Core XY triple leadscrew 30x30x45
November 27, 2016 03:11PM
Here is something i designed that is based on dnewman/jetguy triple leadscrew builds, im based in europe so sourcing parts was a little more expensive that thought everything cost about ~1800 eu not including shipping
2040 aluminum extrusion frame from ratrig
Running it on a mightyboard with sailfish firmware, MGN 12 rails everywhere(stainless steel from robotdigg for XY gantry, very happy with them), laser cut 5 mm alu parts.
Carl Raffle Tecto hot end and microswiss stainless steel nozzle (going to be used mostly for printing abrasive materials)

The only thing left to do is connect the silicone heater that im planning to run through an SSR (dc-dc 25A) will post more photos soon when i get that done and will upload a video of maiden print tomorrow ,will post CAD files aswell.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 11/28/2016 05:08PM by lukaCX.
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Re: Core XY triple leadscrew 30x30x45
March 09, 2017 02:56PM

Here is a video finally
Re: Core XY triple leadscrew 30x30x45
March 09, 2017 03:16PM
Very nice! Any close ups on those red carriages in the Y axis? Interested to see how you've routed the belts
Re: Core XY triple leadscrew 30x30x45
March 09, 2017 03:30PM
Just lead screws?
No guides?

Does the bed do the hula?

confused smiley
Re: Core XY triple leadscrew 30x30x45
March 09, 2017 03:34PM
*khm* look at the photos in the first post smiling smiley
Re: Core XY triple leadscrew 30x30x45
March 10, 2017 11:36AM
*khm* look at the photos in the first post smiling smiley

I still can't really see anything, are there guides on the sides of the bed?
Re: Core XY triple leadscrew 30x30x45
March 10, 2017 01:07PM
Very sorry about those bad photos, i'm going to up a full gallery, first i want to finish the whole thing 100% and upload the CAD files... In the meantime if anyone is interested i can upload the .dwg files for the laser cut plates and specify the frame dimensions respectively..
open | download - 15174525_10210960749516754_1768914127_n.jpg (70.3 KB)
Re: Core XY triple leadscrew 30x30x45
March 10, 2017 01:53PM
You can kind of see them in the video as well grinning smiley
open | download - Capture.jpg (123.6 KB)
Re: Core XY triple leadscrew 30x30x45
March 21, 2017 11:45PM
luka, any updates? i'm attempting a similar build. What things did you have to get laser cut besides the bed mount? Laser cutting is expensive, hoping to do as little of that as possible :-\

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/21/2017 11:46PM by Qdeathstar.
Re: Core XY triple leadscrew 30x30x45
March 21, 2017 11:48PM
i'm also very interested in the xy interface, as i'm still trying to figure out how that bit goes together.
Re: Core XY triple leadscrew 30x30x45
March 26, 2017 09:55PM
Re: Core XY triple leadscrew 30x30x45
April 26, 2017 05:13AM
You feel the triple Z-axis is absolutely necessary for such a setup? If you can drop weight and go for a bowden extruder setup, is a single Z-axis not enough?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/26/2017 05:13AM by robb_nl.
Re: Core XY triple leadscrew 30x30x45
April 26, 2017 07:33AM
How does extruder carriage mass relate to the Z axis design?

Ultra MegaMax Dominator 3D printer: []
Re: Core XY triple leadscrew 30x30x45
May 09, 2017 12:56PM
nice. i'm a fan of the triple lead screws design concept, and it's good to see rails being used instead of rods: that gets rid of one of the problems with rods and linear bearings: a crap-shoot on whether the machine tolerances are good.
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