Speed controlled fan with aditional extruders on RAMPS 1.4
March 20, 2013 10:55AM
Here is my problem,

Right now I have 1 extruder on a ramps 1.4 with a fan connected to D9

I would like to move to a dual extruder setup, so what do I do with my fan?

From what I gathered so far im going to need some sort of expansion... but I have no clue how to do it, does anyone know of a site that sell expansions or with instructions on making and using them?

And what if I want to move to a triple extruder setup later, is there any expansion that would have all that covered?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/20/2013 10:56AM by thecrazy.
Re: Speed controlled fan with aditional extruders on RAMPS 1.4
March 20, 2013 11:17AM
Re: Speed controlled fan with aditional extruders on RAMPS 1.4
March 20, 2013 04:36PM
Awesome, thank you.
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