My setup: Kossel mini, Arduino mega 2560, Ramps 1.4, bed 170 [mm].
Using latest firmware (latest to last week
Still doing calibration.. all seems to be OK.
1. I arrive to "Set and test Z-probe retract position" as explained in
here, I think I miss something.
My bed is 170 [mm] since DELTA_PRINTABLE_RADIUS = 70.0
my minimum Xmin= -70[mm], Xmax = 70[mm] same in Ymin=-70[mm], Ymax=70[mm].
In order to arrive to the Z-probe retract position the hot-end need to be
outside the bed but I can't arrive to that location.
As far as I've understood that (shortening the printable radius) is done in order to correct the concave/convex at the end of the bed.. [so I'm not sure I should increase DELTA_PRINTABLE_RADIUS to 90.0 ]
What should I do?
2. What will be considered good calibration? (regarding concave/convex values at center V.S outer locations) is 5 mm is allot? is 1 mm is very good?
Best regards.