Re: Building a custom CoreXY July 10, 2017 01:09AM |
Registered: 8 years ago Posts: 776 |
i think you all out of order trying to guess what mutley used for his gears
im sure that does infringe anything they have set up between them with the license agreement,
please could you stop using mutleys gears into any comparison
to the zesty nimbles please as they not the same.
Re: Building a custom CoreXY July 10, 2017 01:29AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 312 |
Re: Building a custom CoreXY July 10, 2017 02:40AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 5,232 |
OK, let us all shut up about gears, Nimble vs the other one etc etc.
This is a post about Outcast wanting to build a CoreXY. Let this post continue on that and if you want to discuss the merits or demerits of the Nimble, start a new thread.
Re: Building a custom CoreXY July 10, 2017 04:36AM |
Registered: 11 years ago Posts: 973 |
it's "l k c l" not "i k c l" - my name is luke kenneth casson leighton, i'm a software libre developer and advocate.
i think you all out of order trying to guess what mutley used for his gears
i am not guessing at all. far from it: i mentioned already that i visited mutley3d, and spent a really nice afternoon with him and his huge slobbery dog. he explained in some detail the key engineering and technical aspects of the designs that he's made (which are missing from online reports: he's primarily an engineer not a salesman). one of those aspects was: he researched ways to ensure that the gears do not wear out. that involved finding a way to infuse the material
im sure that does infringe anything they have set up between them with the license agreement,
?? which license agreement? to whom are you referring? who is "they"? and who is infringing on "their" license agreement? there's at least 4 ambiguities in this one sentence. you need to specify exactly who the parties are as well as provide a link to the license which has been infringed.
please could you stop using mutleys gears into any comparison
no comparison has been made [apart from the gear ratio] or can be drawn... because *no technical information is available about the zesty gears material and construction*.
to the zesty nimbles please as they not the same.
chris33, are you aware that you are requesting that i enact censorship on my own freedom of speech? i'm certain that that was not your intention. if you spot any factual or engineering errors that would be fine: i would understand, very much appreciate and respect that and would instead quote you as an authoritative and useful source of technical information in future.
however you have not provided any technical information about the design of the gears used in the zesty. if you happen to have some information about them that is publicly available, please do provide it. then we can have a proper discussion about the merits of each, *as is the whole purpose of this forum*.
we use this forum to do engineering research and techical reviews are you *seriously* requesting that i cease and desist from genuine scientific and technical enquiry? are you *really* expecting me to simply... blithely put my faith into some arbitrary proprietary product *without doing technical research* and a full technical audit? [with apologies to the zesty team, no disrespect intended in describing your products as "proprietary", i'm aware that you're doing your best: E3D is the "gold standard" - i believe they release full CAD files under the GPL license of all their products]
because that's where your request is going, chris. i don't believe that you fully grasp the implications of your request, so i am happy to give you the benefit of the doubt and an opportunity to clarify.
dang, some of these threads get... silly. *sigh*. not fun.[/quote
so reverse engineering someone else is product and using the support they got to launch a derivative is morally wrong in my eyes they have not put the work in, but hey you have your opinion have mine im surely theres people out there who feel the same as i, freedom of speech yes not trying to censor nothing i just said your out of order and if its meant to be a corex and nimble thread why should you need to mention the flex3drive at all
Check my rubbish blog for my prusa i3
up and running
Re: Building a custom CoreXY July 10, 2017 05:15AM |
Registered: 8 years ago Posts: 776 |
so reverse engineering someone else is product
Re: Building a custom CoreXY July 18, 2017 07:16AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 312 |
Re: Building a custom CoreXY July 18, 2017 07:51AM |
Registered: 12 years ago Posts: 5,788 |
Re: Building a custom CoreXY July 18, 2017 08:25AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 312 |
Re: Building a custom CoreXY July 19, 2017 03:06AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 5,232 |
Re: Building a custom CoreXY July 19, 2017 03:07AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 312 |
Re: Building a custom CoreXY July 19, 2017 11:37AM |
Registered: 9 years ago Posts: 312 |