So let me get this straight...... you are going to use a single motor to drive the z axis and that whole axis will be attached to the x axis. That... is... neat.... I would be worried about wobble and whiplash because of the extra weight on just a single axis, but otherwise, it's interesting.
What do you have in mind as a extrusion method?
So, the don't to the grit of it. I have always had luck with Arduino Mega 2560, RAMPS and A4988 stepper drivers. One nice solid unit. I upload marlin to that and with a bit of tweaking you will be able to come up with something that moves and do some more tweaking you will have something that gives you nice prints.
Get the Arduino Gui
Marlin Firmware... 'Download Link' on the right column at the bottom.
Use Repetier, it's my favorite at the moment, playing with Cura, but can't quite get it to.... always give me consistant printer connection results... don't know who's moody, the computer, software, the hardware. Anyways, I do use Cura to slice, and just copy over the Gcode.
Repetier - Comes with Slic3r
If you need help with setup, for picking what pulleys, belts, switch, bells and whistles just let me know. And Good luck.
Nice design. Seems limited on the z axis. Looking forward to seeing it built though.
Larsen -
Creative Shift Workshop