SKR 1.3 not detected via usb and LCD no longer works
September 18, 2019 03:26AM
I am a happy user of SKR 1.3, however for some stupid reason, I decided to plug my LCD into the board whilst it was on.

I did unplug the LCD to allow faster firmware upload, in visual code editor but I forgot to turn of the power to skr 1.3, plug the LCD in and restart the board as I would normally do.

Now the board comes on, but is not detected by my laptop or octoprint like it was before even the LCD lights are on but no display is on.

Should I just buy a new board or is there a way to fix this.

Please help
Re: SKR 1.3 not detected via usb and LCD no longer works
September 18, 2019 04:12AM
USB is directly connected to the processor on this board.

Try uploading the firmware via sd card one more time, but if there is no change its dead. Only way to fix would be to replace the LCP1768 chip.
Re: SKR 1.3 not detected via usb and LCD no longer works
September 18, 2019 04:26AM
... check the +5V - eventually damaged the 5V-regulator?

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Re: SKR 1.3 not detected via usb and LCD no longer works
September 18, 2019 04:42AM
most of this board is 3.3v...

but if you do suspect 5v issues you can take 5v from usb instead of internal 5v regulator. Just move the DC select jumper to USB
Re: SKR 1.3 not detected via usb and LCD no longer works
September 18, 2019 09:05AM
I tried that but can't remember what happened with the board, I'll let you know if I get any luck...

If this works then the remaining issue will be with baby stepping...
How would I get this working with octoprint is there a script or addon for baby stepping

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/18/2019 09:09AM by npm1.
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