buil a componet
August 04, 2008 06:29AM
hismiling smiley

If i want to print a big part in reprap, that mean's fabrication times on the order of several days, right? way keeping the reprap running that long without a fault is going to be tricky? Even if a make a strong reprap? whit strongers materials? thank you grinning smiley
Re: buil a componet
August 04, 2008 07:56AM
I'm sorry?

It's not the macine that may cause the faultiness, it's most likely the software I guess.

You can (if you want to spend that money) get yourself
"Deskartes 3Data Expert"

That tool can split large objects into various small ones that can be combined afterwards.
=> No need for a larger RepRap No need to print several days at once, less chance of failures (easier to do it again winking smiley)

Re: buil a componet
August 04, 2008 09:55AM
Hi sidsmiling smiley but with the deskartes 3Data Expert i have to use the reprap software in the same one? right?
Re: buil a componet
August 04, 2008 11:52AM
sure the reprap host software is needed to actually print the files you want.

stl files are used for printing (stereolithographie)
you can export those from your favourite 3d mesh editor
such as blender, 3dsmax, art of illusion, solidworks and so on.
deskartes only checks if the stl files are printable and if you want, makes connectable parts of your single file to prnt the parts seperately.
until now not a single software used is related to RepRap.

If you want to make your part yourself it needs to be printet on your reprap,
therefor you need the reprap host software

Re: buil a componet
August 04, 2008 05:41PM

It's not the macine that may cause the faultiness, it's most likely the software I guess.

The flexible drive shaft is the single most unreliable part. The way forward is a rigid gearmotor-to-drivescrew connection.

There have also been a couple of stepper-to-driveshaft connection breakages too, but I think those were reprapped parts and so replaceable with bits made from something stronger if you wanted.

You might also look hard at at the various bits of the z-axis raising system; the pulleys and belt tensioner... they seem to be the only other obvious fiddly bit that might just wear out over time.

Beyond that there's the java host, as you say. I would imagine that you could feed a g-code firmware reprap from a much simpler tool without too much difficulty though. You'd have to be prepared to write it, of course. You could always do other weird things like use EMC to do the hard work winking smiley

But the key, single most important thing to remember is: You'd be the first. No-one else has printed huge parts, or done extremely long single builds. Who knows what might go wrong? Remember that if something does go wrong, you'll have wasted days on a part that has just become so much scrap. Small components are much safer in all sorts of ways.

I'm curious though; what are you going to print?
Re: buil a componet
August 06, 2008 06:58AM
Hi Ru smiling smiley well.. i don't now lol i'm just looking for de the potentialities oh the reprap.. but first i have to make one lol i'd like to improve the potentialities of the reprap, but i think i couln't do it because i have a serious problem whit programming sad smiley another printers 3D could print bigger parts. i want my reprap sould be able to do bigger parts to grinning smiley
Re: buil a componet
August 06, 2008 11:06AM
I'd worry about getting a normal darwin working first. Once you've got that going, making new versions of the reprap will be much easier. getting a darwin printing successfully is a big enough task for now!
Re: buil a componet
August 07, 2008 04:48AM
hismiling smiley what i need to build may reprap is:

Arduino Based Raw PCB Kit
Complete Arduino Electronics Kit
Toothed Belt Kit
100K Thermistor
Nichrome Wire
FULL Mechanical Kit (bitsfrombytes)
reprap software

And follow the instructions in the reprap home, right?
Re: buil a componet
August 07, 2008 09:10AM
Hi Bruno,

The RRRF complete electronics kit includes all the PCBs and even a thermistor.
From what I understand (and have ordered), I have bought:

RRRF Complete Arduino electronics kit (with Arduino and USB cable)

BitsFromBytes Silver mechanical kit ( I believe this includes the toothed belts/equivalent, extruder, etc)

RepRap software downloaded

I have also bought:

ABS reel (from RRRF) - feedstock for extruder

I also bought some extra nichrome wire and another thermistor for making a second extruder/ spares.

I've put together the electronics boards (http://renoirsrants.blogspot.com/) and I'm currently waiting for the mechanical kit.

As far as I understand it, the two kits are all you need.

Re: buil a componet
August 07, 2008 07:25PM
The BitsFromBytes silver kit includes:

steel rods; threaded and plain.
fixings including; bearings, belts, bushes, springs, nuts, bolts, washers grub screws etc,
laser cut acrylic parts,
all parts for extruder including; Nichrome, fire putty, springs, fan and motor.
stepper motors (Suitable for Arduino electronics, pic electronics require modifications to use them).
Build jigs, to set the distances such as the distance between side bars.

I think that's most of it, with the Arduino kit the only other parts are a psu and filament.
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