So I got a spool of ABS plastic.
Having before extruded CAPA successfully (extruded not printed since I had to roll the filament myself)
Now I tried to extrude some ABS. The motor feeding the filament seems to work good enough, but as mentioned before somewhere the PTFE barrel pops out of the clamp. That is ok I belive there was a fix for that somewhere.
My problem seems to be that the temperature is never reached.
After a loong wait the temperature (~86 C) is high enough that I can manually push the ABS filament out through the barrel.
I meassured and calibrated the thermistor, it should be the one reprap recommends (mouser).
I then meassured the voltage over the heater in steady state, it was 2.5V
Also I removed the connector and meassured the resistance while the barrel was still hot, I got about 6 ohms.
This gives me about (2.5^2) / 6 => slightly above 1 Watt.
Is this enough?
Reading some more into the instructions I saw that you should adjust your hb/hm if the temperature was to low.
What are the hb and hm? Are they parameters for the heater profiling?
Is the difference really that big between individual heaters or are the defaults set very low?