RRRF Store's skate bearings out of stock. When will they be restocked?
August 02, 2008 01:43AM
I'm buying the majority of my Seedling parts this weekend (the ones ordered online to be shipped on Monday, hopefully), and I noticed that the RRRF store is out of skate bearings. I need the 16 required for the McWire.

Anyone know when/if they are going to get more in?

Or should I try to find another supplier for them?

Re: RRRF Store's skate bearings out of stock. When will they be restocked?
August 02, 2008 02:02AM
Skate bearings aren't exactly hard to come by. spinning smiley sticking its tongue out

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/02/2008 02:02AM by Forrest Higgs.


Hell, there are no rules here - we're trying to accomplish something.

Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.

Thomas A. Edison
Re: RRRF Store's skate bearings out of stock. When will they be restocked?
August 02, 2008 07:16AM
Yep, should be plenty of suppliers out there if you look for size 608 skate bearings. If you're in the UK, you can pick up a pack of 16 from kate's skates

[www.kateskates.co.uk] - I tried here and picked up a set of 16 for 14.50 GBP.

or from skate asylum.


then skates.co.uk


and so on.
Re: RRRF Store's skate bearings out of stock. When will they be restocked?
August 03, 2008 12:43AM
Yeah, but I liked the pricing and simplicity. I was already buying from RRRF so it would save me time and money (both in shipping and the fact that they bulk-ordered).

I can just order from McMaster at $4.06 each (#5972K36) or buy from some specialty store for around $1 each (lower quality probably).

...I'd still like to know if/when RRRF is restocking them though.
Re: RRRF Store's skate bearings out of stock. When will they be restocked?
August 03, 2008 02:37AM
$4 each?

I got a set of 16 from ebay for about $12 (10 Eur to be precise)

Re: RRRF Store's skate bearings out of stock. When will they be restocked?
August 03, 2008 06:22AM
sid Wrote:
> $4 each?
> I got a set of 16 from ebay for about $12 (10 Eur
> to be precise)
> 'sid

Well, I found these [www.vxb.com] for $0.59 each. 16 would cost $9.44 plus around $6 shipping. I doubt quality at such prices, although if RRRF is not an option, this would be my next choice.
Re: RRRF Store's skate bearings out of stock. When will they be restocked?
August 03, 2008 11:04AM
wohooo I'm in love:
ceramic balls in ptfe cage *mjamm*

Okay, I got me those (exactly):

They're more than sufficient for a (in my case) RepStrap or RepRap.

I'm unsure if I would use them in my skateboard, but I don't load my cartesian with 80kilos and ride it at 10miles an hour winking smiley

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