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Combining different pulley sizes?

Posted by Tomsand 
Combining different pulley sizes?
February 16, 2016 06:41PM

I'm planning the CoreXY system for my new printer.

I have two 20 teeth GT2 pulleys that I want to use for the motors. Then 2 idlers without teeth, as well as 6 other idler pulleys with teeth. These idler pulleys are larger and of the same size of the teethless idlers, which I think is better because the belt doesn't get bend so tight. These idler pulleys have 25 teeth.

My question to you is: Can I mix the different pulley sizes, so 20 teeth on the motors and 25 teeth idler pulleys? As far as I know it's no problem but I would like to go sure. Thank you.
Re: Combining different pulley sizes?
February 16, 2016 11:43PM
Yes, but make sure you keep the belts parallel to the axes

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/16/2016 11:44PM by the_digital_dentist.

Ultra MegaMax Dominator 3D printer: [drmrehorst.blogspot.com]
Re: Combining different pulley sizes?
February 17, 2016 01:17PM
So this is my latest version, is this ok?

Re: Combining different pulley sizes?
February 17, 2016 01:27PM
That looks good.

Ultra MegaMax Dominator 3D printer: [drmrehorst.blogspot.com]
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