warning: invalid suffix on literal; C++11 requires a space between literal and string macro [-Wliteral-suffix]



sketch\language_en.h:70:45: warning: invalid suffix on literal; C++11 requires a space between literal and string macro [-Wliteral-suffix]



sketch\language_en.h:71:45: warning: invalid suffix on literal; C++11 requires a space between literal and string macro [-Wliteral-suffix]



In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:20:0: warning: "WELCOME_MSG" redefined

#define WELCOME_MSG MACHINE_NAME " pronta."


In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:20:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define WELCOME_MSG MACHINE_NAME " ready."


In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:21:0: warning: "MSG_SD_INSERTED" redefined

#define MSG_SD_INSERTED "SD Card inserita"


In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:21:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define MSG_SD_INSERTED "Card inserted"


In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:22:0: warning: "MSG_SD_REMOVED" redefined

#define MSG_SD_REMOVED "SD Card rimossa"


In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:22:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define MSG_SD_REMOVED "Card removed"


In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:23:0: warning: "MSG_MAIN" redefined

#define MSG_MAIN "Menu principale"


In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:23:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define MSG_MAIN "Main"


In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:25:0: warning: "MSG_DISABLE_STEPPERS" redefined

#define MSG_DISABLE_STEPPERS "Disabilita Motori"


In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:25:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define MSG_DISABLE_STEPPERS "Disable steppers"


In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:26:0: warning: "MSG_AUTO_HOME" redefined

#define MSG_AUTO_HOME "Auto Home"


In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:26:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define MSG_AUTO_HOME "Auto home"


In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:35:0: warning: "MSG_SET_HOME_OFFSETS" redefined

#define MSG_SET_HOME_OFFSETS "Setta offset home"


In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:35:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define MSG_SET_HOME_OFFSETS "Set home offsets"


In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:36:0: warning: "MSG_SET_ORIGIN" redefined

#define MSG_SET_ORIGIN "Imposta Origine"


In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:36:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define MSG_SET_ORIGIN "Set origin"


In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:37:0: warning: "MSG_PREHEAT_PLA" redefined

#define MSG_PREHEAT_PLA "Preriscalda PLA"


In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:37:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define MSG_PREHEAT_PLA "Preheat PLA"


In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:38:0: warning: "MSG_PREHEAT_PLA_ALL" redefined

#define MSG_PREHEAT_PLA_ALL "Prer. PLA Tutto"


In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:38:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define MSG_PREHEAT_PLA_ALL "Preheat PLA All"


In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:39:0: warning: "MSG_PREHEAT_PLA_BEDONLY" redefined

#define MSG_PREHEAT_PLA_BEDONLY "Prer. PLA Piatto"


In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:39:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition



In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:40:0: warning: "MSG_PREHEAT_PLA_SETTINGS" redefined

#define MSG_PREHEAT_PLA_SETTINGS "Config. prer. PLA"


In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:40:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define MSG_PREHEAT_PLA_SETTINGS "Preheat PLA conf"


In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:41:0: warning: "MSG_PREHEAT_ABS" redefined

#define MSG_PREHEAT_ABS "Preriscalda ABS"


In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:41:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define MSG_PREHEAT_ABS "Preheat ABS"


In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:42:0: warning: "MSG_PREHEAT_ABS_ALL" redefined

#define MSG_PREHEAT_ABS_ALL "Prer. ABS Tutto"


In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:42:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define MSG_PREHEAT_ABS_ALL "Preheat ABS All"


In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:43:0: warning: "MSG_PREHEAT_ABS_BEDONLY" redefined

#define MSG_PREHEAT_ABS_BEDONLY "Prer. ABS Piatto"


In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:43:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition



In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:44:0: warning: "MSG_PREHEAT_ABS_SETTINGS" redefined

#define MSG_PREHEAT_ABS_SETTINGS "Config. prer. ABS"


In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:44:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define MSG_PREHEAT_ABS_SETTINGS "Preheat ABS conf"


In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:45:0: warning: "MSG_PREHEAT_GUM" redefined

#define MSG_PREHEAT_GUM "Preriscalda GOMMA"


In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:45:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define MSG_PREHEAT_GUM "Preheat GUM"


In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:46:0: warning: "MSG_PREHEAT_GUM_ALL" redefined

#define MSG_PREHEAT_GUM_ALL "Preri. GOMMA Tutto"


In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:46:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define MSG_PREHEAT_GUM_ALL "Preheat GUM All"


In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:47:0: warning: "MSG_PREHEAT_GUM_BEDONLY" redefined



In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:47:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition



In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:48:0: warning: "MSG_PREHEAT_GUM_SETTINGS" redefined

#define MSG_PREHEAT_GUM_SETTINGS "Config. prer. GOMMA"


In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:48:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define MSG_PREHEAT_GUM_SETTINGS "Preheat GUM conf"


In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:49:0: warning: "MSG_COOLDOWN" redefined

#define MSG_COOLDOWN "Raffredda"


In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:49:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define MSG_COOLDOWN "Cooldown"


In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:50:0: warning: "MSG_SWITCH_PS_ON" redefined

#define MSG_SWITCH_PS_ON "Accendi aliment."


In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:50:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define MSG_SWITCH_PS_ON "Switch power on"


In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:51:0: warning: "MSG_SWITCH_PS_OFF" redefined

#define MSG_SWITCH_PS_OFF "Spegni aliment."


In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:51:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define MSG_SWITCH_PS_OFF "Switch power off"


In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:52:0: warning: "MSG_EXTRUDE" redefined

#define MSG_EXTRUDE "Estrudi"


In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:52:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define MSG_EXTRUDE "Extrude"


In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:53:0: warning: "MSG_RETRACT" redefined

#define MSG_RETRACT "Ritrai"


In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:53:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define MSG_RETRACT "Retract"


In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:54:0: warning: "MSG_MOVE_AXIS" redefined

#define MSG_MOVE_AXIS "Muovi Asse"


In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:54:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define MSG_MOVE_AXIS "Move axis"


In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:56:0: warning: "MSG_MOVE_X" redefined

#define MSG_MOVE_X "Muovi X"


In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:56:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define MSG_MOVE_X "Move X"


In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:57:0: warning: "MSG_MOVE_Y" redefined

#define MSG_MOVE_Y "Muovi Y"


In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:57:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define MSG_MOVE_Y "Move Y"


In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:58:0: warning: "MSG_MOVE_Z" redefined

#define MSG_MOVE_Z "Muovi Z"


In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:58:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define MSG_MOVE_Z "Move Z"


In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:59:0: warning: "MSG_MOVE_E" redefined

#define MSG_MOVE_E "Estrusore"


In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:59:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define MSG_MOVE_E "Extruder"


In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:60:0: warning: "MSG_MOVE_01MM" redefined

#define MSG_MOVE_01MM "Muovi di 0.1mm"


In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:60:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define MSG_MOVE_01MM "Move 0.1mm"


In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:61:0: warning: "MSG_MOVE_1MM" redefined

#define MSG_MOVE_1MM "Muovi di 1mm"


In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:61:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define MSG_MOVE_1MM "Move 1mm"


In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:62:0: warning: "MSG_MOVE_10MM" redefined

#define MSG_MOVE_10MM "Muovi di 10mm"


In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:62:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define MSG_MOVE_10MM "Move 10mm"


In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:63:0: warning: "MSG_SPEED" redefined

#define MSG_SPEED "Velocità"


In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:63:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define MSG_SPEED "Speed"


In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:64:0: warning: "MSG_NOZZLE" redefined

#define MSG_NOZZLE "Ugello"


In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:64:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define MSG_NOZZLE "Nozzle"


In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:65:0: warning: "MSG_BED" redefined

#define MSG_BED "Piatto"


In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:65:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define MSG_BED "Bed"


In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:66:0: warning: "MSG_FAN_SPEED" redefined

#define MSG_FAN_SPEED "Ventola"


In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:66:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define MSG_FAN_SPEED "Fan speed"


In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:67:0: warning: "MSG_FLOW" redefined

#define MSG_FLOW "Flusso"


In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:67:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define MSG_FLOW "Flow"


In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:68:0: warning: "MSG_CONTROL" redefined

#define MSG_CONTROL "Controllo"


In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:68:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define MSG_CONTROL "Control"


In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:69:45: warning: invalid suffix on literal; C++11 requires a space between literal and string macro [-Wliteral-suffix]



sketch\language_it.h:70:45: warning: invalid suffix on literal; C++11 requires a space between literal and string macro [-Wliteral-suffix]



sketch\language_it.h:71:45: warning: invalid suffix on literal; C++11 requires a space between literal and string macro [-Wliteral-suffix]



sketch\language_it.h:82:0: warning: "MSG_ACC" redefined

#define MSG_ACC "Accel."


In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:82:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define MSG_ACC "Accel"


In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:86:0: warning: "MSG_VMAX" redefined

#define MSG_VMAX "Vmax"


In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:86:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define MSG_VMAX "Vmax "


In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:93:0: warning: "MSG_AMAX" redefined

#define MSG_AMAX "Amax"


In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:93:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define MSG_AMAX "Amax "


In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:103:0: warning: "MSG_TEMPERATURE" redefined

#define MSG_TEMPERATURE "Temperatura"


In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:103:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define MSG_TEMPERATURE "Temperature"


In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:104:0: warning: "MSG_MOTION" redefined

#define MSG_MOTION "Movimento"


In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:104:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define MSG_MOTION "Motion"


In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:105:0: warning: "MSG_VOLUMETRIC" redefined

#define MSG_VOLUMETRIC "Filamento"


In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:105:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define MSG_VOLUMETRIC "Filament"


In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:106:0: warning: "MSG_VOLUMETRIC_ENABLED" redefined



In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:106:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition



In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:107:0: warning: "MSG_FILAMENT_SIZE_EXTRUDER" redefined



In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:107:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition



In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:108:0: warning: "MSG_CONTRAST" redefined

#define MSG_CONTRAST "Contrasto LCD"


In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:108:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define MSG_CONTRAST "LCD contrast"


In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:109:0: warning: "MSG_STORE_EPROM" redefined

#define MSG_STORE_EPROM "Salva in EEPROM"


In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:109:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define MSG_STORE_EPROM "Store memory"


In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:110:0: warning: "MSG_LOAD_EPROM" redefined

#define MSG_LOAD_EPROM "Carica da EEPROM"


In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:110:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define MSG_LOAD_EPROM "Load memory"


In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:111:0: warning: "MSG_RESTORE_FAILSAFE" redefined

#define MSG_RESTORE_FAILSAFE "Impostaz. default"


In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:111:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define MSG_RESTORE_FAILSAFE "Restore failsafe"


In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:112:0: warning: "MSG_REFRESH" redefined

#define MSG_REFRESH "Aggiorna"


In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:112:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define MSG_REFRESH "Refresh"


In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:113:0: warning: "MSG_WATCH" redefined

#define MSG_WATCH "Guarda"


In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:113:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define MSG_WATCH "Info screen"


In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:114:0: warning: "MSG_PREPARE" redefined

#define MSG_PREPARE "Prepara"


In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:114:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define MSG_PREPARE "Prepare"


In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:115:0: warning: "MSG_TUNE" redefined

#define MSG_TUNE "Adatta"


In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:115:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define MSG_TUNE "Tune"


In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:116:0: warning: "MSG_PAUSE_PRINT" redefined

#define MSG_PAUSE_PRINT "Pausa"


In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:116:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define MSG_PAUSE_PRINT "Pause print"


In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:117:0: warning: "MSG_RESUME_PRINT" redefined

#define MSG_RESUME_PRINT "Riprendi Stampa"


In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:117:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define MSG_RESUME_PRINT "Resume print"


In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:118:0: warning: "MSG_STOP_PRINT" redefined

#define MSG_STOP_PRINT "Arresta Stampa"


In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:118:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define MSG_STOP_PRINT "Stop print"


In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:119:0: warning: "MSG_CARD_MENU" redefined

#define MSG_CARD_MENU "SD Card Menu"


In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:119:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define MSG_CARD_MENU "Print from SD"


In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:120:0: warning: "MSG_NO_CARD" redefined

#define MSG_NO_CARD "No SD Card"


In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:120:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define MSG_NO_CARD "No SD card"


In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:121:0: warning: "MSG_DWELL" redefined

#define MSG_DWELL "Sospensione..."


In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:121:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define MSG_DWELL "Sleep..."


In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:122:0: warning: "MSG_USERWAIT" redefined

#define MSG_USERWAIT "Attendi Utente..."


In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:122:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define MSG_USERWAIT "Wait for user..."


In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:123:0: warning: "MSG_RESUMING" redefined

#define MSG_RESUMING "Riprendi Stampa"


In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:123:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define MSG_RESUMING "Resuming print"


In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:124:0: warning: "MSG_PRINT_ABORTED" redefined

#define MSG_PRINT_ABORTED "Stampa abortita"


In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:124:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define MSG_PRINT_ABORTED "Print aborted"


In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:125:0: warning: "MSG_NO_MOVE" redefined

#define MSG_NO_MOVE "Nessun Movimento"


In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:125:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define MSG_NO_MOVE "No move."


In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:126:0: warning: "MSG_KILLED" redefined



In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:126:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition



In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:127:0: warning: "MSG_STOPPED" redefined



In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:127:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition



In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:128:0: warning: "MSG_CONTROL_RETRACT" redefined

#define MSG_CONTROL_RETRACT "Ritrai mm"


In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:128:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define MSG_CONTROL_RETRACT "Retract mm"


In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:129:0: warning: "MSG_CONTROL_RETRACT_SWAP" redefined

#define MSG_CONTROL_RETRACT_SWAP "Scamb. Ritrai mm"


In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:129:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition



In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:130:0: warning: "MSG_CONTROL_RETRACTF" redefined



In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:130:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define MSG_CONTROL_RETRACTF "Retract V"


In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:131:0: warning: "MSG_CONTROL_RETRACT_ZLIFT" redefined



In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:131:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition



In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:133:0: warning: "MSG_CONTROL_RETRACT_RECOVER_SWAP" redefined



In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:133:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition



In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:135:0: warning: "MSG_AUTORETRACT" redefined

#define MSG_AUTORETRACT "AutoArretramento"


In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:135:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define MSG_AUTORETRACT "AutoRetr."


In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:136:0: warning: "MSG_FILAMENTCHANGE" redefined

#define MSG_FILAMENTCHANGE "Cambia filamento"


In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:136:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define MSG_FILAMENTCHANGE "Change filament"


In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:137:0: warning: "MSG_INIT_SDCARD" redefined

#define MSG_INIT_SDCARD "Iniz. SD-Card"


In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:137:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define MSG_INIT_SDCARD "Init. SD card"


In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:138:0: warning: "MSG_CNG_SDCARD" redefined

#define MSG_CNG_SDCARD "Cambia SD-Card"


In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:138:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define MSG_CNG_SDCARD "Change SD card"


In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:145:0: warning: "MSG_ENDSTOP_ABORT" redefined

#define MSG_ENDSTOP_ABORT "Finecorsa abort"


In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:145:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define MSG_ENDSTOP_ABORT "Endstop abort"


In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:146:0: warning: "MSG_END_HOUR" redefined

#define MSG_END_HOUR "ore"


In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:146:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define MSG_END_HOUR "hours"


In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:147:0: warning: "MSG_END_MINUTE" redefined

#define MSG_END_MINUTE "minuti"


In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:147:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define MSG_END_MINUTE "minutes"


In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:155:0: warning: "MSG_DEBUG_ECHO" redefined



In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:155:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition



In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:156:0: warning: "MSG_DEBUG_INFO" redefined



In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:156:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition



In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:157:0: warning: "MSG_DEBUG_ERRORS" redefined



In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:157:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition



In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:158:0: warning: "MSG_DEBUG_DRYRUN" redefined



In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:158:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition



In file included from sketch\language.h:259:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_it.h:174:0: warning: "MSG_CONFIG" redefined

#define MSG_CONFIG "Configurazione"


In file included from sketch\language.h:246:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:40:

sketch\language_en.h:174:0: note: this is the location of the previous definition

#define MSG_CONFIG "Configuration"


sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:6476:30: warning: extra tokens at end of #ifdef directive



In file included from sketch\SdFile.h:27:0,

from sketch\cardreader.h:8,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:37:

SdBaseFile.h:38: error: using typedef-name 'fpos_t' after 'struct'

struct fpos_t {


In file included from sketch\Marlin.h:10:0,

from sketch\Marlin_main.cpp:22:

c:\program files (x86)\arduino\hardware\tools\avr\avr\include\stdio.h:950:33: note: 'fpos_t' has a previous declaration here

__extension__ typedef long long fpos_t;


exit status 1
using typedef-name 'fpos_t' after 'struct'

Questo report potrebbe essere più ricco di informazioni abilitando l'opzione
"Mostra un output dettagliato durante la compilazione"
in "File -> Impostazioni"
Re: problema complitaroe
December 11, 2016 02:40PM
Ma che caspita stai combinando???
Non mettere tutto perché non si capisce nulla...
A me compila perfettamente se tolgo il display perché non ho le librerie u8glib quelle vecchie...
Ma se prima ti compilava cosa caspita hai fatto??

COMPRA ITALIANO - sostieni le nostre aziende - sostieni la nostra gente - sostieni il tuo popolo - sosterrai te stesso.
Alberto C. felice possessore di una Kossel K2
My Blog - My Thingiverse
Re: problema complitaroe
December 11, 2016 02:48PM
non ho idea...adesso mi compila se tolgo il display Full graphic...ma se l o metto dice che manca la libreria U8glib...eppure c'è
Re: problema complitaroe
December 11, 2016 03:01PM
Quale versione della libreria devo scaricare per far funzionare il full graphic?
Re: problema complitaroe
December 12, 2016 01:54PM
Risolto...ho inserito la libreria 1.16 U8glib
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