I've started on the design - construction of a 600mm+ cube Core XY 3D printer.
I've already ordered most parts and started manufacturing others.
I needed it this big due to the projects I'm working on which in the end will be a full size car body, the 3D printed parts will either be directly used or used in the mold to to make GRP parts.
This is the car project for those interested.
I've got MGN15H rails for all axis (3 on the Z) and the Z will be with 3 ball screws each direct driven by a Nema 17 (already have spare).
X and Y are driven by Nema 23's with the plan to change to O drive once the thing tops those out (if ever) which is why the motors are offset to allow for the O drive future where reduction looks like its required on the DC motors.
Boardwise I'm thinking a Duet 3 6HC clone, unless there's better ideas? The 23's I've ordered will take 4A. Currently intend to use Clipper firmware.
The parts in the picture I've machined out on my MPCNC from 3mm 5083 Aluminium, I need to get hold of some thick material for the rest of the parts.
The main frame will be 1 1/2 box steel TIG welded, though not fully to avoid distortion, the plan is to put it on wheels, so it'll stand about 1.5m tall when done.
Machined Bits
XY Design
I've yet to work out the belt tensioning parts which'll be at the corner idlers.
Mounting the Mosquito Magnum extruder seems a bit flimsy with just 2 x 2.5mm screws, is that how its done or am I missing something.?
I don't think the X rail will need any support, its hard to see just how it could be bent, but I'll add that if required.
Any obvious stuff ups to date?