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Printable RepRap giveaways for shows/exhibitions...

Posted by NumberSix 
Printable RepRap giveaways for shows/exhibitions...
August 20, 2014 09:35AM
At shows and exhibitions there is a custom of giveaways! We are looking for simple designs that promote "RepRap.org", are quick to print but at the same time demonstrate 3d printing.

This ties in with the suggestion from Tony (Think3DPrint3D) over on the post about the RepRap Community Hub at the TCTShow in Birmingham, UK. Tony suggests items could be printed in advance and posted to RichRap who's coordinating the RepRap Community Hub at this years show (2014). [forums.reprap.org]

To kick things off I'm sharing a simple KeyTab. Do share your designs and get imaginations working.
.stl attached also, but note, I haven't printed this yet (away for the week so not access to printer sad smiley ), but still wanted to kick off this appeal.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/20/2014 09:42AM by NumberSix.

open | download - RepRapKeyTab.stl (414.7 KB)
Re: Printable RepRap giveaways for shows/exhibitions...
August 20, 2014 06:10PM
Looking good! will do a test print tonight. Hopefully more people will come up woith designs and we can have a goodie bag full!

DuetWifi.: advanced 3d printing electronics
Re: Printable RepRap giveaways for shows/exhibitions...
August 21, 2014 02:46AM
What about a cable winder. Something useful quick to print and shows off RepRap.org's logo. I suck at design but something like

[www.thingiverse.com] with RepRap.org in the middle

Re: Printable RepRap giveaways for shows/exhibitions...
August 21, 2014 09:47AM
I agree with Miertam, the key chain looks good, but something useful might be better.

Then again, how long does it take to print? Is it possible to have a pre-made bag full of goodies but customize one with someones name while they wait, both demonstrating printing and the "prototype" process. How difficult would it be to print out someones name on top of an existing key chain? Like engraving "blanks" but additive?

Just trying to throw out some ideas.
Re: Printable RepRap giveaways for shows/exhibitions...
August 21, 2014 11:49AM
A single print on my fairly slow i2 takes 18 minutes to print with a 40mm/s print speed with 100% infill. I was using it as my test print to calibrate my printer. A faster/better set up printer would of course reduce that time quite a bit.

Re: Printable RepRap giveaways for shows/exhibitions...
August 23, 2014 09:17AM
NumberSix, All

This is a great start - I printed it in <10min on a Mini Kossel, then tried it scaled down 50% - about the size op a poker chip and its really quick <5min. The only issue is with it scaled down the text is no longer discernable so it would be good if you could make the text thicker so the slicer leaves a big enough gap.

Other ides for useful objects would be good. so far I have though of a penny bottle opener or a whistle with the RepRap.org address on the side however creative design is not my stong point.



DuetWifi.: advanced 3d printing electronics
Re: Printable RepRap giveaways for shows/exhibitions...
August 23, 2014 03:55PM
A 3mm reprap wrench?
Re: Printable RepRap giveaways for shows/exhibitions...
August 24, 2014 10:15AM
NumberSix, All

This is a great start - I printed it in <10min on a Mini Kossel, then tried it scaled down 50% - about the size op a poker chip and its really quick <5min. The only issue is with it scaled down the text is no longer discernable so it would be good if you could make the text thicker so the slicer leaves a big enough gap.

Other ides for useful objects would be good. so far I have though of a penny bottle opener or a whistle with the RepRap.org address on the side however creative design is not my stong point.


Hi Tony and others,
Having a chance to test print this morning I can see my original .stl above is just too large, but as you've also realised, printing text at smaller sizes has it's challenges. I'll do some resizing and see how it shapes up.

Other interesting suggestions on printable giveaways include the penny bottle opener, and a small spanner or other tool. We do want to incorporate the "RepRap.org" txt somehow since there will be other giveaways at the show and the primary purpose of this one is to promote RepRap.

Keep the ideas coming, and better still some .stl files that we can test print, and print quantities in advance of the show.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/26/2014 05:32AM by NumberSix.

Re: Printable RepRap giveaways for shows/exhibitions...
August 26, 2014 02:27PM
What is the correct font for the text?
Re: Printable RepRap giveaways for shows/exhibitions...
August 26, 2014 02:50PM

according to here:


DejaVu Sans bold



DuetWifi.: advanced 3d printing electronics
Re: Printable RepRap giveaways for shows/exhibitions...
August 27, 2014 10:30AM
Paste pushers?

Small and quick to print, everyone love them and really useful. We could customize the branding somehow


Re: Printable RepRap giveaways for shows/exhibitions...
August 27, 2014 11:20PM
I just printed a couple of these out and they work great


If you added a hole to the top corner and the RepRap logo it becomes a keyfob that is useful. It took about 5 minutes to print both of them.
Re: Printable RepRap giveaways for shows/exhibitions...
August 28, 2014 02:37AM
How about RepRap logo fridge magnets? I just need to find a cheap source of stick back magnetic tape.

DuetWifi.: advanced 3d printing electronics
Re: Printable RepRap giveaways for shows/exhibitions...
August 28, 2014 06:02AM
I just printed a couple of these out and they work great


If you added a hole to the top corner and the RepRap logo it becomes a keyfob that is useful. It took about 5 minutes to print both of them.

Here you go Miertam,
Added a little handle and RepRap.org text. There's a little hole in the handle for a keyring. STL also attached.

open | download - HBP Wedge with RepRap Handle.stl (121.6 KB)
Re: Printable RepRap giveaways for shows/exhibitions...
August 28, 2014 09:56AM
That is awesome..Will print it out this evening when I get home from work.

thanks Mike
Re: Printable RepRap giveaways for shows/exhibitions...
August 28, 2014 10:34AM
Hi Mike,
Do post a photo and a little detail on your choice of slicing settings, so we can see what the gizmo looks like.
(I notice people have difficulty posting pictures on the forum sometimes... Here's a quick instruction for all on how to post pictures... In a separate window, upload picts via Control Center (Top Right of screen)... My Files section, keeping them small, then click on the uploaded file and copy the full link (URL) to memory, then use the "Insert Image URL" icon in the message box and past the image link. The image is stored on the forum, and displayed within your post.)

Re: Printable RepRap giveaways for shows/exhibitions...
August 30, 2014 01:57AM
It took some tweaking to get my printer, Prusa i2 from 3dstuffmaker, to print it out in a quality and speed that I liked. Here are my slicing settings from Cura
layer_height = 0.09
wall_thickness = 0.9
retraction_enable = True
solid_layer_thickness = 0.9
fill_density = 100
nozzle_size = 0.35
print_speed = 50
print_temperature = 210
print_bed_temperature = 0
support = Touching buildplate
platform_adhesion = None
support_dual_extrusion = Both
wipe_tower = False
wipe_tower_volume = 15
ooze_shield = False
filament_diameter = 2.85
filament_flow = 110.0
retraction_speed = 40.0
retraction_amount = 4.5
retraction_dual_amount = 16.5
retraction_min_travel = 1.5
retraction_combing = True
retraction_minimal_extrusion = 0.02
retraction_hop = 0.0
bottom_thickness = 0.25
layer0_width_factor = 100
object_sink = 0.0
overlap_dual = 0.15
travel_speed = 70.0
bottom_layer_speed = 20
infill_speed = 50.0
inset0_speed = 20.0
insetx_speed = 0.0
cool_min_layer_time = 5
fan_enabled = True
skirt_line_count = 4
skirt_gap = 3.0
skirt_minimal_length = 150.0
fan_full_height = 0.5
fan_speed = 100
fan_speed_max = 100
cool_min_feedrate = 10
cool_head_lift = False
solid_top = True
solid_bottom = True
fill_overlap = 15
support_type = Lines
support_angle = 60
support_fill_rate = 35
support_xy_distance = 0.7
support_z_distance = 0.15
spiralize = False
simple_mode = False
brim_line_count = 10
raft_margin = 5.0
raft_line_spacing = 3.0
raft_base_thickness = 0.3
raft_base_linewidth = 1.0
raft_interface_thickness = 0.27
raft_interface_linewidth = 0.4
raft_airgap = 0.22
raft_surface_layers = 2
fix_horrible_union_all_type_a = False
fix_horrible_union_all_type_b = False
fix_horrible_use_open_bits = False
fix_horrible_extensive_stitching = False
plugin_config =
object_center_x = -1
object_center_y = -1

I then scaled the X and Y to 65% and left the Z at 100% With the addition of the handle a full sized scraper becomes kind of big. 65% seemed to be the ideal size to still be useful/readable and keep the print time lowish. It took 37 minutes to print and used .57 meters of filament.

and the experments.

Thanks Mike
Re: Printable RepRap giveaways for shows/exhibitions...
August 30, 2014 07:42AM
Logo'd bottle opener?
Nothing is better then a beer while you wait for you print to finish.
Re: Printable RepRap giveaways for shows/exhibitions...
August 30, 2014 08:08AM
I've taken the original KeyTab idea from above and resized it to match a 1£ Coin (UK based show - TCTShow.com), so it could double as a key ring tab or a trolley token, still incorporating "RepRap.org" as the common theme of these show giveaways.
It prints well at .2h/.3w, and uses less that 200mm of 3mm filament at 50% fill.
Not living in the UK I haven't tested this as a 1£ Trolly Token so if anyone want's to do that feel free. .stl attached.

open | download - RepRapTrolleyToken1Pound.stl (191.5 KB)
Re: Printable RepRap giveaways for shows/exhibitions...
August 30, 2014 09:28AM

I really like the trolley tokens - great idea I will print one and try it on a trolley ASAP, you may need to make it a £1 thickness and have all the text indented though for it to fit.

I have ordered some of this to try:

for fridge magnets



Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/30/2014 09:29AM by T3P3.

DuetWifi.: advanced 3d printing electronics
Re: Printable RepRap giveaways for shows/exhibitions...
August 30, 2014 10:46AM
Hi Tony,
The 1£ Token was slightly higher than the actual £. I have found the raised text prints cleaner than sunken text, so here's a version of the token which is 3mm high inc raised text (full thickness of 1£ coin). You can try this one also if you get a chance.
Do you use Sketchup? I can share the Sketchup file it's of value also.

Have you any fridge magnet designs in mind or are you throwing it out there?

open | download - RepRapTrollyPoundv2.stl (191.6 KB)
Re: Printable RepRap giveaways for shows/exhibitions...
August 30, 2014 10:55AM
Hi Ivor

thanks, I will try both and let you know.

For the fridge magnets I have a bit of time until the tpe is delivered to think of designs - something that emphasises the versatility of 3d printing would be good. No ideas as yet.



DuetWifi.: advanced 3d printing electronics
Re: Printable RepRap giveaways for shows/exhibitions...
August 30, 2014 02:29PM
RepRap Lego bricks.. If you have printers set up and running this is possibly a print on demand item. For kids only to show off to the parents how flexible the printers are.
Lego brick necklace

Thanks Mike
Re: Printable RepRap giveaways for shows/exhibitions...
September 09, 2014 04:49PM
Some more ideas... With Halloween around the corner I was thinking some Orange/Black/White items of a Halloween'ish nature would be good also... with the "RepRap.org" branding incorporated of course! I've done a little magic wand design and ran some in Halloween colours... STL attached for sharing.

"RepRap.org is Magic!" smiling smiley

open | download - RepRapOrgWand.stl (97.2 KB)
Re: Printable RepRap giveaways for shows/exhibitions...
September 10, 2014 02:18AM
Some more ideas... With Halloween around the corner I was thinking some Orange/Black/White items of a Halloween'ish nature would be good also... with the "RepRap.org" branding incorporated of course! I've done a little magic wand design and ran some in Halloween colours... STL attached for sharing.

"RepRap.org is Magic!" smiling smiley

Trixie Approves this!

this is going into my to be printed folder.

Thanks Mike
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