July 29, 2008 04:39AM
hi smiling smiley i think i don't be able to do parts of the reprap machine, like X idler bracket, X carriage, X motor bracket, Corner bracket, The poly-holde,The gear-bush-holder etc... Can i buy this stuff? in this site do you have the measures of everthing? i can't find.. thank you very much for you attention smiling smiley
Re: construction
July 29, 2008 06:45AM
To buy all parts to build a RepRap []

Information about part dimensions []
Re: construction
July 29, 2008 11:22AM
Hi Bruno,

You can go the way most people are going these days and build a McWire Cartbot
to repstrap all parts for the darwin.
It's easiest to just buy everything from ian (bitsfrombytes) but maybe less fun winking smiley
So I'd prefere buy only the extruder (because it's really hard to make an extruder yourself) and then print the parts you need with your just homemade RepStrap

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