Building a levelling jig
July 13, 2013 02:25PM
I've designed a leveling jig that will hold a dial indicator and level the table within a few thousands of an inch for some really awesome prints, but I need a copy of the X shaped mount in a .dxf format so I can edit it to fit leveling nuts to replace the stock ones.

Is it possible to get a copy of that in a format that I can modify it? I don't have any software that can work with .stl files (I use RhinoCAM).

Or is there any decent software to convert mesh to .dxf?
open | download - _SAM1005.JPG (565.3 KB)
Re: Building a levelling jig
July 13, 2013 06:05PM
RhinoCAM website says it can import stl?

Re: Building a levelling jig
July 13, 2013 08:46PM
It can read the .stl, but I can't do any editting to it like I can a .dxf.
Re: Building a levelling jig
July 14, 2013 10:10AM
You'll have to figure out to do subtraction in your modeling software and subtract the nuts from the stl object. In openscad this is called difference.
Re: Building a levelling jig
July 14, 2013 04:13PM
I found a way for Rhino to convert mesh to polysurfaces, thanks for your input. But I cannot find a copy of the X part to work with.
Re: Building a levelling jig
July 14, 2013 04:57PM
Do you mean the Y carriage? All the ecksbot files are here.

Re: Building a levelling jig
July 14, 2013 06:10PM
Thanks, don't know why I couldn't find it!
Re: Building a levelling jig
July 27, 2013 05:14PM
I made some of these up out of Aluminum; the mount is glass beaded and the nuts are polished.

Comes with a dial indicator.

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