Re: New RepRap to slowly be built from Objet parts.
November 05, 2009 11:54PM
Yeah Zcorp really isn't used much in the high dollar machine world for more than just shape studies. Heads up pics coming soon but I started bolting things together today. The Objet parts look awesome and are working great.
Re: New RepRap to slowly be built from Objet parts.
November 15, 2009 11:43AM
Word to the wise here. Objet parts will crack if you snug up your bolts too tight. Assembly is going very very well. More pics soon.
Re: New RepRap to slowly be built from Objet parts.
November 18, 2009 10:05PM
Almost there more pics soon. I had to replace my X Motor Bracket with a Polycarb FDM part because the tension of the drive belt bent the Objet part. Objet makes great parts but as far as continuous load is concerned they then to bend. The platform will be gridded and laser cut acrylic.

Cheers Curly
Re: New RepRap to slowly be built from Objet parts.
November 23, 2009 09:27PM
Closer to wiring it all up.

Top job!

I love to see one of our machines being used in final assembly.

If anyone does want more information on Objet devices just let me knwow:

01283 585 933
Re: New RepRap to slowly be built from Objet parts.
January 17, 2010 08:18PM
Well had a little vacation but I should have photos soon. I should be extruding plastic in about 2 weeks!
Re: New RepRap to slowly be built from Objet parts.
January 20, 2010 09:08PM
Well a few more parts and I can start wiring things together. I made a hybrid RepRap/Makerbot extruder with a stepper motor. I also used the Makerbot thermal barrier, heater barrel, nichrome wire, thermister, and kapton tape/ceramic tape setup with an FDM Quantum T-16 tip from our old FDM machine, I also made a part to keep the thermal barrier from bulging and pushing out of the base. It encapsulates the entire barrier, the STL file is on Thingiverse.

Next pics will be of extruded plastic!
Re: New RepRap to slowly be built from Objet parts.
January 21, 2010 01:28PM
nice, looks very nice. makes mine look like it was beat with the ungly tree. its still a drastic work in progress but i am getting there day by day

Re: New RepRap to slowly be built from Objet parts.
January 22, 2010 12:19AM
Is your X-axis stepper mounted correctly? It looks a little bit farther back than the place where (I think) it's meant to go.
Re: New RepRap to slowly be built from Objet parts.
January 22, 2010 11:49AM
jbayless Wrote:
> Is your X-axis stepper mounted correctly? It looks
> a little bit farther back than the place where (I
> think) it's meant to go.

Nope it is not...well that is where it fit, it has that large rouns stand off around the shaft so I just moved it back. That part is made form Polycarb on an FDM Titan so it is holding up very nicely. When my new FDM gets running next week I might run it out of ULTEM for even more strength.
Re: New RepRap to slowly be built from Objet parts.
January 29, 2010 10:08PM
Well I have it all wired up...loaded the firmware I think I got everything tweaked for using a thermister, stepper motor on the extruder and a min and max opto on each axis. I plug everything in go through all of the steps to run the host software in Windows 7 and I have no extruder stepper control at all, x and y only move forward. Z doesn't move at all, and if it sits long enough the z axis twitches.....oh and one of the optoendstop jacks on the y stepper board lights up the endstop it is plugged into. This is all gen 2 electronics they were all tested after they were built and passed inspection....I'm a little overwhelmed as to where to start. Oh and teh extruder heats up. Any ideas? I'm think ing part of the problem is firmware, and part is flakey host software running virtually through eclipse. Thoughts?
Re: New RepRap to slowly be built from Objet parts.
January 30, 2010 06:15PM
Ok I was not really thinking here....the extruder motor didn't work because well it was not up to temp yet. I also did some firmware tweaks...then my power supply I'm going nowhere fast until I can get another power supply. If anyone can think of any other tweaks I need to do let me know I would very much apprciate it.

Re: New RepRap to slowly be built from Objet parts.
February 22, 2010 10:25PM
OK I have working X and Y axis. The Z just sits there and ticks .5 MM one way then ticks back the other way. I need to double check my wiring to the Arduimo Mega I am using. Same with the stepper board for the extruder. I was wondering if anyone knew where in the firmware I can change the max distance the x and y are allowed to travel? I can jog each 160 mm then it stops. I have another 100 mm of platform I can use. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Re: New RepRap to slowly be built from Objet parts.
February 25, 2010 10:08AM
OK I got all but the extruder running I know what the problem is. Lookslike I need to change some pinouts since I am using an Arduino Mega. However I sent some g-code to it and it is building away.....not extruding but tracing layers and dropping the platform. So I am almost there. >grinning smiley<
Re: New RepRap to slowly be built from Objet parts.
February 25, 2010 04:07PM
Nice! Keep up the good work! grinning smiley
Re: New RepRap to slowly be built from Objet parts.
March 04, 2010 08:12PM
Update: Still fighting extruder problems. I can't get that stepper to step no matter what I do. So I am trying to work that one out. I will post pics when I have parts to show.
Re: New RepRap to slowly be built from Objet parts.
March 08, 2010 04:03PM
New/correct firmware did the trick now I need to get my extruder to grab a little better. Very hot PLA smells horrible. just so you know.
Re: New RepRap to slowly be built from Objet parts.
March 08, 2010 06:16PM
Well if it isn't one thing it is another. Now when I send a part to the machine that is about 2 inches in diameter circular part it draws an oblong part all across the entire platform. I thought I had axes switched but nope all are where they should be. It's like it is building in metric on one axis and inches on the other. The z stage is fine. So wierd. Any thoughts?
Re: New RepRap to slowly be built from Objet parts.
March 14, 2010 05:37PM
Step distance setup correctly in the firmware?
Re: New RepRap to slowly be built from Objet parts.
March 17, 2010 10:09PM
Bad STL file fixed that now I am waiting for a gear to arrive so I can get some good grip on that PLA. I could be building parts if I could extruder consistantly. the bore on my current gear is a tad too big so it is wobbling which gives you some extruding and then no extruding, then extruding, then no extruding. New gear with the correct bore size on the way.
Re: New RepRap to slowly be built from Objet parts.
May 26, 2010 09:26PM Darwin is working great except the darn extruder will not grab that filament consitantly. I also have some leftover material from an old FDM machine so i am going to rebuild my extruder to accept the 1 mm filament and do some reverse engineering on some old FDM pinchwheels. Time to hit the machine shop.....
Re: New RepRap to slowly be built from Objet parts.
May 26, 2010 10:39PM
Try a geared extruder...

Curlrup Wrote:
> Darwin is working great except the darn
> extruder will not grab that filament consitantly.
> I also have some leftover material from an old FDM
> machine so i am going to rebuild my extruder to
> accept the 1 mm filament and do some reverse
> engineering on some old FDM pinchwheels. Time to
> hit the machine shop.....
Re: New RepRap to slowly be built from Objet parts.
May 27, 2010 07:18PM
Geared so both wheels with the threaded groove spin not just one with a bearing. Will be driven by one large pulley with a toothed belt going to a NEMA 17. The two wheels will be spring loaded so there is constant squeeze on the filament. It's going to be sweet.
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