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build optoswitch bracket on Darwin

Posted by Bruno Martins 
Hi smiling smiley i watched the video "optoswitch bracket timelapsed build" on Darwin and i noticed that the machine it makes a pause, that is, way the machine doesn't build optoswitch bracket in a continues way? Understand may question? thank you smiling smiley
Re: build optoswitch bracket on Darwin
August 01, 2008 09:43AM
There are various reasons you might pause the build briefly. A short pause lets the previous layer cool slightly... someone (I'm assuming nophead) made a martini-glass type model without inter-layer pausing, and it got sufficiently hot that it sagged, ruining the print.

There's also the possibility of a nozzle cleaning step, whereby the nozzle is driven over a cleaning brush or blade to remove accumulated plastic.

I don't know if manual pausing was done, but it is possible, maybe to feed in new filament for all I know.
Re: build optoswitch bracket on Darwin
August 01, 2008 10:53AM
Bruno, if you link to the video I'm sure someone can figure out what the pause was for.
Re: build optoswitch bracket on Darwin
August 01, 2008 11:19AM
The standard RepRap software builds a layer and then moves the fan over it to cool it so that it is solid when the next layer is deposited. That is necessary for PCL and PLA as they stay molten for a long time. I prefer to run the fan continously while I extrude, and not have pauses, because I haven't developed a tidy way to start a new layer after a pause. I am not sure if this has any effect on warping.

ABS sets more quickly so I can get away without a fan or any pauses.

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