New COREXY Design loosely based on Vulcanus Max v1.1 May 11, 2016 11:01PM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 2 |
Re: New COREXY Design loosely based on Vulcanus Max v1.1 May 12, 2016 10:02AM |
Registered: 8 years ago Posts: 776 |
Hi all- this is my first COREXY design from scratch, based on Vulcanus Max v1.1 with frame and z carriage redesign. I used 10mm smooth rod and dual LM10UU for all x, y, and z axis carriages, and dual z lift with 8mm trapezoidal leadscrews on flexible couplers for z lift with other end of leadscrew unsupported. The bed is on a three point 2020 support 120 degrees per support, so can accommodate any bed size/dimension up to 300 x 300 mm by simply moving the bed supports on the 2020 rail. Frame is 2040 500 mm/460 mm for horizontals, and 2020 500 mm for verticals (trying to eliminate cuts as much as possible). Only thing not shown are the GT2 belts and idlers for X and Y axes. Complete design is posted to Onshape- search for Vulcanus Max 1.1 Remixed. I am assembling / test fitting now. 90% of parts are printed and test fitted. Primary goal was to maximize print volume using 500 mm extrusions, unenclosed frame (to print PLA and PETG), and heated bed. I will be adding a 3.5W laser to the x carriage to complement the single extruder. Would love your thought on potential problems / suggestions for improvement. Thanks all!
Re: New COREXY Design loosely based on Vulcanus Max v1.1 May 12, 2016 10:39AM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 83 |
put feet through frame. bend down, take top corexy with both hands. now twist (like unscrewing bottle). if frame moves (even the slightest bit), you have identified a problem.
Re: New COREXY Design loosely based on Vulcanus Max v1.1 May 12, 2016 11:31AM |
Registered: 12 years ago Posts: 5,796 |
Re: New COREXY Design loosely based on Vulcanus Max v1.1 May 12, 2016 01:11PM |
Registered: 12 years ago Posts: 1,049 |
Build it square, build it tight, build it right
Re: New COREXY Design loosely based on Vulcanus Max v1.1 May 12, 2016 01:37PM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 344 |
Hi all- this is my first COREXY design from scratch, based on Vulcanus Max v1.1 with frame and z carriage redesign. I used 10mm smooth rod and dual LM10UU for all x, y, and z axis carriages, and dual z lift with 8mm trapezoidal leadscrews on flexible couplers for z lift with other end of leadscrew unsupported. The bed is on a three point 2020 support 120 degrees per support, so can accommodate any bed size/dimension up to 300 x 300 mm by simply moving the bed supports on the 2020 rail. Frame is 2040 500 mm/460 mm for horizontals, and 2020 500 mm for verticals (trying to eliminate cuts as much as possible). Only thing not shown are the GT2 belts and idlers for X and Y axes. Complete design is posted to Onshape- search for Vulcanus Max 1.1 Remixed. I am assembling / test fitting now. 90% of parts are printed and test fitted. Primary goal was to maximize print volume using 500 mm extrusions, unenclosed frame (to print PLA and PETG), and heated bed. I will be adding a 3.5W laser to the x carriage to complement the single extruder. Would love your thought on potential problems / suggestions for improvement. Thanks all!
looks great. so sorry, have RSI now, lost the reply, let me do summary. replace all plates with these [] i do mean all of them. difference is astounding. second, swap z-rods for z-screws and z-screws for z-rods. so 3 lead screws and 2 rods, not 2 screws and 3 rods. bed will be rock solid then. put lead screws in exact places where rods currently are. put rods in exact places where lead screws currently are.
if you want to test why you should consider the above, do these:
print plastic. don't let it cool down. pull it hard to try to take it off. if bed moves (and it will), you have identified a problem.
put feet through frame. bend down, take top corexy with both hands. now twist (like unscrewing bottle). if frame moves (even the slightest bit), you have identified a problem.
both these will affect print quality. sort them, you will have not just a great printer, you'll have an awesome printer.
Re: New COREXY Design loosely based on Vulcanus Max v1.1 May 12, 2016 03:06PM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 83 |
When I see a new printer design on display somewhere the first thing I do is push on the frame. If it moves visibly, I'm pretty sure that the print quality is going to be limited. The quality of the frame is a sign of the overall quality of the printer. If the manufacturer skimped on frame quality, they probably skimped on everything else, too.
Re: New COREXY Design loosely based on Vulcanus Max v1.1 May 15, 2016 06:24PM |
Registered: 8 years ago Posts: 776 |
So you suggest building the entire printer to find out if there's a structural problem? And if you discover a problem, then what, start over again? That's a little extreme when you can test parts like the frame as you go. When the motors start throwing the mass of the X axis and extruder carriage around, there's no telling where the forces are going to end up and what sort of wobbling the frame is going to do (unless you have some kick-ass simulation software and the know-how to use it). Applying forces to the frame in every possible direction is a great test, especially doing it before you put everything else on it and wire everything together.
Re: New COREXY Design loosely based on Vulcanus Max v1.1 May 15, 2016 06:45PM |
Registered: 8 years ago Posts: 776 |
When I see a new printer design on display somewhere the first thing I do is push on the frame. If it moves visibly, I'm pretty sure that the print quality is going to be limited. The quality of the frame is a sign of the overall quality of the printer. If the manufacturer skimped on frame quality, they probably skimped on everything else, too.
That's fine. Standing in the middle of it, and using your body to torque the frame in the "steering wheel" test (common on Delta printers also) is, in my opinion, just hardware abuse.
Re: New COREXY Design loosely based on Vulcanus Max v1.1 May 18, 2016 04:04PM |
Registered: 10 years ago Posts: 83 |
i suspect i know what you have a problem with: you have a problem with the "deliberately amusing and apparently non-scientific test" that i proposed. i like those kinds of tests. they're simple, they can be applied quickly and easily, they don't need you to be a rocket-scientist or to have any kind of expensive tools or equipment or even a machine shop, and the results of the test are self-evident and just as effective as if you had a strain guage, workbench etc.
but, it has to be said, i *am* assuming that in describing these kinds of tests that people use practical common sense. standing *inside* the frame clearly is not common sense (and is not what i said). applying violent amounts of force sufficient to rip parts of the frame off, potentially causing you serious injury or death as materials suddenly give way - well, there's always the darwin awards.
so. let me put it another way: how would *you* test the rigidity of a frame for shear, rotation, rhomboidal and trapezoidal integrity? i ask because if you can come up with a better way, then you will have improved the general knowledge of the reprap 3d printing community as a whole.
Re: New COREXY Design loosely based on Vulcanus Max v1.1 May 20, 2016 01:42PM |
Registered: 8 years ago Posts: 776 |
I'm building a printer.