Hello everybody
i have a problem with my freshly build Hypercube, and it is a problem ive been struggling with for 5 weeks now, and i have no clue what is going on... i hope someone on here is willing to help.. because im lost......
My setup:
- Bigtreetech SKR 1.3 mainboard
- 4x Bigtreetech TMC2208 in UART mode for X,Y,Z,E
My problem is this:
When i tried to print something i noticed my extruder was only going backwards during print.... so i cancelled, reversed my extruder output in the firmware and tried again.... it was extruding... but not extracting, something was off. I cancelled the
print again, and went back to the firmware to check settings in marlin, everything seems okay, so i used PronterFace to connect to my printer and heated up my nozzle to 185 degrees Celsius, so i could test extruder safely..
if i press extrude, my motor extrudes in the right direction, if i press retract, it still extrudes....., no matter what i do, my extruder only goes forward... no matter what input i give, with every command it extrudes....
i had no clue what was going on so i started to check everything...
Things i did:
- first i replaced my extruder motor with another stepper i knew was working, same problem
- the i ordered a new stepper driver for e0 slot, same problem
- i tried another axis on E0 output, same problem
- i was getting tired and i ordered a new motherboard, SAME PROBLEM!!!
i have no clue what to do next, i tried looking at my Marlin again, and yesterday i download newest Marlin 2.0 bugfix, copied the config.h and config_adv.h to it, reupload, same problem.
ive uploaded my files to this post
im lost....
hope somebody have some ideas
thanks in advance
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/17/2019 05:58AM by Slapjack14.