Bridging not working as expected
March 22, 2013 12:43PM
Been reading this forum for a long time now and can honestly say has been my main place for research and help. Finally time for my first post, i have been using the herringbone drive gear found here [] as a calibration for my prusa i2, I am running sanguinololu 1.3a with repetier firmware, my print has been coming out great except it wont bridge in the right spot on the nut trap but does fine when bridging over the hole for the grub on the outside the perimeter looks awesome, btw i am using nylon prints greats except the bridgin i can do anthing that has a bridge in the perimeter but not on the inside of the object. Also using lattest slic3r hopefully the pics will help i know there not great. Any help is greatly appreciated.
open | download - 136396985080201780462328.jpg (25.8 KB)
open | download - 13639700967760-1163528986.jpg (28.9 KB)
Re: Bridging not working as expected
March 22, 2013 02:11PM
What type of nylon are you printing with? I don't think nylon bridges well at all.
Re: Bridging not working as expected
March 22, 2013 03:31PM
Actually im using trimmer line (which i know can be a crap shoot) but it didnt require drying i get no bubbles and no water its actually very durable and glossy part when done . I want to say it has some other plastic mixed as it melts and extrudes quite well through a .4 nozzle at 235 which i believe is below pure nylon melting temps i can push it by hand relativly easy. Its 2.7 mm and i configured slic3r with that. As far a bridging the perimeter was great on the hole it had to cross but not on the internal of the part, another note that leads me to believe it might be slicer os it did bridge but not straight across and not very well on the nut trap it kind of went at an angle almost like it wouldnt stick once it cross but further down around the circle
Re: Bridging not working as expected
March 22, 2013 04:38PM
The only slicer that I have seen with actual bridging control is Skeinforge. It will bridge across a gap with straight passes, not the diagonal infill pattern. You can also change the feed rate and extruder flow rate on bridge passes.
Re: Bridging not working as expected
March 22, 2013 04:45PM
Ahh this would acually explain what i am seeing thatnk you, i guess when i saw setting for bridging i assumed it would do it straight across ill give this a shot tonight and see how it goes, guess ill learn a new slicer
Re: Bridging not working as expected
March 22, 2013 11:07PM
so tried to understand skienforge, but my first run ended up painfully slow and messed up, first question why does a print that takes 14 min in slic3r report 55 minutes skienforge, and second question would kisslicer handle bridges?
Re: Bridging not working as expected
March 23, 2013 03:40AM
You can also try Cura. It uses Skeinforge on the background but it is more friendly. It also has bridge settings which I have personally used and work great. Version 13.03 was released a couple of days ago.
Re: Bridging not working as expected
March 23, 2013 11:04AM
I tried cura and got a gobbed up mess after the hole on the outside perimeters so ill have to tweak the settimgs, but on a note with slic3r the problem i think is instead of treating that gap as a perimeter, which cura did do so that part came out, its making that part infill so it just squirts into mid air half way across the gap ending in a mess
Re: Bridging not working as expected
March 24, 2013 06:16PM
You can always load your file into Pronterface (if you are using that) or any other host software with a Gcode viewer / Skeinforge Analyzer and look at the graphical representation of the Gcode in order to make sure whether the problem was indeed caused by incorrect bridging settings in Slic3r.

And yeah, Skeinforge is a pain to get used to. It took me some days of on-and-off reading in order to go through all of the manual and some more to actually understand these settings (some are named way too cryptically IMHO), but I think that learning Skeinforge makes you more aware of what factors might affect your print. After getting used to it, navigating the settings is also bearable.
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