Up and Running
March 06, 2014 01:48AM
I just took my shiny new Ordbot Hadron for a test drive, so I thought I would share!

Re: Up and Running
March 06, 2014 05:29PM
Looks great thumbs up

Have you printed anything yet?

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Re: Up and Running
March 07, 2014 10:31AM
Here are the first prints. One is a Ramps adapter and the other is a Power supply cover plate. Both were drawn using sketch up.

Re: Up and Running
March 07, 2014 03:10PM
For a first print that is very good.
I have got an Ordbot Hadron. Did you buy yours fully assembled or as a kit ?
I struggled for ages with a QU-BD extruder before abandoning it and going for a jhead and Wade extruder.
Re: Up and Running
March 07, 2014 10:53PM

I bought the platform kit from Automation technologies.

I just finished building a Prusa Mendel I2 a few weeks ago and I bought the same extruder and electronics for the Hadron. All I had to do was flash the firmware, align, calibrate and level the bed. I got all the bugs out of the system on the I2. The extruder is a greg's/wades with a j-head.Sorry you had to deal with the QU-BD extruder, that must have been beyond frustrating. Fortunately I heard the horror stories about it before I bought one.

So far I really like the hadron, for one thing it is a lot easier to level the bed!

It also runs much quieter.
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