Hello all ,
Ik have some troubles with my nozzle hight . I adjusted the z off set with M851 and stored it with M500 and active with M501when i check with M503 it's correct . When i look in the eeprom settings i see it too . By checking G1 F60 Z0 it is spot on . When i start to print after the bed level it goes to far down , i go crazy . It doesn't matter if i work with Cura 4.4 or S3D it is all the same.
My start script:
G21 ;
G29 ;
G92 E0 ;
G1 Z0 ;
G1 X100.0 E20 ;
G92 E0;
M117 Printing...;
What goes wrong ?? I dont have mutch hair but by the end of the week i'm bald.
I have BLtouch as probe.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/23/2020 11:58AM by bulldogbob.