dimensions of reprap
July 29, 2008 08:03AM
with a reprap machine i wil be able to do pieces with a Working volume (230mm (X) x 230mm (Y) x 100mm (Z)). But if i want to do a piece with a Working volume for example (460 mm (X) x 460 mm (Y) x 300 mm (Z) ), I only have to make a bigger machine? i dont't have to do nothing with the software? it's the same? thank you very much smiling smiley
Re: dimensions of reprap
July 29, 2008 11:25AM
Yes, the software is the same, just enter the new values for the working volume.

I think it's not just taking longer rods to resize the darwin,
you should increase the diameters too,
that will cause non fitting holes in the Cornerbrackets for example (and almost everywhere else)

So think twice what you'll have to edit winking smiley

Re: dimensions of reprap
July 29, 2008 12:59PM
Have a think about how long it will take to fill that build volume, too! The big, complex parts of darwin currently take many hours to print on the hydraraptor, which I suspect is the fastest repstrap currently running.

Making objects 12 times bigger is likely to mean build times on the order of several days! And keeping the reprap running that long without a fault is going to be tricky, to say the least. Having it break after a mere 24 hours, for example, is going to ruin the part, and waste a lot of time.

Do you really need to print single parts that big? Is it not possible to break it down into smaller components and fasten them together?
Re: dimensions of reprap
July 29, 2008 01:27PM
Ru Wrote:
> Making objects 12 times bigger is likely to mean
> build times on the order of several days! And
> keeping the reprap running that long without a
> fault is going to be tricky, to say the least.
> Having it break after a mere 24 hours, for
> example, is going to ruin the part, and waste a
> lot of time.
> Do you really need to print single parts that big?
> Is it not possible to break it down into smaller
> components and fasten them together?

I know that this is obvious, but I'll point out that building greater volume parts is not the only new ability gained by having a larger build envelope. You can also build parts with small volume but larger maximum dimensions; sparse parts, if you will.
Re: dimensions of reprap
July 29, 2008 02:28PM
Kyle Corbitt Wrote:
> I know that this is obvious, but I'll point out
> that building greater volume parts is not the only
> new ability gained by having a larger build
> envelope. You can also build parts with small
> volume but larger maximum dimensions; sparse
> parts, if you will.
Remember guys, baby steps.

I started out building a Repstrap I called Godzilla with just that in mind. Building to that scale introduces a whole range of design challenges that are difficult to address, to say the least. spinning smiley sticking its tongue out
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