DRV8825 trimpot current adjust
May 24, 2014 01:39PM
When plugging in my DRV8825 steppers to my megatronics and supplying 24v power, i am not able to dtereming the output voltage to my stepper motors. Everything i have read tells me to place the multimeter at the refernce point(small hole on stepper) and the ground. when i do this i read 24v, which is very high. making adjustments to the trimpot does nothing to thevoltage reading, and i destroyed one stepper in the process. am
i missing something?

note: i do not have the src12v jumpered, bc i am running 24v. this decision was made from my interpetation from the datasheet. Is this part of the problem?

Thanks for the help

Bill C
Re: DRV8825 trimpot current adjust
May 24, 2014 04:09PM
Vref can only vary between 0 and 3.3V on that stepper driver, it sounds like you're measuring the test point that gives the motor supply voltage - the one you want is on the other side of the board, although the voltage can be measured from the trimpot wiper itself.
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