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Extruder works now it only wants to amke HUGE parts

Posted by Curlrup 
Extruder works now it only wants to amke HUGE parts
March 08, 2010 06:17PM
Well if it isn't one thing it is another. Now when I send a part to the machine that is about a 2 inch in diameter circular part it draws an oblong part all across the entire platform. I thought I had axes switched but nope all are where they should be. It's like it is building in metric on one axis and inches on the other. The z stage is fine. So wierd. Any thoughts?
Re: Extruder works now it only wants to amke HUGE parts
March 08, 2010 08:38PM
Also how many opto endstops should I have? I have 2 for each axis but only 1 hooked up on each.
Re: Extruder works now it only wants to amke HUGE parts
March 08, 2010 08:42PM
The steps per millimeter (and steps per inch) is settable independently. You probably just need to recompile your firmware with the correct numbers. You did edit the .h file?

Endstops are 1 per axis for zero positioning. It was originally designed for more, but last I heard there aren't enough pins on the processor to properly use them all.

I'm building it with Baling Wire
Re: Extruder works now it only wants to amke HUGE parts
March 08, 2010 11:23PM
Have a look at this part in the Configuration.h

#define X_STEPS_PER_MM 10.047
#define INVERT_X_DIR 0

#define Y_STEPS_PER_MM 10.047
#define INVERT_Y_DIR 0

#define Z_STEPS_PER_MM 833.398
#define INVERT_Z_DIR 0

Aller Anfang war schwer - Wolfstrap Reprap-fab.org Meine Meinung

Erfahrungen kann man leider schlecht weiter geben, die muss man selber machen.
Re: Extruder works now it only wants to amke HUGE parts
March 09, 2010 06:58AM
jgilmore Wrote:
> The steps per millimeter (and steps per inch) is
> settable independently. You probably just need to
> recompile your firmware with the correct numbers.
> You did edit the .h file?
> Endstops are 1 per axis for zero positioning. It
> was originally designed for more, but last I heard
> there aren't enough pins on the processor to
> properly use them all.

Ok I have one opto per axis. Which .h file?

Wolfgang I will check that as well, isn't that how you dial inyour accuracy depending on your machines gearing? When I had the old firmware installed it would traceout this part no problem and those parameters were set that same as they are now.
Re: Extruder works now it only wants to amke HUGE parts
March 09, 2010 07:48AM
> isn't that how you dial inyour accuracy depending on your machines gearing?

yes it is !

did your Stepper not run in one direktion ? (too fast ?)

normaly i make a square (10mmx10mm) and look what the machine makes from it.

Aller Anfang war schwer - Wolfstrap Reprap-fab.org Meine Meinung

Erfahrungen kann man leider schlecht weiter geben, die muss man selber machen.
Re: Extruder works now it only wants to amke HUGE parts
March 09, 2010 10:09AM
The machine moves fine it is just building everything HUGE. I know it sounds like a simple inches to metric conversion but where? Everything is set to metric and the STL is metric. The STL loads in the host software in the right scale but looks like it is printing inches....I have to be missing a conversion somewhere.....
Re: Extruder works now it only wants to amke HUGE parts
March 09, 2010 10:50AM
look in your G-Code is there this ?

G21 (Millimetres as units Implemented.)

Aller Anfang war schwer - Wolfstrap Reprap-fab.org Meine Meinung

Erfahrungen kann man leider schlecht weiter geben, die muss man selber machen.
Re: Extruder works now it only wants to amke HUGE parts
March 09, 2010 02:54PM
> Endstops are 1 per axis for zero positioning. It was originally designed for more, but last I heard there aren't enough pins on the processor to properly use them all.

There are enough pins, even on a standard Arduino, for a standard RepRap. You only have one extra pin, so if you want to add something else, like a heated bed or extruder encoder you will have to cannibalize the max sensors. I don't use the max sensors because they get knocked out of alignment more often than they activate (because I almost never move that far.)

Darwin clone, Gen 2 electronics, Arduino Duemilanove w/ AtMega328, 5D Firmware, Pinchwheel extruder
Re: Extruder works now it only wants to amke HUGE parts
March 09, 2010 05:40PM
Curlrup, try measuring the difference between the commanded and actual moves, and the ratio might give you a clue. It could be that one of your stepper drivers is set to microstepping mode if it's 1/2, 1/4, 1/8 or 1/16 exactly.
Re: Extruder works now it only wants to amke HUGE parts
March 09, 2010 07:09PM
Wade Wrote:
> Curlrup, try measuring the difference between the
> commanded and actual moves, and the ratio might
> give you a clue. It could be that one of your
> stepper drivers is set to microstepping mode if
> it's 1/2, 1/4, 1/8 or 1/16 exactly.

It's funny I jog the machine 10 mm in each axis and it jogs very close to 10 mm, I send an STL file to it and it prints like it is printing something huge. It even overshoots when it homes itself before a print. If I get a build going with the motors off and turn them on after the home command it is making huge moves. It's crazy.
Re: Extruder works now it only wants to amke HUGE parts
March 09, 2010 08:07PM
By default the home command should move all the way to the endstops, no matter where the head is in the machine. Perhaps you could attach the gcode file to this post, and I'll see if it looks ok. What firware version and host version are you running? Attach the Stl as well, sometimes they have odd offsets.

Re: Extruder works now it only wants to amke HUGE parts
March 10, 2010 11:30AM
The funny thing is even though it is building huge parts when it homes and triggers the Optos it keeps right on going. If I home it in the control panel on the host it stops. I will get all my versions and G Code here soon. Thanks


Wade Wrote:
> By default the home command should move all the
> way to the endstops, no matter where the head is
> in the machine. Perhaps you could attach the
> gcode file to this post, and I'll see if it looks
> ok. What firware version and host version are you
> running? Attach the Stl as well, sometimes they
> have odd offsets.
> Wade
Re: Extruder works now it only wants to amke HUGE parts
March 10, 2010 12:19PM
if you are using the Reprap Host software, put the part (klick right on it) a little in the mittle of the Table..
The way to the Homeposition at the beginning of a layer is normal.

Aller Anfang war schwer - Wolfstrap Reprap-fab.org Meine Meinung

Erfahrungen kann man leider schlecht weiter geben, die muss man selber machen.
Re: Extruder works now it only wants to amke HUGE parts
March 10, 2010 04:41PM
Well I tried a diffrent STL file and it works great! I think that SYL was bad, very very possible. New problem.......I know will it ever end. This is a little more cryptic It stops after two layers and gives me this error message

Productionexception:java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1


What is out of bounds?

It is tracing the file perfectly. It homes and starts printing. Very strange. Any thoughts? Thanks for all of the help folks I am soooo close to printing something.

Re: Extruder works now it only wants to amke HUGE parts
March 11, 2010 12:42AM
array index out of bounds exception means something is asking for item number 5 (index) from a list (array) of 3 items or something like that.

Wooden Mendel
Teacup Firmware
Re: Extruder works now it only wants to amke HUGE parts
March 11, 2010 05:01AM
when you look at the complete stack trace, of the thrown exception,
you can also see the class and line-number of source-code where the exception occurred. It helps tremendously when debugging the original source-code.
Hope this helps.
Marius Botha
Pretoria, South Africa
Re: Extruder works now it only wants to amke HUGE parts
March 11, 2010 07:24AM
Yep none of that helps me at all. Sorry folks but when it comes to java and programing I am a complete novice, I know little to nothing. I know more than most but what Triffid and Ballance posted went right over my head.
Re: Extruder works now it only wants to amke HUGE parts
March 11, 2010 10:41AM
OK I got everything rolling again. I even got Skeinforge, and Repilcator G rolling so now I just have to get that extruder stepper gear to stop slipping and I am good to go. The gear I put on the shaft to grip the filament keeps workinig loose. That is an easy fix I know how to do. I soon will be posting first prints!
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