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Trying to build my first Reprap

Posted by scientist434 
Trying to build my first Reprap
July 23, 2013 05:08PM
Ok so I started my Mendal several years ago when I was in college and am just now trying to finish it. I have it all built but can't get the controls to talk to the computer. I am using Pronterface as the host software on ubuntu 12.04 x64. Pronterface sees the controller and connects to it but I just get
in the dialog window coming from the controller they keep repeating in random order. My controller & electronics are the techzone remix found here. [reprap.org]
It came with firmware on it which I haven't changed.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Edit: If it makes any difference the main board has both a red and green light lit.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/23/2013 05:15PM by scientist434.
Re: Trying to build my first Reprap
July 24, 2013 12:30AM
I don't know the gen 3 electronics, but I would take a wack at making sure the baud rate is set correctly. This usually presents with some other non printable characters that are displayed as symbols on my RAMPS, but it's worth a shot. Also with it being so old, I would probably look into updating that firmware. Could be the gcode interpreter on that firware is too far out of date to understand today's gcode.
Re: Trying to build my first Reprap
July 24, 2013 02:28AM
Make sure you have the right baudrate set!
The original RepRap FiveD firmware ran by default at 19,200 baud.

Bob Morrison
Wörth am Rhein, Germany
"Luke, use the source!"
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Re: Trying to build my first Reprap
July 24, 2013 06:23AM
I'm using 19,200 as my baudrate. I tried all of the baudrate options and thats the only one that doesn't give me an error about invalid characters caused by an invalid baud rate. I will try updating the firmware after work. Is there a recommended firmware that I should update to? I was thinking of trying sprinter since I have seen that mentioned several places.
Some other things I noticed while playing with it, I only get the red light on the board while Pronterface is trying to connect if I close Pronterface then I just have a green light.
Also I don't have the endstops wired in yet since I wanted to see if it worked before wiring them in would that cause any problems?
I'm also not sure if its actually completely connecting since in the terminal window I started pronterface from it just always says "connecting..." and then just goes to the "st" stuff never actually says connected. I also can't interact with any of the axis controls in pronterface.
Re: Trying to build my first Reprap
July 24, 2013 10:11PM
I tried updating the firmware and kept getting a sync avr sync error. I am currently setting up a windows 7 32 bit machine to try it on 32 bit and see if thats my problem. Will report back if that works.
Re: Trying to build my first Reprap
July 26, 2013 07:22PM
I tried to updated the firmware to sprinter however I keep getting the following error "avrdude: stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp=0xfc" Also tried Pronterface on my 32-bit windows 7 machine and it connects to the printer as seen in the attached screen shot but I can't actually get the printer to respond to anything.

Any suggestions?
open | download - Pronterface Connected.png (134.5 KB)
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