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Oshonsoft ATMega firmware compiler available...

Posted by Forrest Higgs 
Oshonsoft ATMega firmware compiler available...
February 14, 2007 09:25AM
I'm including this email that I just got from Vladimir Soso at Oshonsoft in Serbia. I'd mentioned around the New Year that he had committed to port his BASIC compiler and IDE over to the Atmel product line. He's just released the products.


Dear users,

I would like to inform you that I have released new version v6.54
of my PIC Simulator IDE.

I am also very happy to inform you that I have just published the
first release of my new AVR Simulator IDE.
It is now possible to use the same environment for Atmel megaAVR
and tinyAVR microcontrollers.
This first release supports the following devices: ATmega8, ATmega16,
ATmega32, ATtiny24, ATtiny44, ATtiny84 and ATtiny2313.
Additional devices will be supported very soon, including ATmega128
that will be added in the very next update.
Please find more information about the new package on my web site:

The price for the personal license is 29 euros and if you decide to
buy the license by the end of February, you will get for free the two
add-ons for integrated AVR basic compiler - 32-bit math and
structured language support modules (25 euros value).

Thank you for your support!
Best regards,


I've been using the PIC and PIC 18 versions of his Integrated Development Environment and Basic Compiler for more than half a year now and am completely satisfied with both their quality and reliability. Their price is also very easy on your pocketbook.


Hell, there are no rules here - we're trying to accomplish something.

Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.

Thomas A. Edison
Re: Oshonsoft ATMega firmware compiler available...
February 27, 2007 05:11PM
Doesn't SDCC already support AVR?

Vik :v)
Re: Oshonsoft ATMega firmware compiler available...
February 27, 2007 05:31PM
I have no idea.
Re: Oshonsoft ATMega firmware compiler available...
February 28, 2007 03:18AM
Yes, sdcc does support avr. I don't know how well tuned it is though.
Re: Oshonsoft ATMega firmware compiler available...
March 03, 2007 01:47AM
I suspect we'll be finding out. They have a fairly devoted following, and I can't see an AVR port being too far off the emergence of 1.0 - which is probably what we're all about, I guess.

Vik :v)
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