Re: Atfer Hbot, go to CoreXY.
October 09, 2014 02:02PM
Quick Question for you guys. I've designed my own CoreXY reusing parts from my current 3D printer. The theory around how CoreXY is understandable but I had a question on the implementation in the firmware. I've not finished building the printer and have 3 More parts that I'm currently printing on the old printer before I get to needing to update the firmware. My current firmware is Marlin V1 and my current board is the Azteeg X3 v2.0. Is activiating the CoreXY functionality in Marlin as simplle as just removing the two "//" from the configuration.h file infrot of the CoreXY section in the configuration.h file or is there more I need to do?

// Uncomment the following line to enable CoreXY kinematics
// #define COREXY

I want to make sure I'm looking at everything I need to to get it working properly and only have limited knowledge editing the marlin firmware
Re: Atfer Hbot, go to CoreXY.
October 09, 2014 03:49PM
That's pretty much it.

You may need to switch around the endstop or motor directions, but thats pretty easy. Oh and of course set the steps/mm (which should be the same for each motor).

Re: Atfer Hbot, go to CoreXY.
October 09, 2014 04:45PM
Very cool. I wasn't even thinking about the steps, Thanks for the help guys
Re: Atfer Hbot, go to CoreXY.
October 10, 2014 06:41AM
Please use the newest repetier-firmware:

/v092/ is important...
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Have Fun

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Re: Atfer Hbot, go to CoreXY.
October 10, 2014 08:08AM
Is the latest repetier 32 bit? If it is then that means I should be able to use it on my azteeg x5, right?

Re: Atfer Hbot, go to CoreXY.
October 10, 2014 10:57AM
@marcossf your z-axis rods should be aligned with bearing axis for best performance.

It's modified again, but Z axis doesn't need such high performance. It have 2 linear rails from Igus, two drylin 40mm sliders on each guide. There isn't sag on it, and goes up/down nicely. I'm going to change the Z stteper to 1/16 (now 1/32 seem to much resolution for Z axys) and gain a little speed without loss of the perceived print quality.

I'll keep improving it anyhow.
Re: Atfer Hbot, go to CoreXY.
October 10, 2014 01:57PM

what is the lead of those screws, and what is the resolution of you steppers?

- akhlut

Just remember - Iterate, Iterate, Iterate!

Re: Atfer Hbot, go to CoreXY.
October 10, 2014 03:19PM
Well, after H-bot.... I went core XY! Should of heeded the warnings winking smiley

Here is my build:
Core XY on Open Builds

You can see a picture of my original H-Bot in the discussion forum.

Hard to tell from the photos, but could you elaborate on how the z-axis is constructed? I see the two motors with the 8mm threaded rod (are these OpenBuilds leadscrews?) on one side. Is the other side of the platform supported at all or is it only supported on the one side. I'm designing my own core x/y right now which will also use v-slot exclusively for the linear motion. I'm kicking around various ideas on how to handle the z-axis and whether one supported on just one side with the v-wheels will work effectively.

The bed is only supported on the rear side. It is supported with two lead screws vertically and also provides left right stability. There are eight v-wheels (4 per side) supporting the bed in a front to back manner. Of the 8, 4 carry all the weight and the other 4 provide preload and stability during Z lifts (bed drops).
I have found my bed setup to be very stable and am happy with it. I sourced my led screws from Ebay, but that was before open builds carried them. The open builds ones are actually a better deal.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 10/10/2014 03:22PM by cfeniak.
Re: Atfer Hbot, go to CoreXY.
October 13, 2014 05:54AM

what is the lead of those screws, and what is the resolution of you steppers?

Hi akhlut

The lead screws are 10x2, the steppers are DRV8825 configured to work at 1/32 microstepping (3200 steps/rev). Motors are 1.8º step angle.
Re: Atfer Hbot, go to CoreXY.
October 13, 2014 05:57AM
@marcossf: then I guess it is 200x32=6400 steps/rev
Re: Atfer Hbot, go to CoreXY.
October 14, 2014 06:54AM
@marcossf: then I guess it is 200x32=6400 steps/rev

Nope, you're wrong.

Steps_per_mm = (motor steps * motor microsteps) / lead screw pitch

3200 = (200*32)/2 With 1/32 microsteping
1600 = (200*16)/2 With 1/16 microsteping

1.8º motor steps/rev = 360º/1.8º = 200 steps/rev.

Trapezoidal lead screw 10mm diameter, 2 mm pitch/rev.
Re: Atfer Hbot, go to CoreXY.
October 14, 2014 07:17AM
@marcossf: then I guess it is 200x32=6400 steps/rev

Nope, you're wrong.

Steps_per_mm = (motor steps * motor microsteps) / lead screw pitch

3200 = (200*32)/2 With 1/32 microsteping
1600 = (200*16)/2 With 1/16 microsteping

1.8º motor steps/rev = 360º/1.8º = 200 steps/rev.

Trapezoidal lead screw 10mm diameter, 2 mm pitch/rev.

Actually he was correct as he quoted steps per Rev hence 200*32=6400 he did not say steps/mm.
Re: Atfer Hbot, go to CoreXY.
October 14, 2014 07:32AM

Ok. My mistake, sorry eye popping smiley

Spanish: Misan, no cogí lo que querías decirme. La "resolución" de 6400 pasos por vuelta con 1/32 es correcto.
Re: Atfer Hbot, go to CoreXY.
October 14, 2014 08:10AM
No worries. Among the two we have covered the details of the math for others to see smileys with beer
Re: Atfer Hbot, go to CoreXY.
October 16, 2014 09:29AM
Hello There!

After a year with a prusa i3 i decide to make a corexy printer from scratch .. but i stuck in a problem ..

I use marlin firmware with repetier host and Ramps 1.4 board, i try to move the x & y axis but only the one motor moved .. the left one .. the right one didn't make any move at all ... i change motor , microstepper with any luck .

Any suggestions ??

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/16/2014 09:32AM by pelo13.
open | download - corexy.jpg (401.5 KB)
Re: Atfer Hbot, go to CoreXY.
October 16, 2014 09:44AM
Did you enabled corexy un Marlin?
I had to invert the position the M2 motor conector on my Megatronics to get it work.
Re: Atfer Hbot, go to CoreXY.
October 16, 2014 09:51AM
yes i have enable corexy ... i try to invert the position of the motor with any lack ...
Re: Atfer Hbot, go to CoreXY.
October 16, 2014 11:11AM
Is there any possibility the problem come from the endstops? can anyone give any configuration file to compare with mine?
Re: Atfer Hbot, go to CoreXY.
October 16, 2014 11:14AM
Any chance you fried the right hand motor pololu? or that there is a bad connection on it?
Re: Atfer Hbot, go to CoreXY.
October 16, 2014 11:33AM
Yap!!!!! that was the problem!!! i just change the pololu and working fine!!
Re: Atfer Hbot, go to CoreXY.
October 16, 2014 12:32PM
Damn Pololus!! they die so easily smoking smiley
Re: Atfer Hbot, go to CoreXY.
October 16, 2014 02:19PM
another problem occurred .. smiling smiley after i homing the printer i didn't get any further moves from my printer ... any ideas?
Re: Atfer Hbot, go to CoreXY.
October 16, 2014 05:10PM
another problem occurred .. smiling smiley after i homing the printer i didn't get any further moves from my printer ... any ideas?

Maybe your endstop shorted something when it hit home? Is that possible?
Re: Atfer Hbot, go to CoreXY.
October 17, 2014 05:15AM
No .. ok i find the solution .. it was just some wrong settings to repetier host.. all good now , now i am struggling with the settings .. i don't know why but when i slice a part and put it for print i see it from the right direction on the screen but printed in the opposite direction..upside down
Re: Atfer Hbot, go to CoreXY.
November 09, 2014 06:54AM
I modified the belt-clamp because I was struggling to get the belt tensioned without slipping out of the belt-clamps, now it cannot slip anymore.
open | download - belt-clamp_v2.FCStd (43.6 KB)
open | download - belt-clamp_v2.stl (58.5 KB)
Re: Atfer Hbot, go to CoreXY.
November 09, 2014 11:48AM
I modified the belt-clamp because I was struggling to get the belt tensioned without slipping out of the belt-clamps, now it cannot slip anymore.

Nice, It also makes it possible to add some spare belt, for just in case. Although it does not work if you already cut your belt to size. Do you want me to add it to the github?
Re: Atfer Hbot, go to CoreXY.
November 09, 2014 02:02PM
Nice, It also makes it possible to add some spare belt, for just in case. Although it does not work if you already cut your belt to size. Do you want me to add it to the github?

Sure, please do.
Re: Atfer Hbot, go to CoreXY.
November 24, 2014 04:22PM
Im starting to print all of Jand's files slowly as I find time.
Re: Atfer Hbot, go to CoreXY.
December 15, 2014 08:28PM
I am looking at the all aluminum design that zelogik first posted. I am trying to get a clear understanding of the belt drive assemblies. I included my understanding of these assemblies below.

1) Does this look drawing look correct?

2) I understand the pulley P1 should be a GT2 20T with a 5mm bore, correct?

3) Are the bolts that go through the spacers marked in blue also used to connect to the T-nuts in the aluminum extrusions? It would appear that they did.

4) Are there any clear diagrams of the belt tension assembly? I see that aluminum channel is used but I haven't figured that one out.

5) Are the left and right side assemblies just mirrors of each other or are the pulley heights reversed (i.e. stepper and front pully lower on the right)?

Also, I haven't been able to find any clear pictures of the construction. Has anyone done this yet?

Re: Atfer Hbot, go to CoreXY.
December 21, 2014 09:14AM
How did you attach your X and Y endstops?


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/21/2014 09:14AM by peterv3210.
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