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z axis dont work

Posted by grimforge 
z axis dont work
March 25, 2013 06:16AM
hello i have finished to build a prusa and i'm tryng to calibrate it with pronterface but when i try to run the z axis it make a noise but dont move, occasionally make a very little move any advice?

p.s. another question but i thin i have found the solution... m105 on pronterface it's a warning message about the bed thermistor?
Re: z axis dont work
March 25, 2013 08:58AM
Try increasing the current to the motor using the trim pot on the driver.
Re: z axis dont work
March 27, 2013 05:40AM
There isnt any visible trim on my ramps
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Re: z axis dont work
March 27, 2013 05:48AM
eye rolling smiley

P.S.: It might be that you are trying to move the Z axis too fast. Try it at 30 mm/m, if that works then try 60 mm/m, 120 mm/m, 240 mm/m.
Since Z speed isn't too critical I have mine set at 30 mm/m but I know of many who use 120 mm/m or more.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 03/27/2013 08:50AM by rhmorrison.

Bob Morrison
Wörth am Rhein, Germany
"Luke, use the source!"
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Re: z axis dont work
March 27, 2013 08:37AM
I try thanks
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