Lerdge x y, TMC2208
February 08, 2024 06:10AM
j'ai une imprimante DIY en Core XY avec une carte lerdge K.
Je viens de changer les pilote TMC 2208 des moteurs X et Y et voila mon problème :
quand je vais dans le panneau de contrôle des mouvements, X+ et Y+ se déplace correctement, mais
X- donne Y+ et Y- donne X+

Pourriez-vous m'aider.?

D'avance Merci

I have a Core XY DIY printer with a lerdge K card.
I have just changed the TMC 2208 drivers for the X and Y motors and here is my problem:
when I go to the move control panel, X+ and Y+ move correctly, but
X- gives Y+ and Y- gives X+.

Could you help me?

Thanks in advance

Re: Lerdge x y, TMC2208
February 15, 2024 06:09AM
Core XY 101

For Y+ the stepper A and B must be moving is opposite directions (A anti clockwise) (B clockwise)
for X+ the stepper A and B must be moving anti clockwise
for X- the stepper A and B must be moving clockwise, but your getting Y+ so A stepper is not changing direction, is stick turning anti clockwise
for Y- the stepper A and B must be moving is opposite directions (A clockwise) (B anti clockwise), but your getting X+, so both steppers are turning anti clockwise. confirmed, A stepper is not changing direction

Two possibilities
Your new stepper driver is faulty. Swap X and Y stepper drivers, does the fault change? yes its a bad stepper driver
If the fault does not change when you swap stepper drivers, the issue is motherboard (or firmware related)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/15/2024 06:12AM by Dust.
Re: Lerdge x y, TMC2208
February 15, 2024 08:54AM
Thanks for your Answer
After several try i change the Drivers and everything work.
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