Rostock Delta printer motors moving more than command
March 20, 2013 10:14AM
Hey guys, been reading here a long time but this is my first post. I should thank you all prior to my question since without these forums i wouldnt have gotten as far as i have.

I've built a Rostock original and everything seems to be functioning correctly, the motors move in the correct direction, the current is perfect but they move more than i told them too. ie Repetir-Host manual command move 1mm and it moves close to 50-60mm.

I've triple checked my settings and i cant figure it out. I'm using 42 toothed pulleys with 1.8 degree steppers with 1/16 microstepping setup and my default_axis_movement is configured at 38 (calculation from Prusa's calculator).

I'm using this Ramps board with modified Marlin firmware for the Delta bot and Reptier Host, i've also tried ponterface with the same issues.

Any ideas?

Thanks for the help!
Re: Rostock Delta printer motors moving more than command
March 22, 2013 11:46AM
Make sure with marlin you have loaded your configuration.h settings into eeprom. Use command M501 to check what is saved in this memory.
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