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Posted by Alvon3DprinTor 
December 29, 2022 04:12PM
Hello to all,

I just wanted to present also my little project GA3D M2 in the CoreXY section.

Yes it is a CoreXY, but a crossed CoreXY.

I have upgraded to version 2 of the machine, these features are :

- Crossed CoreXY kinematics
- MGN12H ball rails
- small and handy manual tool changer
- mixed electronics with Ramp1.4 and Raspberry pi, connectors always accessible for easy configuration change

I am now very satisfied with its operation. The next months, I will develop different tools, configurations

To summarize the project, I would now say that it is a kind of Opensource CNC Swiss Army Knife

here are some views, pictures, video

I published the source files on github under OHL-w license for those who are interested

Youtube CAD / reality

Timelapse 3Dprinting

Github GA3D M2

ADG AKA GA3D_tech ------ [www.instagram.com]------ [github.com] ------ [ga3d.tech]
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