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Hotend not Heating Up

Posted by snoller 
Hotend not Heating Up
February 27, 2014 02:08PM
Hi all,
i have a Mendelmax on Ramps 1.4 which just worked fine. After a short at the hotend connector i have the following problem:
Hotend is not heating up anymore, Thermistor seems to be fine and returns temperature. Bed is heating up fine. Ramps is taking the desired temp for the hotend with no complaints just not powering the hotend (checked voltage). Fuses seem to be ok as well. Problem remains if hotend is detached (thermistor still on), even with a new thermistor.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance,
Re: Hotend not Heating Up
February 27, 2014 02:21PM
What type of a Resistor is your Hotend using?

It could be the faulty resistor as I have read that if the resistor heats up too much it may become faulty. Please correct if I am wrong in thinking this.


Re: Hotend not Heating Up
February 27, 2014 03:00PM
I don't think that is the reason because i already bougth a new hotend (Merlin [www.reprapdiscount.com]) and the behavior with that one remains the same.
Re: Hotend not Heating Up
February 27, 2014 04:23PM
After a short at the hotend connector i have the following problem:

What shorted? If the leads to the hot end got shorted together, you may have damaged the MOSFET that provides power to the hot end.

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Re: Hotend not Heating Up
February 28, 2014 03:04AM
Yeah, someone else pointed to this potential problem as well. Already ordered a couple of them. Will post when i soldered them in. Thanks.
Re: Hotend not Heating Up
February 28, 2014 05:42AM
ok guys - solved it! As i was looking after the mosfet's and detached the Arduino i saw that the board-connection between the mosfet and the power-connector was simply burned. Tried a dirty hack - worked, everything is heating up now again! Thanks for your support.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/28/2014 12:04PM by NewPerfection.
Re: Hotend not Heating Up
March 01, 2014 09:19PM
Nicely done smiling smiley
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